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Everything posted by x635

  1. Chief, great shot of the elevated reach capability of TL-15 in back of Station 1! Let me see if I can remember correctly. The platform can sit on the ground about 30 feet from the truck. When retracted, the boom has a capacity of 5,000lbs. It can lift 1,500 lbs. With two personel in the bucket, capacity is 1,000lbs. And I think it can flow around 2000 GPM max. This matches my Hartsdale handout which also matches the Baker brochure for that time period. BTW, here is the Aerialcope rechasis brochure: http://my.seagrave.com/ContentManager/DocLibrary/Aerialscope%20II%20brochure_f2.pdf
  2. ALL photos taken by and © me and are posted on http://www.x635Photos.com (my photo site) Here's an example of TL-15, when properly positioned, can reach three sides of the building: Here's another photo of TL-15 from the working end: TL15 set up in front of one of the many multiple story OMD's on East Hartsdale Ave: TL15 at a working fire: TL15 at another scene: A posed shot: And me traning on TL-15 (when I was younger, healthier, and skinnier-I miss those days lol): I have many more TL-15 in operation shots that aren't posted as well, will try and add them this week to my photo site http://www.x635photos.com Also note the majority of these shots were obtained off duty...I lived 1 block from Station 1. And all photos taken by an © me.
  3. Sorry my terminology wasn't correct and "professional". I've often heard the term "fly" from many other professionals in the field. I wasn't using "fanatical" as a negative. I was just trying to say that he always made sure there was a ladder in Hartsdale (a good thing given the afformentioned exposure issue), yet it was quite ironic the he accepted the current ladder being OOS as frequently as it was, and also never really properly staffed it. Having 1 man drive that truck, especially through the tight streets of Hartsdale, is ridiculous. If having an aerial is so important, so is having the people to operate it. Hartsdale can afford to spend the money to have a "Desk Watch" person, when 60 Control provides the service for free and that person could instead be free'd up and placed on the ladder....or they could have joint dispatched with Fairview, etc. But I know Hartsdale does not like or trust 60 Control for a variety of reasons. Towards the end of my time there, they installed a "back up camera"- however it wasn't a modern one, it was the cheapest on you buy that was meant for RV's and had a large bulky CRT (old school) monitor that wasn't color-only green and black-that also obstructed the view of the windshield. Because the Chief at the time didn't want to spend the money a modern, color, fully featured back up camera found on many common fire apparatus, ambulances, Fed Ex vehicles, etc..... Also, the Chief at the time wasn't big about replacing apparatus on a timely basis. The department has always seem to place a "band aid fix" on aqquiring and replacing apparatus, and spending so much on repairs and stop-gap measures that they could have had enough for a proper life cycle replacement plan. How old were the ALF ladders when they were replaced? There were plenty of times in Hartsdale's budget history that would have allowed for both. As far as manpower, the commisioners always used the volunteers as a reason to not properly staff it, as was told the commisioners. My opinions are based on the experiences I had working and living in Hartsdale.
  4. I just want to remind ALL Westchester firefighters to attend as many classes at DES as they can. At this point, not only for your own good, but to show that there is a need and want for training. Also, when you do sign up, please actually show up and don't cancel last minute. If course enrollment dwindles, and people continually sign up then cancel, then Astorino's more likely to cut the courses offered and slash funding for training related expenses, such as CFI's, training prop maintainence, etc. Let's also keep in mind that basic firefighter courses would also be cut in the amount offered and the open slots, which could lead to increased wait time for new firefighters, therefore starving your department of needed staffing. I'm also hearing that it's being considered having departments pay for training, which in my opinion would be a good way to offset courses and make people feel more obligated to attend. DES funding is going to get cut, and I'm very interested to see how this pans out and which areas it's going to affect at DES.
