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Everything posted by x635

  1. Last night, I caught "Break It Down: Yankee Stadium", which chronicled the demolition of the old Yankee Stadium from begining to end. They did a nice job putting it together. http://channel.nationalgeographic.com/series/break-it-down/4335/Overview Which led me to think. Please note I haven't been in that area since 2007. I know it's driven by money and the "stadium experience", but was the new stadium really neccesary, now that it's served a few seasons? I was cringing watching the demolition of the old stadium? Did it really need to be? Couldn't the old stadium be re-adapted or re used in some fashion? From what I saw, it was built pretty sturdy. It is sad, but was it neccesary? And what is currently where Yankee Stadium was?
  2. Thanks for the info, guys. Has the new stadium field "enhanced" or changed the actual playing of the game at all?
  3. Can NYS buy from a purchasing cooperative? Many departments in Texas get whatever brand they want, as long as they are qualified through Buyboard or HGCABuy. http://www.hgacbuy.org/ http://www.tasb.org/services/cooperative_purchasing/vendors/index.aspx I know NYS has "state contract" vehicles, but I'm not sure if it's the same.
  4. Round Rock Fire Department (Williamson County, TX) New Brush 7 2011 Ford F-550/Siddons Skeeter T5
  5. I'm pretty sure Commisioner Pagano didn't even know that photo was being taken. And he really has no fireground role, as his job is mostly administrative. He didn't even have to take in that fire. But, any Yonkers firefighter would do the same thing. That photo shows the compassionate side of the fire service, and is probaly just as impressive (photo) as the guys working the fire. That little boy was probaly very scared, might have been losing all his toys and his home. A simple gesture can go a long way.
  6. FULL ARTICLE: http://www.lohud.com/article/20110502/NEWS02/105020356/Passersby-help-Greenburgh-cop-subdue-assailant?odyssey=mod|newswell|text|Frontpage|s It's always scary when this kind of thing happens. Does Greenburgh PD have Tasers as standard equipment?
  7. From a Greenburgh PD press release: Sally has been with Greenburgh PD*EMS for a long time, is an excellent paramedic, and is well deserving of this award. Benjamin has been working his butt off for the past few years to bring quality, convient, and new educational oppurtunities to the Greenburgh and Westchester areas. Congrats to both!
  8. After reading several articles, I've come to the conclusion that cutting power nowadays really shouldn't be assumed that electricity is not still flowing. Backup generators and battery backup systems, both of which are becoming more commons nowadays for residences as well as commerical businesses, can backfeed back into the grid if not installed properly. The same goes with solar and wind power. Additionally, some residences or businesses have may have one or more electrical feeds, and the power company may not know about it. This is what the "hotstick" was made for, and I'm just curious if any department has used it at an electrical or structure fire? Also, are there any departments that call 811 as a protocol?
  9. It was brought to our attention today that some people who were trying to register for an EMTBravo.net Forum Membership were getting a technical error after they hit the "Agree To Terms And Conditions" button. I believe this issue has been resolved. If you have difficulty or need assistance registering, please contact me at seth@emtbravo.com I apologize to our potential and new members for this inconvienence. Seth
  10. I know there are plenty of police vessels that handle incidents on the Long Island Sound in Westchester and Connecticut's "Gold Coast", but who has boats capable of fire suppresion?
