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Everything posted by x635

  1. Date: 4-18-11 Time: 0330 Location: Sing Sing Prison Frequency: 46.26 FG3 Units Operating: 2331, 2334, Engine 97, Engine 100, Ladder 41, Briarcliff Towere Ladder 40 to stand by in quarters, DES Batt 12 Weather Conditions: Description Of Incident: Electrical fire in basement of housing unit. Evacuation of 700 inmates into yard. Reporters: Writer: x635
  2. AWESOME PHOTOS, Pete! You guys really got around! Can't wait to see more. Wish I had gone with you guys. On another note, it's good to see photos from you again! Hopefully, this wil start a new era.....
  3. Found on the front of a Dallas Fire-Rescue ambulance, currently not assigned. I was wondering, are these the "Rumbler" speakers? Can't think of what else they may be...
  4. I asked this months ago, when the bid awarding was conterversial. I wondered because the E-One they had was a lot lower then other engines. From what I understood, the Village left the fire company out of the final bid process. The Seagrave they had wanted had been measured and did fit into the firehouse. However, this isn't an underheard of issue. Boston recently had some apparatus delivered, and they did not fit into the firehouses they were assigned to. So they had to swap around apparatus. Unforunately, I don't think Tarrytown has that luxury. When I was in Hartsdale, Engine 170 was designed due to the steep ramp and tight fit. It literally had about an inch clearance everywhere around the door. The bay was actually at an angle, so you had to account for that, too. You can see what the apparatus bays in the firehouse were designed for, and what's in there nowadays: Ardsley actually had to design Engine 164 and Engine 165 around the firehouse limitations. I remember when Engine 165 was being spec'd, Chief Coulehan and Chet Garrison (the Saulsbury rep at the time) took a ton of measurments:
  5. By request, here is the pump panel and rear step on Plano Engine 1:
  6. I mentioned in the "Dobbs Ferry VAC: Missed Oppurtunity" thread about my personal opinion, once again my personal opinion, that Westchester really should have a emergency services musuem. As to not "hijack" that thread, I created this thread. If you replied in that thread about this issue, feel free to cut and paste. I strongly feel Westchester County should have some sort of emergency serivces musuem, even if it's a small one. I feel the benefits of this musuem would be diverse. -Preserve, store, and document Westchester's rich history -Honor those who served and those who died doing so -Documenting disasters that lead to major change, such as the Stouffers fire -Show the tools and progression of tools our brothers from the past used and how far we have come -Educate children about fire safety/PD and EMS (injury) prevention -Makes citizens more aware of our "presence" and dedication -To record and tell the stories many of our "senior guys" hold, to make sure those lessons don't die with them and are there for future generations. Their experience can never be duplicated. -I'm sure there would be plenty of volunteers (retired FF's, etc) who are passionate enough to volunteer there. -Place to host formal events. If departments spent the thousands of dollars for banquet halls, etc at a fire musuem banquet room, this could help to offset the cost. -The County has plenty of facilities already that could be used to start with. Also, Westchester has a lot of corporate donors to pull from for grants, etc Regardless of all the crud and drama in Westchester, there should be something to take pride in, and something to help remind us of why we have that pride.
  7. Well, if the general concensus is that a musuem is not needed, I hope documents and photos aren't thrown away, but donated to the Westchester County Records Archive as mentioned by Chris498. And, if there is an artifact that a department feels should be given a good home, but they don't want it, they should try to find that good home. History is not something that should be thrown away. And yes, when I win the lottery, I will be doing a few things for the Westchester emergency services community, and prove y'all wrong, lol.
  8. Today, I was photographing my city's newest engine, a 2011 Pierce Impel. When I went to open what looked like a double SCBA wheelwell compartment, I was suprised. This is the first time I've seen this, and probaly will see it well into the future. A port for diesel, and a port for urea.
  9. Dallas's New EOD Battalion car, 2011 Ford F-250, awaiting lights,equipment, and radio installation. Same spec as 2011 Battalion cars with the exception of black paint with no lettering. Another angle of Dallas FD Truck 3: Dallas FD USAR Task Force 2 Tactical Communication Vehicle: More photos when I'm feeling better....
