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Everything posted by x635

  1. Another great find, LFD171! I hope to see this become a reality! Does anyone know if Mount Vernon still has the x-West Harrison Mack CF/Aerialscope single axle in their possesion??? I know that truck's tired and the aerial MAY have failed testing, but they could do what Pelham Manor did to their similar Mack Aerialscope? That wouldn't work if they were looking for a straight stick though, and they already have one Aerialscope.
  2. See article. Same applies in SoCal too. http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2007/06/25/BAGELQL66L1.DTL
  3. meatnpotatoz, AWESOME work, and I appreciate you sharing it with us here on EMTBravo!!! Seth
  4. To clarify, I am not blaming the roadway for accidents, however it is a contributing factor when accidents do occur. There, in many places, is no room for evasive manuvers. There aren't that many safe places for law enforcement to make traffic stops, or safe places for people to pull over if they get a flat or have an accident. Much of the roadway signage is obscured or obsolete. There are safety improvements you can make to a roadway that WILL help. And, maybe instead of being local PD jurisdictions in Westchester, it should be one County PD sector and assigned a task force for the roadway...although I doubt that will happen with the current fiscal crisis. And maybe a public safety ad campaign. The only way to really have an effect on drivers is to have a large, PROACTIVE, and consistent police presence dedicated there for a while. Maybe local jurisdictions could put together a task force in the meantime, kinda like what Greenburgh does for underage drinking and drugs.
  5. Many VIP vehicles are commonly equipped or upgraded to "go fast" for a reason.........to escape a dangerous situation or attack. The Denali is commonly used for VIP vehicles.
  6. The City Of Austin,TX Streets And Bridges Dept. has taken delivery of this really cool 2009 International Navistar/Bronto Skylift S173XDT.
  7. No, the road also plays a factor. There are numerous modern safety improvements that could be made to Route 9 to improve safety of ALL those traveling the road, NOT just the "idiot drivers". The fact is, those drivers exist and will exist, and the roadway should be made as safe as possible to protect everyone traveling on the roadway. Some basic safety features could have prevented some "idiot drivers" from killing INNOCENT drivers.
  8. Route 9 has been obsolete for decades, and is blatently unsafe between Hawthorne and Croton (that's the part I'm most familiar with). The amount of truck traffic on that roadway is no where near safe given modern standards. In fact, it's decades behind. How legislators could ignore this roadway is beyond me. And it will probaly be another decade before something is done unless Westchester County AND NYS lobby for federal grant funding. In the meantime, they need to come up temporary solutions make the road safer TEMPORARILY and reduce truck traffic. Even the maintainence of this roadway is little to none.
  9. Substance abuse is a disease. There are lots of emergency services workers all over that are plagued with it, and goes unoticed. I'm sure there are plenty of "functioning alcholics" and drug users that go into work, and plenty of people that suspect but don't say anything. It's not something that is malicously or intentionally done in most cases. Although my situation was different in many ways, losing my job as a firefighter and having to basically start over was devastating to me. Especially since I didn't do anything to lose it and waited and worked so hard to get it, and was cut loose because of the injury I suffered on department property. If it wasn't for the support of my wife, I might have been homeless as well. It is something that is really hard to cope with, and even though I love my new life and job in Texas, it's still hard thinking about Hartsdale, or seeing where the probie I started with is in his career, and the great job that was stolen from me because of an injury which caused a medical condition that I had no control over. I really sympathize with this guy.
  10. Nice collectors piece. 1976 Seagrave SR-20768 Ladder Truck x-Village Of Mamaroneck http://www.auctionsinternational.com/item.cgi?show_item=0000052397 On a side note, did Mamaroneck Village replace this yet, or is something on order?
  11. I remember it being discussed here, with the most credible information saying they were shopping around manufacturers for stock vehicles, but I don't recall hearing amy further.
  12. I saw that Westchester County's 2010 Captiol Budget includes multi-million dollar funding for a strip mall fire simulator. While I think this is an awesome addition to DES's training facilities, I'm kinda out of the loop- has any money been appropriated for new facilities for 60 Control's Communication center?????
