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Everything posted by x635

  1. Thanks to JS for the link. From the Tarrytown Patch News: http://tarrytown.patch.com/articles/anger-disgust-blame
  2. Looks AWESOME! The Pierce PUC is really a great design, numerous departments down here have PUC's including the City Of Austin which just took delivery of it's first PUC, a 2010 Pierce Velocity 105' Aerial. Engine 58 looks very well thought out and heavy duty, as well as it's good looks! I'm starting to get out of the loop with things up north and forgetting stuff as well, but is Engine 58 still a one man career firefighter operation when responding? Also, is Engine 59 staffed as well, with a career firefighter? Where do these Engines respond from? I look forward to seeing more photos when everythings mounted and it's ready to roll!
  3. http://www.lohud.com/article/20100907/NEWS02/9070352/Yonkers-man-charged-with-shining-laser-at-police-chopper
  4. Is anyone else having trouble loading Facebook? Seems to be down for me. And http://downrightnow.com/ is reporting a likely service outage.
  5. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20100923/ap_on_hi_te/us_tec_facebook_problems
  6. Fire And Cop Shop Diecast Collectibles Online Store is having a 60% off sale because they are moving. I thought I saw the Verplank suburban produced years ago in there....... http://www.fireandcopshop.com/
  7. Looks like a sharp Spartan/Crimson tiller is being built for Jersey City. Anyone know what company and apparatus this will replace? http://www.crimson-fire.com/delivery.aspx?id=30424
  8. Heard Mount Kisco awarded the bid for a new Tower Ladder 14. Anyone know the manufacturer and specs?
  9. More Info And Photos http://www.bedfordhillsfd.org/apps/public/news/newsView.cfm?News_ID=235
  10. http://soundshore.lohudblogs.com/2010/09/17/pelham-fire-chief-resigns/
  11. Awesome photos, Joe! I love the new Squad 15, and their patches! Didn't even know they had that Utility. Did the get rid of Rescue 29? And if Squad 15 is replacing Engine 151, then I assume that Engine 150 will become a spare with that designation?
  12. http://yonkerstribune.typepad.com/yonkers_tribune/2010/09/analysis-accidents-do-happen-by-nancy-king.html
  13. You can RSVP to this event on the EMTBravo Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/home.php#!/event.php?eid=155231794496798&index=1
  14. R.I.P. Louis Pascone, Ardsley DPW Foreman for 60+ years and a fixture in the Village Of Ardsley. He was truly dedicated to the village, and was always available 24/7 when he was needed, especially during snowstorms. Slowly all the true Ardsley people are fading away and it's becoming a completly different village. I ho...pe that another very dedicated individual (R.T.) gets to take on Lou's legacy. Thoughts and prayers. People like Louis are fading away. From the Ardsley email list:
  15. When you go to prison for 7 years, you come out a more of a criminal then you went in as. He's going to come out a career criminal and be popular in jail for the act he commited injuring a police officer. I agree that this may solidify the case without having to go to trial, but I still think there should be much more of a penalty, including a civil suit to whatever state agency was responsible for this kid to pay for Officer Osso's injuries. The evidence is clear, however these lawyers could potentially influence a jury by questioning police procedures. I think the deal will get him locked up, I just would like to see more details. Also, will he be tried in CT as well for auto theft? I wonder if he has shown any remorse? Again, Officer Osso and his family has to live with his life as he knew it destroyed by this kid's actions while trying to protect the citizens of Irvington. You think his life will ever be the same?
  16. Looks awesome!! Very nicely set up! On the Tahoe note, IMO, Tahoes are perfect....I think Suburbans are too big anyways for a command vehicle.
  17. Happy Birthday!
  18. http://www.crimson-fire.com/news/NewEphrataFacility.aspx
  19. Members, Recently, I've had a blessing in my life that has added a lot of responsibilty to my life as well as many schedule adjustments and lack of sleep. In the past few days, I've struggled with being ill and my main computer I use for EMTBravo being down and having to spend time repairing it. I always have issues that if it weren't for the staff, I don't know how I would find time to properly manage this site. I only explain that because that's where the EMTBravo staff come in, and I've been meaning to make this post for a while. They handle the day to day operations of this forum 24/7/365, freeing me to be able to handle all the EMTBravo administrative level stuff, development, and technical issues for all the EMTBravo sites. They also help me so I don't have to get involved in moderation unless it significantly escalates, saving me from taking things to personally or making impulsive decisions which I have a tendency to do sometimes. I'd like to say a big THANK YOU to ALL EMTBravo staff from all our forums: Administrative Staff (who also moderate): Truck4, Director Of Operations EMTBravo, Incident Alert Director, and LODD information management jack10562, Forum Administrator- Member and Staff Issues and Technical Issues Chris192, Forum Adminstrator- Moderation Policy and Thread issues RWC130, Advisor To EMTBravo and Member Relations IzzyEng4, Technical Advisor & Moderator EMTBravo.net, and Forum Administrator EMTBravoNewEngland.com TR54, Protection From The Past, Advisor to EMTBravo, Moderator RescueKujo, Associate Moderator and Forum Administrator-Director Of Ops EMTBravoWest.com pcvfr2211, Forum Administrator EMTBravoSouth.com FLRon, Co-Adminisrator EMTBravoSouth.com Moderation Staff: xfirefighter484x, Lead Moderator and Member Technical Assistance Moderators and member relations CPAGE, ems-buff, markmets415, firemoose827, jcoppola, and SageViles, Moderators SteveOFD, Communications Forum advisor These guys do a lot more then their roles listed, but that's just the basics. (Why do we have so many staff members? The nature of issues that are prevalent on this forum. The fact that not one can cover this forum 24/7/365, and that we always have staff available to assist members. To have staff from different backgrounds with different perspectives on things for checks and balances.) AGAIN, thank you guys for all that you do for this forum!!!! It is appreciated not just by me, but the hundreds who visit this site each day and rely on the information exchanged and posted. Seth Granville Founder & CEO EMTBravo
  20. I forgot to ask, hasn't this happened multiple times in Yonkers? Good job by Yonkers PD on getting this guy! I wonder what his motive was?
  21. That's crazy! Detroit is a city that depended on the autmotive industry, and failed to prepare for the future. On an average night in Detroit, there's multiple fires from what I understand. I don't how the firefighters there handle it.
  22. Well, the Bedbug crisis seems to be in full swing. Just wonder how long until these things make it into firehouse, EMS stations, etc. And then bring them home. Do you think the media is making a big deal of this, or is legitamitely a "crisis". I mean, our jobs put us all at risk, and there is no safe chemical out there to kill them.
  23. I heard there was a lot of conflict between the chiefs and line officers. Some of the drama led to the demise of Millwood's FAS team. Hopefully, the Chiefs will care about reconize the "younger members" and decide to start training and re-institute their FAS team ASAP.
  24. That's a good idea, but I don't have the funds to buy one, and I'm not sure how succesful a raffle would be. Maybe if I could get one of these companies to donate one.
  25. Over the past few months, I've been watching this building go up. When they were doing the steel structure, it was an interesting shape. I don't think I've seen anything like it. The building is nearing completion. This is what you see from the front and side: And this is the roof. It is kind of hard to tell from the photo, but there is a significant slope to the roof. It literally looks like a very wide slide: The roof is corragated steel over steel truss. The building will be used by the State Of Texas for various social service programs, such as Elder services. From my understanding, the road that you see is only to the construction trailer. There will not be access from the rear of the building, however I think the FD is fighting that. Any thoughts or comments on this and how operations would be conducted? And if you were a mutual aid company and weren't familiar with the building?