  10. FULL STORY: http://www.telegram.com/article/20110407/NEWS/110409745/1116
  11. Where will this new firehouse be located?
  12. FULL ARTICLE: http://www.lohud.com/article/20110412/NEWS02/104120361/Man-sentenced-setting-blaze-killed-Yonkers-firefighter?odyssey=tab|topnews|text|Frontpage
  13. Maybe I didn't make this clear enough. A MUSEUM DOES NOT HAVE TO BE FUNDED BY TAXPAYER DOLLARS! Have you been to the Hall Of Flame museum in Phoenix? I understand everyone's viewpoints. I still think, if not in exact musuem format, that firehouses have some sort of small display case telling their history. And DES has those display cases, which I was last there a few years ago had some historical items. Those walls could be a great place to tell history. We also have something called the internet, which is a great musuem. Also, the Westchester Public Records are great, they just aren't as "visible" as they could be. Maybe there could be a rotating display at DES? Here is how my city chose to handle it: http://impactnews.com/round-rock-pflugerville/recent-news/4456-old-settlers-association-begins-construction-on-fire-engine-museum It's called a conversation, or debate, however you want to look at it. I'm not getting defensive, I'm presenting my rebuttal, and that's how I chose to word it. If anyone can help, where can I find the complete accurate history of 60 Control? What about all those who died in the line of duty in Westchester?
  14. Thanks Kurt. Now I remember how it was going to work. Hopefully MNRR will run trains directly to Penn Station eventually.
  15. What exactly is this system? An upgrade to the Teletype system, forget what it's called in NYS. FULL ARTICLE: http://www.lohud.com/article/20110412/NEWS01/104120325/1018/news02/Gillibrand-helps-NYPD-lobby-communications-upgrade
  16. FULL ARTICLE: http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/us_jfk_airport_plane_mishap VIDEO: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/21134540/vp/42549116#42549116
  17. Thanks Pete. It was the first time I did not hit any traffic or congestion in the metroplex whatsoever. I saw that those guys are coming down...wish I had known....not like I have that much free time though. But I like shooting by myself and not have a concrete itinerary more anyways.
  18. At what point do they go to Nebraska? Are they driven from Louisianna to Nebraska for aerial installation and then back again? Thanks for the shots!
  19. What about each department having a small history display in their headquarters? Is that a good thing?
  20. (PRESS RELEASE) Scroll down for photos Texas Forest Service Website: http://txforestservice.tamu.edu/main/default.aspx Georgetown, TX (in Central TX, just outside of Austin in Williamson County) and down the road from me: 2011 Ford F-550 Super Duty 4x4/Siddons Skeeter http://www.facebook.com/skeeterbrushtruck
  21. This brush truck, along with all 7 of it's twins, are already on their second deployment since delivery fighting wildfires in Western Texas. I caught one of them on CNN.
  22. As far as the expense, one doesn't have to do with another. Funding for the musuem, again, isn't going to come out of the same funds we use for operations. And no one says this has to be done overnight or in the imminenent future.....this is something that could be planned for for a while and then grow at a set pace, 5-10-20 years, whatever. Rome wasn't built in a day, people. Look at most musuems....traditionally they didn't start out as gigantic institutions.
  23. Hmmmm, so I guess all these museums are useless: Los Angeles City Fire Musuem and Educational Institute http://www.lafdmuseum.org/ Hall Of Flame Fire Musuem: http://www.hallofflame.org/ Dallas Fire Museum: http://www.dallasfiremuseum.com/ LA COUNTY Fire Musuem: http://www.lacountyfiremuseum.com/ New York City Fire Museum: http://www.nycfiremuseum.org/ Nassau County Fire Museum: http://www.ncfiremuseum.org/ And arts, culture, and history are useless. Maybe we should shut down the Musuem of National History, the Interpid, Smithsonian, etc. Sell it all for money. Stop teaching kids history in schools and we could save money. Senior guys, what do they know? What good is history or education anyways? [/sarcasm] As for funding, it would come from outside sources, not taxpayer money. Grants that wouldn't be available for general firefighting purposes. All kinds of grants are available for musuems. As for staffing, like the majority of fire service museums I have been to across this country, it would be mainly staffed by retirees who often love the preservation of history and have a lot of knowledge to share. And there's plenty of people who could contribute to this musuem becoming a reality without having an effect on response. This doesn't have to be an immediate goal, it could be a long term one. Also, it's not all about apparatus. Take for instance, Black Sunday. Those who survived, and those who made the ultimate sacrifice, made personal escape ropes and bailout training a national standard (I know it's didn't happen in WC, just an example). The Stouffers Fire in Purchase and the Disco fire in Port Chester, had a major impacts on fire codes. Tell me, are firefighters 20, 30,40 years ago going to remember this? Also, by adding an educational component, you have an oppurtunity and attraction to educate children and adults on fire safety. I guess the history of emergency services in Westcheser is unremarkable.