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Here's a photo shoot I did of an SPH: http://www.emtbravo.com/apparatusprofiles/georgetownquint1.php The major noticeable difference is the bucket overhangs on the SP's. The SPH's also has improved compartment space, larger bucket, and shorter turning radius amongst other features.
The new Sutphen SPH's are awesome.....much better then the "tradional" Sutphen TL. A department near me has one, and it has a lot of great features then previous Sutphens. Will the current Truck 1 become a spare? BTW, thanks for posting the photos!
From the Town Of Greenburgh email list.....
Some more on Chief DeCarlo....from the Town Of Greenburgh website. My father knew Chief DeCarlo well, and I wish him the best of luck in his new role, I am sure he will do an excellent job.
From KME's website.
Just added a new feature...when an Incident Alert is posted, it will add a notification of a new IA posted with a link to the IA in the box.
From "The Secret List" http://www.firefighterclosecalls.com
Funds for the rescue were already allocated and paid for prior to the current fiscal crisis. Funding for staffing is a whole other issue. What source are you citing for possible layoffs?
Mount Vernon's "New" Engine 6 and Ladder 2 Special thanks go out once again to Joe Pinto for providing us with these much anticipated shots! PHOTOS BY © JOE PINTO PHOTOS BY © JOE PINTO
Around here, AT&T- and they have great coverage. I dumped Nextel because of the absoletly horrible customer service and totally apathetic attitude. Although I miss the direct connect feature, AT&T's customer service is great and that is a major factor for me. As mentioned, I wish the whole direct connect was universal with all the providers.
I would just like to say thanks to all of the EMTBravo staff for all their hours and hard work they put into this site to make it an informative, useful, and fun place to visit on the net. Thanks guys, I couldn't do it without you!!
A very cool article appeared in the NY Times about my new hometown-worth a read, just gives you a glimpes into how awesome this city is! Hope this will inspire some of you to come and visit! http://travel.nytimes.com/2009/11/29/travel/29hours.html?em
As I refelect back on what's happened in Novembers past, I always remember "Tommy Sal". It's been almost 9 years since his passing. Tommy was a street Paramedic Supervisor for Empress EMS. I worked with him during the early years of my EMS career, back when I was an EMT. Tommy was alway laid back, friendly, approachable, and a great teacher. I remeber his love for his Supervisor's Tahoe, no matter how much it gave him problems! He always had a great spirit despite the valiant battle with Lupus and the health problems it caused him. I remember the last time I saw Tommy, it was on a ventilator at Sound Shore Medical Center's ICU where I visited as often as I could (often would sneak over a few times during my MV-A1 shifts or when I was off), and then at the funeral home across the street from city center. Tommy died of complications from Lupus disease. His death was a tremendous loss for the Empress EMS family, his own family, fiance, and friends, not to mention the EMS community as a whole. There's a whole new generation at Empress EMS now who probaly have a whole new set of supervisors. I come from when the old Empress was ending, and the "new" Empress was beginning to emerge. I remember "306 on the back", but there was nothing like hearing "301" on the air. I reflect on a lot of the EMS lessons he taught me, and to this day remember the wide variety of calls we did together. Tommy's fellow supervisors have gone on to new careers now, but were just as awesome as him. I didn't realize it at the time, but it really was an era. I think about it, especially with all my fellow alumni who are active members of this forum. I remember the funeral, Rory Lynch and I were working Mount Vernon A-1. Although we were technically in service, we at least got to be at the church which was standing room only. I can still hear John R. from Yonkers PD ESU playing the bagpipes. Remember 301.
Wow Tommy, I can't believe it's been 10 years ago now since you left us. I still carry a lot of what you taught me as a new EMT on the streets of Yonkers every day. I still remember vividly a lot of our calls together, like my first espophogeal verices patient in cardiac arrent, and you bringing me a temporary set of pants after a cardiac arrest with a heavy GI bleeder at MV ER. I hate the thought of visiting you in the ICU of Sound Shore, but I remember the day working Mount Vernon A-1 when we sent you off with the bagpipes playing and the packed church. I think it's fair to say all of us who worked with you miss you!
"WRECKED: Life In The Crash Lane" MARATHON TODAY (Sunday 11/29) on the SPEED TV channel , starting at 2PM EST. EVERY Episode from Season 2 in order. Some episodes will re-air at 10PM EST this evening. http://www.speedtv.com/programs/wrecked
We have this law in Austin, and we also have "no refusal" weekends on those times where DWI's are stastically higher (and a judge is on duty to issue the warrant). In fact, a new law went into effect last Tuesday whereas a felony DWI does not require a warrant to draw blood. Austin PD used the law 28 minutes after it went into effect after a drunk driver smashed into another vehicle, killing the innocent victim. The officers are taught phlebotomy. http://www.statesman.com/news/content/gen/..._DUI_Blood.html
You're absolutely right. I just find it so frusterating that seemingly EMS will never really be where it should in NY, and there doesn't seem to be much a movement to push it in the right direction. It seems that people care more about their trash pickup (which in most communities in Westchester, is municpal and union) then EMS. And a lot of that lies with EMS workers themselves for not getting out there and proactively marketing themselves as a valuable community asset and making themselves constantly visible.
But unions do have an effect. What if a private company came to a City, and said we could provide better fire and police services and cheaper then your departments can with a non unionized workforce? Does anyone think that the IAFF or PBA would tolerate that?
There are a variety of different unions that EMS can belong to. In some cases, they can even be members of the IAFF/UFA, or PBA. They could be part of the CSEA, 1199, or form their own AFL-CIO bargaining unit. It depends on where and how they are employed. For example, Boston's EMS Union is a part of the Police union, even though they have nothing to do with the PD. A union is only as good as the members make it to be, hence unionized. One of the main reason for the great pay, job security, and benefits that cops and career firefighters have is because of the unions. There are a lot of unions that fought hard for that. However, it depends on the relationship with the employer. If employees have a good relationship with the employer and are comfortable with that, then fine. If they feel they need the protection of a union, then that is something they are afforded. Of course, there's corruption in unions and some things that aren't so great. I don't agree with everything some unions do, and are dubious of some, but if you study the history of before and after of unions especially in the NYC area, you can see why they were needed in a lot of cases and how things did improve. In a lot of cases, EMS Unions fail because employees are afraid of losing their jobs or retrobution from their empoyer if they participate.
Out of curiousity, who dispatches Mount Vernon EMS now? Is it still the PD? Who is going to dispatch for the Transcare ambulances?
Aren't commercial EMS services a commercial enterprise? It seems people are more interested and passionate about explaining why EMS CAN'T be improved in Westchester instead of explaining ways it CAN be improved. And there are plenty of ways to do so. I know why EMS in Westchester is never going to be perfect, but back on topic if commercial enterprises are going to be competing for contracts to provide this service, there should be standards they have to meet. Just like cable TV companies have to be awarded a franchise to operate in the areas they do, and comply with contracts (provide a public access channel, etc), muncipalities should be the same way. Set an example Westchester. Laws CAN be changed.
Westchester County can and does regulate, and apparently cares more about, the Taxi and Limosine Industry then EMS (I'm not saying these guys don't need to be regulated though). http://tlc.westchestergov.com/ If the County can do that for Taxis, then why not EMS? I know we're getting off topic from Mount Vernon, but the never-ending concentration on politics and battle of the egos needs to stop, and the focus on delivery of EMS in a timely manner with quality patient care on a consistent basis needs to start. For-profit corporate companies, corrupt municipal officials, lobby groups all follow their own set of rules. You poeple really need to band together and at least push for some sort of EMS legislation.
From Firenews.org: