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Everything posted by x635

  1. FULL ANNOUCEMENT AND PHOTOS: http://www.e-one.com/products/main-line/aerial/new-~-cr-137
  2. According to this weeks Code 3 Collectibles newsletter (and a big ad in FAJ), Code 3 is getting ready to release an all new mold of an American Lafrance 900 series, with the intial release being an FDNY tiller. Also, they announced they are putting the finishing touches on the new Seagrave Marauder II mold, which looks like it will be for the "new style" FDNY Engines. Check it out on their redesigned website: http://www.code3.net/fire/latestnews.asp Hopefully, they'll get on the bandwagon with Spartan and KME-then the sky is the limit! But this progress is encouraging, Code 3's repaints were getting stale.
  3. Awesome photos as always, Joe! Enjoyed seeing Ladder 72 and Squad 11 in the Sept-Oct edition of FAJ!
  4. From what I'm told, the roof will have solar panels.
  5. OK, here's a problem I've never had before and I hope you guys can help. Today, I went down to south Austin to photograph Quint 27 (http://www.emtbravo.net/index.php?showtopic=37913). It was in the 70's, with higher than normal (usually none) humidity. My Canon 40D DSLR sits in my office in a nylon bag in a shelf in my closet of my office, in the cold A/C that I keep my office at. I hang a Damprid bag in the closet to keep out any moisture. Today, I drove down to south Austin from Round Rock (about 40 minutes) with my A/C going. I take the camera out to ph0otograph the quint, and my lens fogs up. Wipe it off and clean it with a solution, stillo fogged up. Luckily, I had my backup Canon Powershot 12MP digital camera. How do I prevent this?
  6. http://www.lohud.com/article/20100819/NEWS02/8190314/Laid-off-White-Plains-police-officers-find-new-homes
  7. Date: 8-18-10 Time: 1530 Location: FM 1431/ Arrow Point Drive Cedar Park, TX (Austin Metro Area) Departments: Cedar Park PD, Cedar Park FD, Williamson County EMS, Williamson County Sherrif, Texas DPS, Texas Rangers Description: Officer Leonard Reed was traveling on his police motorcycle training to become a motor officer when he crashed his bike. His riding partner immediately started CPR, and he was transported to St. Davids Round Rock Medical Center where he died during surgery Links: http://www.statesman.com/news/local/central-texas-digest-cedar-park-police-officer-killed-867304.html Writer: x635
  8. Awesome! Looks very nicely spec'd! Somers always switching it up with apparatus manfacturers every couple years, now with a Sutphen Engine. Thanks for the photos, JM15!
  9. Does anyone have RIM's new Blackberry Torch slider? What do you think of it? I didn't even know one was in the works until I saw the commercial and read the review.
  10. This is a great move by Somers, and long needed. As far as hiring from within, it is way cheaper to (at least start out) with a contracted service who has everything already set up. It takes a lot to start a paid ambulance service Anyone trying to dissect this to something it's not and twisting around words to try and further their anti-EMS agenda and distaste for volunteers needs to stop. It's WAY out of line. Those familiar with Somers know that EMS calls are frequent, and Somers has grown to the point where you can only expect so much from volunteers, especially with the way Heritage Hills pumps out calls (yes, a dedicated ambulance to Heritage Hills has been talked about). The volunteers have personal lives too. Some people who "draw a paycheck" from a paid agency needs to do their homework and see how their agency evolved. And, regardless about how I feel about SOME volunteer issues, these people still sacrifice their time to help their communities and fellow citizens. I've personally seen volunteers go for 16 hours straight in Somers running EMS calls, and putting aside other functions. firegui, thanks for posting this news. Best of luck to both agencies!
  11. http://www.uticaod.com/police_fire/x2092792261/New-Clinton-fire-truck-in-the-shop-after-fire-house-collision
  12. Most agencies I have seen down here have it, at least in some of their cars. And I've heard LoJack or some other company was planning to upgrade the boxes to be GPS compatible with a more robust application on the MDT instead of the box.
  13. Thanks for the tip guys! For some reason, it only happens when it's humid out, which is rare in this part of the state.
  14. Looks like a very cool device. Has a lot of great features. However, as far as the scanner goes, a touchscreen picture frame with internet connectivity and a pair of speakers will do the same trick for less then $100. Also, the easier ability of Joe Q. Public to listen to a scanner may have negative conseqences for true scanner enthusiasts, leading to more encrypted system. Plus, the untrained ear may hear incorrect information in an emergency which could become viral and intrusive/obstructive to us doing our jobs, or place them in danger.
  15. http://www.chicagobreakingnews.com/2010/08/firefighter-critically-injured-at-restaurant.html R.I.P.
  16. KME has redesigned their website: http://fire.kovatch.com/ProductDivisions/FireDivision.aspx
  17. Date: 8-9-10 Time: 1230AM Location: of Avec restaurant, 615 W. Randolph (West Loop) Departments: Chicago FD, PD, EMS Description: Firefighter Christopher Wheatley, 31, was carrying an ax and a hose up a fire escape on the side of a restaurant, when he fell about 35 feet around 12:30 a.m., according to Fire Cmsr. Robert Hoff. Links: http://www.chicagobreakingnews.com/2010/08/firefighter-critically-injured-at-restaurant.html Writer: x635
  18. http://www.statesman.com/blogs/content/shared-gen/blogs/austin/theticker/entries/2010/08/10/dell_unveils_streak_tablet_pc.html?srcTrk=RTR_729919
  19. Sounds like a pretty cool idea! http://weareaustin.com/fulltext/?nxd_id=82365
  20. Well deserved and earned! Congrats!
  21. Me too. Summertime though...gotta keep that A/C flowing. However, I know of some EMS agencies that have systems where you take the keys with you and leave the vehicle running. If the vehicle's brake or accelartion pedal is touched, or transmission is changed during this time, it kills the engine. That should be a law that it be required on all ambulances. I can think of NUMEROUS stories in the metro NYC area over the past few years where this kind of thing has happened.
  22. I'll gather my thoughts and try to get this figured out sometime this weekend. I'd like to hear from some more of the site photographers about this policy, and more members on how we could come up with a way for constructive discussion only. We need more people posting photos. Incident and Apparatus photo threads were turning into mutli page threads, discouraging a lot of fire photographers from posting. We don't want anyone to be discouraged from posting based on the fear their photos will cause a conterversy. Howeever, I also do agree that it's frusterating not to be able to compliment someone on their photo or ask a question directly, and very inconvienent.