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Everything posted by x635

  1. Somebody, please explain to me why I should disregard the rules and purpose of this forum and allow members to openly trash each other and the companies they work for? What would be the constructive part about that? Why should I allow this forum to be used to escalate already existing tensions, spread rumors, and breed hatered between members? There were a lot of aspects as to why these threads were removed. Also, blame your fellow members for taking the thread downhill, not me. If I had removed the offending posts immediately, portions of the discussion would not have made sense. I am also reacting to the majority of complaints about this thread. I am trying to do my best for all members, and I don't like having to shut down discussions, nor is the decision made lightly. Sorry for right now, the drama in Dutchess is not going to play out on here any longer until I have time to review the threads and situation and decide on the best course of action so that this can be discussed in a civil, respectful, and constructive way.
  2. Excellent post, Nate! You hit the nail on the head for me. Hope some members take a moment to read it....
  3. How many times does it do this? Just once when you first visit the site?
  4. OK, here are the facts from a great friend who's also a very knowledgable source:
  5. GOOD! I don't want members here who make direct, criminal threats towards EMS providers. And I also don't like when people make ignorant accusations.....there's a lot more that goes on that meets the eye! We've been tolerant of A LOT of discussion recently, and many members have given us heat for allowing these discussions to take place..we've kept them open and allowed them to be discussed...when I have to close one down because of a serious situation caused by a MEMBER, I get other members like you who cry about "censoring" who have no basis to their claim. I KNEW someone was going to chime in and use this as an oppurtunity to try and slander the staff who works very hard to keep this forum online, settle conflicts between members, complaints about threads, etc. I/we can't win no matter what I do. Ugh!!
  6. It's not getting replaced, really. Yonkers needs some dependable spares, as well as apparatus to use for training and during major incidents. Also, Squad 11 is getting replaced for the same reason...in addition,they don't have a backup rig capable of carrying all their equipment. If you get "up close and personal" with these apparatus, you can see they are well-cared for, but you can also see that they really see some fire duty and other work, as well as brutal Yonkers street conditions. The prices Yonkers is getting these engines for is very,very reasonable considering they are custom chasis, custom built stainless steel apparatus. These apparatus were also bid out, and Yonkers didn't pick who they wanted, they picked who meeted their needs and at the price they wanted. I don't think anyone even YFD has any idea when the ALF's will be delivered. ALF direct is now the dealer, and they are very hard to get an answer from. I believe this is in the process of being resolved through language in the contract.
  7. spin_the_wheel, thanks for that interesting perspective. Just out of curiosity, I always assumed that the older firehouses were always built near the population centers, and with regard that the apparatus of the time could not travel as fast to a scene with the same equipment as modern apparatus can (especially horse drawn units or hose carts, etc). After the war when suburban sprawl started, these outlying stations were built. Is any of that part of it? This has nothing to do with Nyack FD as they are a very unique community, just my curiousity.
  8. This was one of the best investments I made ever for fitness purposes, especially CPAT and academy preparation: http://www.weightvest.com
  9. Wait, Rescue 1 can build on a Sutphen chasis as well?
  10. I'd like to express my condolences to the Reynolds family on the passing of John Sr at 54 years old on Christmas day. John Reynolds Sr. was Ex-Chief of Elmsford FD, as well as a member of Elmsford FD Live Oak Engine Company and an employee of the Elmsford Water Department. Thoughts and prayers are with Linda, John's children, the Reynolds family, and the Elmsford community during this diffcult time. http://www.nyjnews.com/obits/Obit1.php?pid=2891020
  11. Exactly. Which is why I asked the question. I know Nyack had some older and smaller firehouses and was just wondering what companies were going to be put there. Now I'm curious, even though Nyack has some beautiful and historic firehouses in the heart of the village, why would it be unrealistic to consolidate companies so close to each other? Traffic or the tight streets? I can understand the outlying companies- I actually thought Upper Nyack was a seperate department. Was this the firehouse that was off the thruway exit adjacent to the DPW yard? Also, what apparatus is currently housed there? (Is that where the Green Hahn and Pierce Quantum tiller are?) RocklandFires, thanks for the awesome photos!