  5. When I was there, and I doubt they increased staffing that I know of since, only one (on occasion and very lucky if there was 2) firefighters werte assigned to the TL when it responded in district. That's not acceptable at all, but this ladder is compartively easy to use with one person. Most Hartsdale firefighter (and to pass probation) have to be able to set it up and get it flying in under 2 minutes) On mutual aid, they usually sent a captain from E170 and 2 ff's along with the firefighter/driver assigned to the TL. Hopefully the new Chief, if the commisioners who have the ultimate say, approved additional staffing on the ladder. The old excuse for not staffing it properly was, since it is a combination department, that the volunteers would fill in the staffing gap. Problem is, most of the active volunteers are now career firefighters in the department. The majority of the rest that exist of the volunteers are getting on in years, or can't be depended on consistently to provide the needed manpower. I never believed that the old Chief viewed the ladder as a "truck company", rather more of an "appliance" that was cross staffed. It's also interesting to note, the old Chief was fanatical about having Ladders in house. Hartsdale used to have 2 old ALF ladders that they used to swap out when one would go out of service (I'm sure Chief Raftery has more on that). Other times when it's gone out of service, they've had Fairview station their Ladder 1 in house or Hartsdale would send the person assigned to TL-15 to Fairview to work with L-1, and it would respond on all Hartsdale as well as Fairview alarm. I don't currently work there, and my information are based on the time I served with the department and the consistency/reliability of the sources of information I recieved regarding the above statements..
  6. Because a new Aerialscope can be rechasised, upgraded, and rebuilt for a lot cheaper then buying a new Aerialscope (boom). The body is still in good condition as well. This unit is perfect for Hartsdale for many reasons. The bucket allows high water flow, and can flow water into taxpayers at street level or elevated. The Aerialscope is a bruit, and can rescue many people in the bucket, which is important giving Hartsdale has a lot of apartment buildings with only access to one exposure. A lot of these buildings house elderly people, and is perfect for rescue. The jacking system allows it to be set up on tight streets, such as East Hartsdale Avenue. And, all Hartsdale firefighters are well versed in it's operation.
  7. Is Tower Ladder 15 possibly going out for a much needed rechasis and aerial rebuild? When I worked there, that truck had a lot of problems....it's out of service just as much as it's in. With the amount of money they've invested in repairs, I'm sure they could have bought a new truck. That truck has an underpowered engine, weak transmission, and poorly matched rear diff. The aerial has been plagued with numerous hydraulic and electrical problems, and is about 15 years old now. It was born during that "dark time" at Aerialscope in the mid-90's. I really hope, with the new Chief (who was the one to teach me how to use this truck on an incline), they do the right thing and send it back to Seagrave in Wisconsin for a rechasis and rebuild/upgrade. If they can afford it. It's still a very vaulable, strong firefighting truck and perfect for Hartsdale, just needs some real TLC from the manufacturer. Due to it being out of service numerous times for extensive periods of time, and now that there's a new Chief, I hope someone can fill us in on what's going on.
  8. I noticed in an ad that Garrison Fire Appparaut will be adding SVI Rescues to their line up, in addition to fire apparatus. Garrison onne represented Beck, then they went out of business, then Saulsbury, until Saulsbury sold out to E-One which demolished the brand, and then ALF. Garrison has already made a dent, with an increase of Ferraras being delivered to the Hudson Valley. Are the new SVI rescues coming to Pound Ridge, Bedford, and Patterson going to be delivered by Garrison? Will New England Fire Apparatus continue to be the SVI dealer for Westchester?
  9. This issue should now be corrected. Please let me know if you can now see the pics.
  11. EMTBravo will be getting more invovled in this cause. I just have been really busy lately.
  12. Amongst many other cuts http://www.lohud.com/article/20100309/NEWS02/3090380 Wait, isn't that what HE is elected for? I love this new political game of "blame it on the workforce". Providing the services Westchester County residents want, need, and come to rely on.......and it's their fault for, in most cases, not even making enough to live in Westchester! Is he soliciting ideas to save money, or asking coworkers to sacrifice other coworkers, or asking the unions for givebacks? I love how he describes it as an "attack"! I hope 60 Control, already underfunded, understaffed, underpaid, and working in facilities they outgrew over 10 years ago is not affected by this.
