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Everything posted by x635

  1. Doesn't AMR cover New Haven?
  2. I'm glad to hear the event was a success. If this site can be of any help to Officer Rivera during this difficult time, please email me. Unfortunetly, I didn't see this event until now, or I would have posted something on EMTBravo.com. My apologies.
  3. Do we have any update as to how Grady is doing?
  4. Any updates on how Steve is doing?
  5. I'm just curious how many departments officially particpate in social networking sites, such as Twitter, as a tool to communicate with the public. For example, I know of several agencies that use Twitter to advise their residents to change their smoke detector batteries, when a community event is coming out, to publish safety tips, road closures, etc.. The best agency I've seen doing this is LAFD: http://www.lafd.blogspot.com/
  6. http://www.emsresponder.com/web/online/Top...lls/1$9873
  7. Thanks x152 for the update! There's been so many new deliveries in the past couple of years to Stamford, I can't keep up. Maybe one day my camera will catch up on them all, but I highly doubt it will be anytime soon.
  8. Here's a shot I got of them while on FB2:
  9. I love that Quantum tiller!
  10. Having been out on LAFD's fireboats, I can totally see this happening! There are a TON of sea lions in the area....when I was out on Fireboat 2 a few years back, I saw more then I could count.
  11. Does Tarrytown FD still hold a Mardi Gras parade? I remember, it used to be the night before their dress parade, and every department would go all out with a "theme". Candy was tossed to kids, and it was just a fun community event. Some departments got really creative, including mine at the time (Ardsley). It was a blast to see what some departments came up with. Do they still have this parade?
  12. Didn't Mount Kisco replace the Mack? Are they keeping it as an antique? (I hope!)
  13. Unfortunettly, this problem is really widespread. I've been seeing hospitals around here developing programs where social workers intervene, but these people still call EMS regardless. As long as there are lawyers still around, and refusing transport stands a fine line legally, this problem is never going to go away.
  14. There are numerous members of this site that are vigilant and thorough with posting quality Incident Alerts for all the membership to view, and a complete lack of apprecaiton (by some) for all the work that goes into the forum. If you have a suggestion on how we can do it better, contact me or Truck4.
  15. Congrats to Chappaqua! The Velocity is an awesome chasis! FULL STORY AND PHOTOS: http://www.chappaquafd.org/LatestNewsStory...?nSI=1230667575
  16. ALL PHOTOS BY AND POSTED WITH PERMISSION FROM JOE PINTO Thanks again to Joe Pinto for sharing his new delivery shots with us.........all photos were taken this past weekend. He scored some really good shots, and I will be posting them to this thread as time permits. First up is Goldens Bridge new Engine 139: ALL PHOTOS BY AND POSTED WITH PERMISSION FROM JOE PINTO
  18. Truck4 does his best, and spends a LOT of time weeding through the IA posts to make sure they qualify as an IA. He also edits them, and checks the facts to the best of his ability. The other moderators also spend some time weeding out the IA's that shouldn't be IA's, but we can't babysit the forum 24/7, and sometimes, you'll see an IA before a staff member has a chance to get to edit or remove it. The guidelines for IA's were posted above by TRUCK6018 (Thanks!), but unfortunetly some members disregard that. We do our best to inform those members of our guidelines for Incident Alerts. Members who post IA's- please use the above as a reminder as to what constitutes an IA. Also, no member should be discouraged from posting an Incident Alert- if you have a question whether it fits or not, contact Truck4 via PM. ANY MEMBER-If you ever have a question, comment, concern, or information to add regarding an Incident Alert, please contact Truck4 via PM so it can be dealt with.
  19. Date: 07-09-09 Time: 2020hrs Location: 115 Sedgewick Ave X Mclean Ave Description: Suspicious fire in a 1st floor apartment of an OMD with a DOA unrelated to the fire. Writer: x635
  20. The EMTBravo.com main page issue should be resolved as of today-I just cleaned up the code that was damaged and am still working (as always) to make sure that EMTBravo.com is safe for all to visit. If anything, it may be triggering false positives for users of Avast or Macs. Let me know if you experience any further issues ASAP by sending me an email with the details to seth@emtbravo.com PLEASE don't let this issue deter you from visiting EMTBravo.com.....I work hard on the page and don't want some stupid exploit discouraging people from visiting. I try to stay as vigilant as possible to keep the site secure, however, issues pop up from time to time, as internet security is always evolving...as soon as a security issue is resolved, the malware people find a new trick. Also, EVERY computer accesing the internet should be equipped with an up to date virus and firewall program. In most cases, these will prevent your computer from getting infected wherever your internet travels take you. Make sure to run scans on a regular basis. AND, JUST TO REITERATE, THIS WAS AN ISSUE AFFECTING EMTBRAVO.COM (THE MAIN PAGE), NOT EMTBRAVO.NET, WHICH ARE THESE FORUMS... I made a post, sent out an email, posted an announcement, and placed a large message at the top of the forums regarding this.
  21. Date: 07-09-09 Time: 0030hrs Location: Stanley Ave X Highland Ave Units: 3rd PCT Description: (2) males shot, (1) to the leg and (1) to the arm and leg. Writer: x635
  22. Date: 07-08-09 Time: 0130hrs Location: I/A/O 159 Elm St. Units: 3rd PCT Description: (2) Males shot, both walk-ins to St. Joseph's. (1) Victim with multiple GSW's to the stomach tranferred to Jacobi. Writer: x635
  23. Turned out awesome! Really sharp!!!
  24. My condolences, thoughts, and prayers.
  25. FULL STORY: http://cms.firehouse.com/content/article/a...mp;sectionId=46