  12. Has this firehouse even been built yet? Will it consolidate all the Nyack fire companies into one firehouse?
  13. What do you guys think about this? Is this legal or ethical to do? http://www.kcra.com/money/21986834/detail.html
  14. Cool article from the Los Angeles City FD blog.... You Got a Radio Scanner... Now What? http://lafd.blogspot.com/2006/01/you-got-radio-scanner-now-what.html
  15. I remember going to a parade with my former FD numerous years ago in Cold Spring and hearing a story of a 100+ year old wooden water main that was still in use....is that true?
  16. Wreckers can be a good thing. If it's an accident and patients are self-extricated, getting the vehicles out of the lane of traffic can help avoid secondary collision. Also, working with the wrecker companies can help them establish a "barrier" until the PD or FD is ready to remove the vehicles from the roadway. I know down here, priority (after life safety) is to get the vehicle off the roadway, especially if it is a high speed roadway, to prevent a secondary collision and protect responders) Are you speaking of different tow companies on the scene? Are you speaking of scenes in general, or perhaps on a contracted roadway (like the thruway and parkwayss)?
  17. Past: Maxim Saulsbury Mack Young Hahn Crown Modern Day: Crimson Seagrave Pierce KME Gowans Knight 4-Guys
  18. Here's some more photos. Word is, after Metro North looks them over some, that they will be spending a few days at the Yonkers Kawaski Rail Car plant doing some testing and other work. http://madre-de-dios.org/gallery2/d/80280-1/04+12-25-09+M8+New+Haven+04.jpg http://madre-de-dios.org/gallery2/d/80273-1/01+12-25-09+M8+New+Haven+01.jpg
  19. I think people are taking mikerabbit's OPINION out of context. Honestly, would you really put yourself at risk and do mouth to mouth or touch bodily fluid without PPE? And we don't know all the facts-I've heard that these people weren't even EMT's, but dispatchers or possibly calltakers that are given the "EMT" title by FDNY for administrative reasons, but have no medical training, experience, or background. Regardless, the way the handled the situation was wrong, but we still don't know the correct facts-the media has skewed it so badly. It's been on all the major cable networks, and each one told the story differently. Legally, technically no in NY- but if it came down to a civil lawsuit, you could definetly be held liable. Ethically, it's the right thing to do to stop and render aid if you're not putting yourself in danger doing so. I know in Texas and some other states, you could be charged immediately with failure to render aid- even if you're a civilian with no training and did nothing to help.
  20. Merry Christmas to all!
  21. They look awesome, and as you said, definetly needed and long overdue!
  22. Sad, right on Christmas Eve. Great photos. Thanks for sharing them with us. What caused the fire to become so well involved so rapidly? Even with the building materials and wood elements of the structure?
  23. I've seen it mentioned elsewhere on this forum, but I'm just trying to figure it out and confirm- did New Rochelle give pink slips to 6 firefighters right before Christmas? Also, were these layoffs done by seniority? Please note I LOVE Commisioner Doc Kiernan and the leadership of NRFD-they run a great department, and the union as they were always supportive of 60 Control when I was there, and I know they had nothing to do with this. If this is true, could this result in the closing of a company? I know during the last budget crisis, Engine 24 was on the chopping block. Is the City laying off any of the garbagemen? The Mayor and City Council should be ashamed of themselves. These are the consequences when you give tax incentives to developers yet fail to properly plan for the future growth that comes along with it. I'm hoping and praying that some last minute funding comes through from somewhere.......
  24. Great topic, thanks for sharing your information with us! As for adding Class A, that is also a great idea-as people know I'm a big proponent of that. It really helps to extinguish and make the most out of the water you have. Dawn dishwashing soap also does a similar job cheaper as well I've found.
  25. Stiloskis Automotive Corp. is currently seeking qualified light and heavy duty wrecker driver-operators with strong traffic incident management skills. For more information, please visit: http://www.stiloskis.com/jobs.html