  13. Yes, but I did pay county taxes for several years, and was also a county employee. The high taxes is one of the many reasons I moved from Westchester, and I still have many family and friends that do. I'm still entitled to discuss this, I feel. And I'm not talking about a "county wide police force". The County provides funding for fire and police training, disaster prepardness, police/fire/rescue aviation, 911 Communications (60 Control and WCPD Comm), Bomb squad, etc. County Police provides patrol on some of the most dangerous roadways in the nation, and they are already hardly funded by the state, and the State cannot provide more Troopers to cover for County PD. There are many things to worry about, but I'm sorry, I respectfully disagree with you....funding of emergency services like the afformentioned in this county needs to be one of the top priorities and should be last to even be considered to be cut. Westchester County has so many frills and uneccesary services that could be cut first. If Westchester cuts funding and staffing for emeregency services that are already overburdened, understaffed and underfunded comparitevely, then there are going to be things to worry about. Officer Safety, Firefighter Safety, Public Safety and the list goes on.....
  14. Yes, but I did pay county taxes for several years, and was also a county employee. The high taxes is one of the many reasons I moved from Westchester, and I still have many family and friends that do. I'm still entitled to discuss this, I feel. And I'm not talking about a "county wide police force". The County provides funding for fire and police training, disaster prepardness, police/fire/rescue aviation, 911 Communications (60 Control and WCPD Comm), Bomb squad, etc. County Police provides patrol on some of the most dangerous roadways in the nation, and they are already hardly funded by the state, and the State cannot provide more Troopers to cover for County PD. There are many things to worry about, but I'm sorry, I respectfully disagree with you....funding of emergency services like the afformentioned in this county needs to be one of the top priorities and should be last to even be considered to be cut. Westchester County has so many frills and uneccesary services that could be cut first. If Westchester cuts funding and staffing for emeregency services that are already overburdened, understaffed and underfunded comparitevely, then there are going to be things to worry about. Officer Safety, Firefighter Safety, Public Safety and the list goes on.....
  15. Astorino is trying to make himself look like the good guy, and his workforce like the bad guys (from a remote perspective) Spano definetly had his faults, and I'm not saying he didn't and don't care for a discussion on that. Time will tell what Astorino does to emergency services in the County, which is my concern, not politics. I could really care less about the politics and trips or whatever....I want to see how he funds and supports emergency services in the long run.
  16. http://www.firehouse.com/topics/top-headlines/report-highlights-fire-services-darker-side
  17. He didn't cut his workforce. Many of Spano's staffers left with him or retired, and he didn't fill the positions. He's also counting the security detail into those numbers. Although I agree this whole financial crisis has been decades in the making, the County's employee's shouldn't be blamed. Cut fat where needed, but don't place the burden on the workforce and make it seem like it's their fault, which he, in what I have seen, he's been trying to subtely do. Also, if you look at the big picture...Spano did do a lot. He had his cons, but he had pros to....the fire training center is night and day between him and the O'Rourke administration.
  18. Is that just at night, or does that number signifcantly increase, especially during business hours and holidays?
  19. I heard a rumor that Ferrara has been looking at purchasing the LTI Ladder manufacturing facility in Ephrata, PA from American Lafrance/Patriarch partners. They would use this facility to produce their own ladders instead of purchasing from Smeal, with all design rights inherited with the aqquisition. It should be noted this area is rich with fire apparatus aerial engineers and skilled workers, with other aerial manufacturing plants nearby. Again, just a rumor....anyone heard the same? It would be contrary to the recent press release, but still...
  20. I have it from it's orignal release, and just bought another one. You can't beat that deal! Maybe I'll re-letter this for Yonkers FD? BTW, I've been at the helm of the full size version of this fireboat, lol! http://x635photos.com/displayimage-61.html
  21. Very unique! http://www.diamondstateambulance.net/
  22. http://www.lohud.com/article/20103070361
  23. MORE: http://www.americanlafrance.com/interior.asp?n=22&p=4&s=22&a=179
  24. The training there is worth every penny IMHO. ALF's decision not to be there, although I understand why, is going to make a poor impression on some of the top leaders in the fire service. To me, it says ALF is just going to fufill their current orders and then who knows.....