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Everything posted by x635

  1. Nice shots!
  2. For those who don't know, Dobbs Ferry runs a 1990 Mack CF/Saulsbury/Baker Aerialscope, and Ogden Engine Company (Engine 47) used to run a 1974 Mack CF before being replaced by the current Pierce in the mid 90's. And I can't wait to see the Joe Pinto photo and/or whoever gets a front 3/4 sunlight shot first, lol!!
  3. FULL STORY: http://cms.firehouse.com/content/article/a...mp;sectionId=46
  4. From President Obama's Inugaration Speech: Not only the fact that he mentioned firefighters in his speech, he didn't use 9/11 or anything general to triumph firefighters or just use it to embelish his speech.......his words, and the entire speech spoke volume and was one of the best I've ever heard. The comment about storming a stairway filled with smoke shows, to me, that he really understands firefighters and their true job, and how firefighters represent true Americans. He is a leader who has the power to inspire, as witnessed by the million people standing in the freezing cold for hours just to be there. I know he will do the right thing for Fire, EMS, and PD.
  5. Interesting blog story from Los Angeles City FD's PIO. FULL BLOG: http://lafd.blogspot.com/2006/01/you-got-r...r-now-what.html
  6. FULL STORY: http://www.lohud.com/article/2008901200367 FULL STORY: http://www.lohud.com/article/20090120/NEWS...01200352/0/NEWS
  7. TEASER PHOTO! More photos to be posted later this weekend....check back on this thread!! (HUGE and special thanks to the FF's assigned to the SO Battalion!!) City Of Yonkers, NY Special Operations Battalion Regional USAR Task Force Truck 2008 Freightliner/Hackney Photo by Seth G. (x635) http://www.x635Photos.com Arsenal of equipment and trained manpower available to the region 24/7....as mentioned, will be posting more photos of this unit later this weekend.....
  8. I'll admit, I've done it myself, and here's the proof (way back in the day). Why? I think it's because I wasn't anticipating I was going to use the pack.....still, no excuse.
  9. This photo was posted because it was a great action shot, and not to get disected. But, we don't censor discussion here as many believe. I think there is a valid point here in regards to the straps getting caught and position going down the ladder. This is the reason why some departments hate digital photography, and photos of their fires being posted. Because it opens them up to critique, from those that weren't there and don't have all the facts. It catches all the errors for everyone to point out. Do we do the job by the book every time? No. This officer probaly has more fire experience then most of us, expecially the second poster on this thread. BUT, the question is....in firefighting, do we do things the way we are taught, the way we train, the way the SOP's or manufacturers say we should do them, or do we freelance and do whatever is the most comfortable or be lazy? If you teach a class, do you teach when to wear the straps and when not to? This was posted on FirefighterCloseCalls.com by Billy Goldfeder:
  10. This show, by far, is my favorite show on televison right now. I'm psyched that it will be back for a second season. I think O'Hare is an AWESOME operation and sees some pretty cool incidents. FULL STORY: http://www.speedtv.com/article/speed-gives...-second-season/
  11. I'm so sick of seeing the back and forth between some members of the emergency services community. Police. Fire. EMS. We work together, we win together. There's no need to take potshots, no need to create further tension on this forum. Is it about US, or is it about the public we serve? If you're in this field for the right reasons, then you believe in the statement above. Anybody who doesn't believe in such can take their ego and walk out the door.
  12. EXCELLENT shots! I know how difficullt it is at night to get shots, but you nailed it. And thank for sharing them with all of us here on EMTBravo, much appreciated!! (and look foward to more!)
  13. JM15, great shots and thanks for sharing them here! I love the new scheme...but just out of curiosity, any reason behind the change??
  14. Hmmm. Try again. Any other "Alpha Member" having this issue?? (Test by trying to upload a photo on this thread) Also, what forum are you trying to upload to?
  15. Eastchester FD recently purchased Fairview FD's former Engine 176 as a RESERVE piece. Here's the thread with the details: http://www.emtbravo.net/index.php?showtopic=28740 Thanks for the heads up, LFD171
  16. From: http://www.efrsales.com/webpages/vehicles.asp?sectionType=3
  17. This is the first Contender by Pierce PUC I've seen on a commercial chasis, and I didn't even know one would exist because I thought the whole concept of the PUC was the tilting of the cab for easy access to the pump. It's a neat looking rig, especially with the extended cab. It's currently serving as the Texas demo. Note the new Pierce demo logo on the doot. 2008 International/Contender By Pierce PUC. The model is known as the "Contender Responder" However, it does have a flywheel driven PTO pump.
  18. KUDOS to Truck4.....he had the IA UP before the plane was DOWN!
  19. US Airways Airbus A320 Reports of flocks of seagulls in area.
  20. Several witnesses on different media outlets stating that it appeared like a controllled landing....like the pilot used the river as a runway.
  21. Wow! They're saying that is is POSSIBLE a bird strike that cause this. Looks like the fusealage is intact.
  22. FULL STORY: http://www.lohud.com/article/2008901150392
  23. FULL STORY: http://www.nypost.com/seven/01142009/news/...vest_150071.htm
  24. Full story: http://www.lohud.com/article/2008901150393
  25. My condolences to Rich Quigley, his family, and friends during this diffuclt time. Thoughts and prayers.