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Everything posted by x635
I'm pretty sure that they are elminating these positions through attrition, and hopefully not layoffs. Greenburgh cops are busy enough as it is AND when EMS is busy, there are less cops on the street....and now they're going to be down 6 officers and not fill open spots in the schedule. Also, I've heard through the grapevine that the town also eliminated a civilian Paramedic position. This from the town with a bare-bones EMS service that has to rely heavily on mutual aid, and is overburdended as it is. Greenburgh's trying to make things more efficient and lean as you can see in the letter, and although I agree with some of the cuts, it concerns me that the PD is considering elimanting 6 Police Officer positions and reducing staffing by overtime cuts. Hopefully, one of these days we'll see the redundancies in emergency services in Greenburgh eliminated (this includes the villages), which would truly cut costs while being able to maintain staffing. From the Town Of Greenburgh Town Supervisor's Email List: http://www.greenburghny.com/Documents/2009...ve%20Budget.pdf (just completed construction on a $30+ million new library, and Greenburgh has one of the worst school districts in the County, yet spends the most per student in the nation. Go figure!)
Noticed this classic sitting in the parking lot of the Yonkers Movie Studios on Tuckahoe Road. Always some interesting finds there, and I wonder what upcoming film this will appear in. Also, did NYC*EMS even run Cadillac ambulances like this??
Wow. I really didn't want to get involved with this, but: I guess all of you crying "socialism" are going to give up your disablility benefits, pensions, Medicare, etc, since those are "socialist" programs. Also, I assume you will all stop attending "10-13" parties. I know some of you will say "I earned it!"....but if you get hurt on the job and cannot return to work, then how do you "earn" continued disability benefits? What about the federal bailout of the banks??? Is that not a socialist move? John McCain had numerous health problems, and would have been the oldest president elected into office. I like the guy, I just don't think he'd make a good President. I'm not going to even address those that think Sarah Palin would make a better president then Obama.... Also, as far as the racial concerns. Several states passed laws yesterday banning adoption of children by gay or lesbian couples. I guess that having children grow up in orphanages and foster homes is better then having them grow up in homes with parents that actually want to be parents. Now that we have an African-American President, America is seemingly finding a new group to throw their bigotry and prejudice towards. Why do we feel the need to judge these people? What happened to the seperation of Church and State? Are these people bothering us or doing our country harm? What right do we have to say they can't be parents? What happened to this being a "free country"? I've never seen so much taken out of context then I have with PRESIDENT Obama. He has the power to inspire Americans, and that is very important right now. This has been one of the most historic elections ever, and there is a reason for that. We need somebody like Obama. Especially after 8 years of Bush and Cheney, and their gross incompetence. Give the guy the benefit of the doubt, especially after Bush has done irreversible damage to this nation that won't be repaired in our lifetime, no matter who or what happens. Destroyed our image. People are crying about terrorism, etc....but I live and work near Fort Hood, one of the largest military installations in the free world. I see the news about all the US soldiers who are killed almost every day, and I see the way vetrans are treated. Bush and the Republicans are "strong against terrorism"? Well, they've sure killed a lot of American citizens, destroyed and devestaed families, destabilized an entire nation (Iraq), and have forced those who chose to serve into more tours than they signed up for. Oh yeah, anyone seen Bin Laden lately? Good job Bush!! *The opinion stated here reflect MY personal opinion, and in no way the opinion of EMTBravo.net forums.
I'm not trying to stir the pot, just trying to get the correct information out, since the rumors are going around with some wild versions (OUTSIDE this forum). I've recieved additional intelligence that they will keep him and select officers will train him. Also, he is to ride out on Engine 6, even without any qualifications. This directive was as per Chief Everett as far as I understand. If the above stands to be correct (after posting on this forum), if he can't get along with other FF's in the Academy, what about in the firehouse? I thought you had to graduate the academy according to civil service and NYS OFPC laws/rules?
I have heard from reliable sources that a Mount Vernon firefighter who did have a criminal record (unspecified) was thrown out of the academy in a dispute with a White Plains probie. I don't have further details, but we're lucky this happened in the academy and not in a firehouse. And the drama that is Mount Vernon FD continues.....how long has ED been out of office now?
