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Everything posted by x635

  1. City Of Round Rock, TX FD NEW Rescue 3 2011 Ford F-550 Super Duty 4x4/AG Meir Delivered March 2011. Tools and equipment still in the process of being mounted. Photos by me. DETAIL SHOTS: http://www.emtbravo.com/roundrock/roundrockfdrescue3.php DETAIL SHOTS: http://www.emtbravo.com/roundrock/roundrockfdrescue3.php
  2. This is excellent news for this cause as a whole. FULL ARTICLE: http://www.armytimes.com/news/2011/03/army-mild-brain-injury-could-soon-rate-purple-heart-031511/
  3. As someone with a traumatic brain injury, it is hard to prove, especially because people can so easy manipulate and fake it. I have had my TBI for 4 years now, and it's backed up by several tests that I've had done personally, as well as a battery of tests NYS has also put me through. NYS and my former department have spent thousands upon thousands of dollars on me because they don't understand TBI's, even if a CT scan or MRI or any other reconized test definetevly shows damaged bone and tissue and cognitive function. Their doctors and my doctors tell them over and over again that the injury is permanent, and nothing is going to change, in fact, it may get worse, and sometimes temporarily does. However, it is amazing to see the tax money NYS will piss away due to the way they do things. One of the worst parts is that I can never be a firefighter again. And my injury is exacerrbated by certain people and their malicous actions, and now NYS is looking at going after them to cover some of the cost, which I think is a very progressive move. I agree with the devaluing of the award, but this is the signature injury of this war. Living near Fort Hood, and working even closer as a Medic, I've personally seen a lot of soliders coming back from war with legit TBI's and post-concussive syndrome. Just because it's not an obvious injury doesn't mean it's a serious one. There needs to be strict guidelines and testing procedures, which there will be. I know a family that has a son in a permanent near vegitative state due to a TBI from an IED, and he didn't get a purple heart. Another soldier in his unit lost an arm, and he got a porsthetic and a purple heart.The family inquired as to why, and it's because the Pentagon doesn't give the purple heart for victims of a closed head injury. Also, combine that with the PTSD these 18 and 19 year old kids are coming back with. Any of us who have done jobs out of Montrose or any of the other VA's see how messed up some of these guys from Vietnam are. I hope that this will lead to better protective and reative procedures in the military. Which will in turn better TBI treatment and clinical reconition on the civilian side.
  4. A concussion can cause post concussive syndrome, and could be suffered in conjunction with a traumatic brain injury.
  5. FULL ARTICLE: http://tarrytown.patch.com/articles/trustees-and-fire-wardens-discuss-fire-administrator-position
  6. Many cities down here have Live CAD on their webpages. Some are even linking them to Twitter and Facebook now. This site looks nicely done, and I hope 60 Control will follow suit. I'm glad to see sites like these. Nice job by all involved with 44-Control.net!
  7. Pete, There are two of these units, both of which will replace the former light duty Rescues from Austin, at Station 1 and Station 3. One of those units will be converted into a Haz-Mat unit, the fate of the other is unknown. These units will run on most calls with their respective Engine or Quint. Having a Rescue/Brush truck is a lot more versatile to them, especially for grass fires, MVA's, and EMS calls. They wanted to get these in service as soon as possible, as I'm sure you've heard it's going to be a busy brush fire season statewide. I don't know why they are called Rescues though, but I think that may be changing. Heavy Rescue 2 is unmanned, and only responds to specific types of calls. It will respond with Engine 2 or be picked up by another company to respond. Here are some photos I took when it went into service last year. We have a new Chief that will be starting shortly. He was an Assistant Chief Of Special Operations for San Antonio FD. It will be interesting to see what happens with the Rescue portion of the department. It's a booster reel for water/foam.