  13. I heard that KME has won the bid to build a tiller for Hastings. Can anyone confirm?
  14. We've added a new forum skin for our members who like it "dark". The skin is entitled "Carbon Blue", and is similar to the "Darkness" skin choice that users may have previously used. To change your skin, choose from the drop down box at the bottom left hand corner of your screen. Please let me know how you like the skin if you were a previous "Darkness" user and if you find any bugs or problems with the skin. Thanks! -Seth
  15. Heads up, an episode about the refurbishing of the railroad bridge in Poughkeepsie is airing on the DIY network at the following times: November 14, 2009 11:00 PM e/p November 14, 2009 2:00 AM e/p December 17, 2009 11:30 PM e/p December 17, 2009 2:30 AM e/p
  16. Just wondering if anyone took Metro-North to a Yankees game this year, and how it worked out? Also, is Yankee Stadium now a regular stop?
  17. Will this have any affect on water pressure or additoonal hydrants in the Bedford area??? http://www.lohud.com/article/20091116/NEWS02/911160321/1018/NEWS02/Bedford-to-build--24-million-water-plant
  18. Apparently, NY is redesigning their license plates again. I actually think it looks sharp, like the old NYSP car colors. However, may be a little too much contrast for some cars! Here in Texas, they just redesigned our plates, too....came out really nice. (Press photo)
  19. We have now added an Incident Alert-Upstate NY section, and a Upstate NY local discussion forum.
  20. AWESOME photos- very jealous!
  21. Members, This past Friday marked the 6th year that EMTBravo.net (Forums) has been online. EMTBravo.com, which is what these forums were born from, will celebrate it's 7th year this upcoming January. (The name, "EMTBravo", orginated from my AOL screen name which I had for years). The idea for a forums portion of the site sparked from the very succesful "News" section of EMTBravo.com, in which people sent me news and photos and I posted on, what at the time was my personal small website (this is WAY before Facebook, etc even existed). From my apartment in Boston while attending Paramedic school at Northeastern University, the idea sparked and I pulled an all-nighter to get the forum going. It was meant to create an online community where those and those with an interest in the emergency services community could come together and communicate. And every day I log on, I am amazed that the forum keeps growing. We also have other EMTBravo forums, EMTBravoWest.com (LA, Phoenix, San Francisco, etc), and EMTBravoNewEngland.com In the most recent years, we've had some tremendous accomplishments. We moved onto our own dedicated server. I have been honored to have THE best forum staff I've ever had, who have made continuing to run this forum possible. And most recently, we've begun our upgrade to "EMTBravo 3.0", which will take this site to the next level. We're also planning to intergrate an Upstate section into this forum soon. Of course, there's been negativity and conterversy on and about this site over the years, but the good FAR outweighs the bad. There have been members who wish to cause trouble or spread rumors or don't accept modern social media, but I believe that we have been on the forefront of trying to keep this site positive and on the right path. Before this site, nothing like this existed for the emergency services communinities in the areas we served. A lot of valuable information has been spread on these forum, friendshsips forged and reignited, and all the other benefits a website such as this provides.We will continue to spearhead a new path and become an even better resource for our members, using our member's knowledge and feedback as our fuel. I'd like to thank all the dedicated members of this site, who post, contribute,and read the site and make it what it is. Many have been with us since day 1. I'd also like to thank those that generously donate funds or advertise on the site, so I am able to afford to pay for these forum. And I'm especially thankful for the staff team who volunteer countless hours of their time each day ti take care of the day to day operation of the site, taking a huge burden off my shoulders so I can concentrate on administrative, IT, and development stuff. Once again, THANK YOU to all the members and staff that make this site possible for the past 6 years, and I look foward to what is looking to be one of the most exciting years yet for EMTBravo members!! -Seth C. Granville AKA "EMTBravo" aka "x635" Founder, CEO, Director Of Development The EMTBravo Group Round Rock, TX
  22. It sounds like your photos are too large. You need to resize your photos to 800x600 or less, with each photo being no more then 1000k per photo. It sounds like you are trying to upload files that are way too large all at once. Are you using the flash uploader? If so, don't. Please use our regular default photo uploader, and DO NOT refresh the page when uploading. I apologize you are having all this trouble posting photos, but it sounds like something on your end which we will get worked out. I have just test posted photos with no issue. Please also see our help section, under "Posting", for more details. http://www.emtbravo.net/index.php?app=core&module=help .
  23. It's not just us, it's an auto industry thing. Why does Ford start selling a 2010 model in March of 2009? It's not so much the year of the car anymore that the year represents, rather the generation it seems.