Looks like an extensive and well done cut job! Great pics also, BTW, and thanks for sharing with us!
Isn't NYPD considerably understaffed already as it is? Also, what would be cut out of those weeks of FDNY academy training???
Driving through a busy, dense urban neighborhood recently, I came upon this tire shop. Inside was PACKED, wall to wall, floor to cieling, with tires and rims, but mostly tires. Is something like this allowed by code? Would sprinklers be mandated? I think there is office space being used as residential upstairs. If something came in in the middle of the night, and you had fire showing from the first floor and victims trapped on the second, what do you do? I pray this building never generates a NIOSH report. What would you do if something occurred here? I know the FD that responds is more than capable of handling the situation and then some, I'm just perplexed by it and want to learn more by discussion.
I used to go to Master all the time with my grandmother! During their "heyday", they had everything! A toy department, pet department, etc.
I've been meaning to do this for a while, but when I read 242Steve's email, I decided the time was now. From "242Steve", who came to me with this suggestion T
Excellent photos, Kris!!
From "The Secret List":
Daylight Savings Time ends 2 a.m. Sunday (tommorow early AM). Don’t forget to set your clocks back an hour, and change your smoke/CO detector batteries.
This was sitting in Yonkers DPW shops attached to one of their dump trucks. I don't know if Yonkers DPW purchased or rented this, but they are ready to melt some snow this winter from the looks of things!!! Usually, this is used in downtown areas, to clear away banked snow and melt it down and flush it down storm or sewer drains. A payloader picks up the snow, dumps it in the hopper, and the snow is melted and sent down the sewer or storm water route as water. I know NYC and Boston employ these, especially in areas where there's going to be an event, or it is impratical/difficult to truck away the snow. Official website: http://www.snowdragonmelters.com/ Does a good job explaining how the unit works.
I'm doubtful this unit even exists, and it really is irrelevant to this whole converstation. If it was a unit, I'm sure there were some citations issued like possesion of stolen property. These businesses reported these carts as stolen, don't forget.
That's bull. I don't even know if this unit even exists, or if it's just a rumor. The Crossroads Shopping Center area in Fairvew a few years back was faced with people going to Caldor or K-Mart or Walmbaums and walking home with the shopping cart and dumping it in the street, next time they went shopping they didn't bring the cart back, instead they just stole a new one. There were shopping carts all over the side streets. That's theft, and something that costs these businesses thousands of dollars a year. At the height of the situation, you couldn't even get a cart at these stores because they had none. I won't disagree that some resources could be used better. However, there's more to this issue, don't read a book by the cover as they say.
This year, daylight savings time is convienent for me! I get an extra hour of sleep between my two twelves and my nonstop 24!!!
Westchester County Department Of Emergency Services Grasslands Fire Brigade (Westchester County Medical Center Campus) Utility 3 2008 Chevrolet C7500/Reading I believe this replaces a 198? Chevrolet Van.
Interesting article. FULL STORY: http://www.statesman.com/news/content/news...15pursuits.html
Sorry, this ambulance was buried in a slew of other "time period" vehicles...who even owns these and where do they come from?
FULL STORY: http://www.statesman.com/blogs/content/sha...hrowing_4y.html
Over the years, I vaguely remember hearing things about the "Tuckahoe Quarry", and how it's marble (or granite) was used in some very high-profile buildings. What stuck in my mind is that someone said it is now filled with water. I can't place in my head where in Tuckahoe this quarry is......has the land been redeveloped?
There's a new series on A&E entitled "Rookies". It's on Tuesdays at 10 on A&E. It follows a Police Officer who just graduated from the academy during their FTO process. Each episode features 1 officer, and the episode is only 22 minutes long. I don't dig it. It really doesn't show the rookie in a good light. It shows the challenges of being a rookie, but it doesn't go far enough, and in turn I also don't think it gives the public a good idea of how much training an officer actually recieves. http://www.aetv.com/rookies/
FULL STORY: http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20081030/ap_on_...evilish_detroit
http://www.emtbravo.net/index.php?showtopic=28133 I know it's a little belated, thoughts and prayers are with Bob, his family, and the MFVFD during this difficult time.