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Everything posted by x635

  1. From "The Secret List" http://www.firefighterclosecalls.com Can't say I'm not suprised
  2. I'm wondering, with jetBlue flying in A320's, what is the current staffing for the ARFF units? More specifcally, WHO staffs them? Last I knew, it was only 1 guy- the airport manager, who ran down and jumped in the truck and responded if needed. Before jetBlue and Airtran (did they pull out completly?), I understood, but now with such large aircraft it's a different story. And being that they fly over such dense areas on approach and takeoff, and I hope nothing ever happens. For our ARFF knowledgable guys, what does the FAA require for ARFF at an airport like Westchester?? Again, this could be another component to the Countywide Special Operations department that I suggested in another thread. OR, since there are so many of them there already, maybe cross-train County PD like Port Authority FD? Or, maybe a volunteer ARFF team of guys that live in the area who would be immediately available in such a time criticial situation, as they have put this faith in other concepts recently.
  3. Can you do your CME's online? I know that there are several in Westchester coming up.
  4. Interesting article as to why they're switching.....what do you guys think? FULL ARTICLE: http://www.star-telegram.com/northeast/story/1231133.html
  5. Yes. There was much debate in the department about it, but in the end it was decided that it was a good community policing concept. The public really likes it here, and I think it's cool to kind of "get to know" the officers that way.
  6. FULL STORY: http://emsresponder.com/article/article.js...p;siteSection=1
  7. Check out this AWESOME new ambulance!!! 2nd agency in NYC to use Frazer (Generator Powered module, widely popular here in Texas), after Lennox Hill. http://www.frazerbilt.com/flash.php GO TO: >Recent Deliveries >St. Lukes Rooseverlt Looks sharp and functional, and th extended cab is definelty unique. And I know the color scheme isn't new, but I still love it.
  8. FULL STORY: http://cms.firehouse.com/web/online/News/R...g/46$63034
  9. Good catch, RES20CUE!! The winning bidder was Rescue 1 (PL Custom) out of New Jersey. It will be on a Spartan chasis. Delivery is expected in Fall 2009. Tandem axle, I believe. The original plan was to keep the current R-16, renumbering it HM-4, and keeping the cascade system so it can double as a Mask Service Unit. It's primary role will be the Northern Westchester Spill Response unit. This Ebay thing came as a suprise to me, as well as the sale of Engine 275. Maybe the district is trying to raise some cash, I don't know but it would have been a great resource as an MSU and support unit for Northern Westchester.
  10. I am not suprised. Typical Boston politics. Hopefully, tthis will be the starting point of a professional fleet maintainence division. Some of their practices are ridiculous. http://www.thebostonchannel.com/download/2...11/18907504.pdf
  11. Any updates on plans to replace Stamford's TL-1? I lost track.
  12. http://www.fireengineering.com/news/wire_s...ublicationId=25
  13. Thanks for the info and update! I don't think HME Ahrens Fox makes a tower yet, so it will be interesting to see who the contenders may be. Too bad it has to be a TL, because I'd love to see a tiller running the streets of Stamford again!
  14. But the same thing can be said about cops in smaller agencies around the county, firefighters in low volume departments, EMT's and Paramedics in low volume agencies, and the County's volunteer specialized teams. If these guys are paid to be there, they have more time to drill and train, and more flexibility to respond to more incidents. And, as mentioned, you could take some senior guys from New Rochelle, Yonkers, etc to pepper in some experience and leadership.
  15. I agree with your post, Chief. Greatpoint about the bomb squad. WCDES's primary responsibilities are countywide COORDINATION, this element involves the state-mandated 60 Control, and TRAINING. Shouldn't they master both of those before they go into other endeavors? Now they do a million other things, but when I started my career, it was basically Walter, Maryln, the training field, and 60 Control. They've come a long way since then.........but I think they providing an uneccesary and wasteful service that is already provided in an excellent capacity. There's many ways for them to provide a support role, but if they want to play a primary role then they need to create a real department for that. As for the Haz-Mat team, I agree with you. Same with C&O. I don't know if it's improved since 2003, probaly not, but I used to struggle trying to get enough members to get them out.....sometimes couldn't even roll the truck or get members on the scene for the first hour or more. If there are to be "Countywide teams" such as this, why not get it overwith already and create a "Countywide Fire Department" that could better serve those people that are considered "underserved" by some on this thread? Nothing makes sense, and nothing ever changes. It's all about egos, home turf, and everyone wanting the latest toys. If you ask questions or don't go along with the "cliques" in the county you're immediately outcasts and labeled a "basher". These same people can't fight for the people who dispatch them for better pay, better staffing, and better facilities? How is that NOT a priority????? Granted, they have come a long way in the past few years, but going to other dispatch facilties they are at least 10 years behind the best agencies.....where they should be because they have an excellent staff. I think the answers will come when this team handles their first incidents.