  8. Members, I am regretful that I didn't do more to honor Chief Mauro on this site. Although I was somewhat active on the forum this week, I've been working long shifts with a major event, South By Southwest, in town. I had meant to, but time became blurred to me, and before I knew it, all the memorial services were over. I would just like to share a reflection of Chief Mauro. When I was a firefighter in Hartsdale and assigned to TL-15 when it was out of service, therefore having to go to Fairview and ride with L-1. We were eating breakfast in the kitchen of Station 1, and Chief Mauro came in. He told me how much he loved EMTBravo, he liked being on the "pulse" of what was going on, and he liked to see what people on the street were thinking. I felt very honored that a longtime tenured cheif respected the site so much. Especially since he was older, and this was before Facebook and Twitter, that he visited the site multiple times each day. One of the many reasons why Fairview FD is such a progressive department, and why they employ so many smart and caring minds. -Seth Granville Executive Director Assignment: EMTBravo Development
  9. Date: 3-16-11 Time: 0325 Location: Turkey Mountain Nature Preserve, Yorktown Heights Frequency: Units Operating:Yorktown PD, Westchester County PD, Carmel PD, New York State PD, NYC DEP PD, Yorktown Heights Fire-Rescue, Westchester County DES Weather Conditions: Cold,Dark, Rainy Description Of Incident: Unoccupied car of a man reported missing from Carmel found in parking lot at approx 0325 by officers on patrol. Carmel PD was notified and missing person search ensued immediately, with multiple canine units and intensifying at dawn. Body of man found approx 1415hrs. All terrain vehicles brought in for the search. Reporters: Writer: x635
  10. FULL ARTICLE: http://www.kbtx.com/home/headlines/Navasota_Man_Loses_House_in_Fire_Grateful_for_New_Communication_Technology_118043309.html
  11. Which is now weird, because Wheeled Coach and Horton are owned by the same company. It will be interesting to see what future ambulance contracts hold. I remember a NY Times article a while ago about how Wheeled Coach was upset that Horton was getting the bids because FDNY was spec'ing only what Horton could provide. And then their was the McCoy-Miller disaster, which they cancelled their order due to quality issues. I know Wheeled Coach has come a long way in quality, and the Wheeled Coaches delivered down here do pretty well, but I am looking forward to see how they hold up on NYC streets, as the Horton module is much more, I guess the way to put it, "heavy duty" then the Wheeled Coach module. However, Wheeled Coach built this module to the same Horton structural spec supposedly, so we shall see.
  12. It should be mentioned that Squad 4 was built in house by the White Plains FD shops. They took the rescue body and placed it on a former White Plains engine. I believe this replaced aanother unique vehicle built in house, it was either a mobile PA unit or light unit.
  13. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/us_nyc_waterfront
  14. They've updated the article, making the excuse the plan is a neccesity because of sewage issues. While I think this could possibly be a good investment one day in the future for the water quality issues, I have a problem with the statement by the Mayor's Office stating:
  15. Austin, TX FD uses Ford Escape's for their staff Chiefs. The City Of Austin has bought over a hundred, and plans more, and has them in basically every City agency. TXDOT also uses Ford Escapes for their engineeers. A local security company uses these SMART Cars as patrol vehicles: Travis County TX Park Rangers (Law Enforcement) use these Toyota Highlanders: Austin PD Crime Scene ID Division Ford Escape Hybrid (they hate the 2006-ish Escape Hybrid, but love the new ones)
  16. Here's something I found online. I don't know if it's real or if FDNY has begun delivery yet. http://i28.photobucket.com/albums/c248/emtbmike/0L6l_DYYzaB4h0PBi5lt.jpg
  17. Eastchester FD covers Eastcher, Tuckahoe, and Bronxville. I know all are in the Town Of Eastchester. HOWEVER, in mostly all instances in Westchester, each village would have it's own FD. Has Eastchester always been one FD for the three areas, or at one point was there some sort of consolidation? Also, at what point did Eastchester become career?
  18. *Disclaimer: These are questions, do not read into them. They are not meant to offend or insult anyone. Kleenex will not be provided.* Since I moved to Texas three years ago, I've lost touch with some things. With people mentioning Pelham as a Westchester location near the bus crash, it led me to thinking I have no idea what the EMS situation is anymore. I worked 38-A-1 in Pelham around 1998'ish, and we were stationed out of the Pelham firehouse. We had radios for all emergency agencies in Pelham, and were dispatched by 60 Control and Empress Central communications. Last I knew, EMS was provided via single medic flycar, which was a 200? Chevrolet/614 Custom. It was owned by Pelham, but staffed by Empress EMS. They were stationed at the DPW yard in Pelham Manor. They would respond to a call and start care, and depend on an ambulance from Empress's SSM system. I'm not sure how or who dispatched. So, that's the last I knew. What is the current EMS delivery model in Pelham? Also, Rescue 45 would respond on all Pelham Village EMS calls, and was designed to take wear and tear off Pelham's at the time hurting fleet. Has Rescue 45 been replaced, or is the same car still running? Same question for the 38-M-1 vehicle?
  19. FULL ARTICLE: http://sports.yahoo.com/nba/news?slug=ap-hawkspowellarrest
  20. Interesting article about the responders. I posted it in the thread about the crash, but felt it worthy of it's own discussion. http://www.lohud.com/article/20110313/NEWS02/103130366/Though-trained-responders-moved-by-gruesome-scene?odyssey=tab|topnews|text|Frontpage
  21. Interesting article about the responders: http://www.lohud.com/article/20110313/NEWS02/103130366/Though-trained-responders-moved-by-gruesome-scene?odyssey=tab|topnews|text|Frontpage
  22. Very sad news. He didn't even have a chance to enjoy his retirement. Thoughts and prayers to his family, and his Fairview FD family.
  23. 2011 Dodge Durango. I really like it. Didn't know Dodge was going to roll this out so fast. Like the new Ford Explorer, this will also make for a nice FD,PD, or EMS vehicle.
  24. 2011 Dodge Charger Not so sure I like the new redesign