  16. I just ordered it using a gift card I had from Christmas....judging by FAJ's previous publications, this book should be another excellent publication. I can't wait to get it, and will post a review as soon as I can.
  17. A while back, it was talked about having a Con-Ed rep @ 60 Control with a laptop during storms so 60 Control could directly and quickly interface with Con-Ed, and not have to spend the time on the tie line. Did this ever happen, or has the "Wires Down" ETA situation improved since I last knew?
  18. I'm curious about the history between the IAFF and the March Of Dimes? They do a yearly fill the boot, as well as some other events. I'm not saying March of Dimes isn't a great cause, but you would think that their major charity they send their money to and encourage their members to fundraise for would be cancer research or cardiac related causes.
  19. I really would have liked to see more members take advantage of it. If we could afford it, we could have better Chat software that will allow for "guest speakers", and question and answer session, but that's out of our budget right now unless someone wishes to sponsor something.
  20. I know it's irrelevant, but an interesting fact. Fairview Fire Department in Greenburgh (Westchester County) also has almost over 50% tax-exempt properties. And these are the facilities that tax them the most.....nursing homes, colleges, churches, parkways, etc) Good luck to the guys at Fairview North!
  21. In retrospect, the Paramedic requirment was stupid and useless, and don't know why I mentioned it. However, this could be a great place for more senior experienced firefighters to come work. Just like Westchester County PD provides support resources (Aviation, Marine, Mobile Command Unit, Bomb, SWAT) to local municpalities, this could do the same while forming the basis for an eventual countywide department. If the duplication of resources and spending better controlled, the funding for salaries wouldn't be an issue at all. If the team is well thought out and versatile, then there would be plenty for them to do. Heck, you have firefighters in firehouses who do less than 1,000 calls a year, no EMS unless specially requested, and haven't seen a real fire in years, if ever making over $100,000 a year without breaking a sweat. Take away mutual aid calls, dual responses, and automatic alarms and they'd really do nothing). Meanwhile, guys in Mount Vernon making less then half that and working for it. Maybe leveling the playing field and getting rid of half of the officers in some departments (does every little department need a dedicated high ranking shift commander?? Or can the resource be shared and individual houses divided among Lt's) would help even out pay and make room for more positions. It would also give newer firefighters a chance to get experience. All while SHARING resources for EVEN, STEADY coverage. As an example of the waste, there is a town in Westchester with 3 paid fire departments IN ONE UNION, ONE police department, and ONE DPW. All three fire chiefs making over $120,000 a year, and only one of them actually is progressive, active, and is a valuable asset. Why can't there just be ONE department, with the latter competent Chief as the Chief?? The other two are past 70 years old, have been in office as Chief for over 30 years, and are drawing a ridiculous amount of money from the taxapyers wallets. If they cared about the department or the people they served, they would retire already to let the department move on and be fair to the taxpayers- I'm sure they will be well pensioned. The departments are poorly staffed and really run mish-mosh. Comparatively, the Chief in the other district works his butt off 24/7/365 to be a leader, goes to a majority of calls, and make sure his department is properly staffed, trained, and lead. That, in addition to making sure that they are progressive and cooperative with other agencies. He EARNS his salary. Why is there such a dramatic difference in the way taxpayer dollars are spent for fire protection in the same town? As far as leadership when the time comes, Chief Raftery of Greenville has my endorsement for DES Commisioner and I'll call every connection I have when the time comes! Even if he doesn't want it, I'll send some of my new Texas FF friends to convince him..... He should be at the helm for a new dawn for DES. What he has done in Greenville should be a model for the entire County. As far as 60 Control goes, regardless they need better pay, better staffing, and better training.
  22. Sorry for another post. Let's not forget that New Rochelle, Greenville (NOT the Squad system or Town team, Greenville FD itself and itself only), and White Plains all have excellent teams and resources available as well. Here's some photos of Greenville training with Yonkers, an excellent example of their interagency cooperation and some of their resources....including a dog. http://www.emtbravo.lunarpages.com/SpecFea...aining0806.html (*KEEP IN MIND ABOVE LINKED PHOTOS ARE 3+ YEARS OLD AND SOME THINGS HAVE CHANGED!*)
  23. Take a look at Yonkers FD USAR Tractor Trailer: http://www.emtbravo.net/index.php?showtopic=28188 They were still adding tools when I photographed it....some were still on order. Equipment continues to be added to this truck. And this is just ONE of many Yonkers FD USAR resources, which include other trucks and trailers. It's available anytime, anywhere. Along with 20+ trained firefighters under a unified command system and support resources. They also offer training. A fiscally responsible person would say "Hey, Yonkers has that covered already, let's spend our money on something else the County DOESN'T have or needs".