  11. Very dramatic accident judging by the photo. I wish everyone a speedy recovery. Was the ambulance responding at the time, I know this location is near the Transcare base but doesn't Transcare also provide EMS in Mount Vernon? Also, was the ambulance broadsided? It's very easy for Type II's to flip. FULL ARTICLE: http://www.lohud.com/article/20110429/NEWS02/104290339/9-injured-after-ambulance-3-other-vehicles-crash?odyssey=tab|topnews|text|Westchester County, New York
  12. I was thinking the same thing. Seems like there is much more emphasis on warning lights. IMO, firegrounds should be lit up as much as possible, bring daylight with you. It does seem, in the past, that there were trucks dedicated to lighting. A lot of new deliveries nowadays have brow lights and other fixed LED scene lighting which are bright, but don't always do the job, i.e. the back of the building. When I was an MPO, I always made sure I did everything I could to light up the scene. That was how I was taught. And, I believe every apparatus should have a light tower. They make varieties to fit every application nowadays. It seems like around me, a lot of new engines are being delivered with light towers, removable/repositonable LED light stands, and cord reels on both sides. I don't like the halogen lights (anymore), because they get so hot they are likely to start their own fire. I've got to give props to the next generation, the Whelen Pioneer LED, probaly the brightest scene light I've ever seen, and it comes in both fixed and portable versions. And props to Yorktown FD, which aqquired a construction style self contained lighting trailer, so when some of the apparatus leaves, the light doesn't.
  13. Members, If you have emailed us using the address forums@emtbravo.com in the past several months INCLUDING replying to any emails from the forum list, there is a strong chance we did not get your message due to a technical error. Again, this includes if you have replied to any of these forum emails. If you haven't heard back from us, please re-email to our master address at emtbravo@emtbravo.com forums@embtravo.net IS working again, however, and we are now confirmed to be recieving all emails sent to that address. (We did get all emails sent to that address on our mail server, they just weren't delivered to our local computer. To clarify, we got them, but we didn't get them. Now that we have them, due to sheer volume of the backlog, there is no possible way to reply to the emails) Thank you, and I apologize for any inconvience. Seth G.
  14. Good heads up, firedude. Engine 288 is definetly overdue for replacement, especially with I-684 running through their district. I would also think or hope that a Quint would be in their future as well. But if they replace Engine 287, I will cry unless they gift me with it.
  15. Thanks for the info. I've heard that the stadium was never the same since the 1974 renovation. But still, couldn't it have been renovated "back"? But, I guess Steinbrenner Sports made more money selling every piece of the old stadium they could. At one time (probaly early 2000's), I read that the facade of the old stadium was to be used for the new park, or even the old stadium to be renovated into several little league fields. Has anyone taken Metro North to the games in the new stadium? Has that started yet? Do you have to connect through Grand Central?
  16. Awesome boat, great shots! Thanks for sharing!
  17. New American LaFrance dealer for NYS. Located in Newburgh. Question is, will any department trust them again, and can ALF recover? http://www.exceptionalemergencyvehicles.com/
  18. What got me thinking about this was the recent multiple boat fire at a New Rochelle Marina. It's extremly dangerous to fight a Marina Fire aggresively, so I imagine New Rochelle used master streams from land (someone correct me, I have NO idea about how this fire was handled) Given New Rochelle's prominence and location on the Sound Shore, shouldn't they have a dedicated fire (suppresion) boat as well? Especially if they develop David's Island? I know Rescue 4 has a Zodiac type boat on top of Rescue 4 that can be lowered into the water, but I believe that is only for rescues. Make it happen, BNechis!
  19. What was your intention with this post? Based on your posts, you're most likely a Sleepy Hollow member. Do you want this swept under the rug? I understand you probaly are one of the many who don't like the negative publicity, but this doesn't really refelect on the department, more on the individual. The department took what I thought was an knee jerk move, removing his name from the "Top 2010 Responders" list. The #1 responder is missing. Why not offer a short statement. He was a valued member of the department, and there was no indication of this. As mentioned, it's innocent until proven guilty in the USA, He obviously was an well regarded member of the department, and an enthusiastic one. That doesn't neccarily make him an arsonist. There may be evidence, and if he is found guilty, then there's a huge issue with putting his fellow firefighters and citizens in danger. I reviewed his Facebook page, and saw all the people who immediatelty unfrieneded him from SHFD. He seemed to be really into himself, that's just based on my impression of the photos. To the dedicated, loyal members of Sleepy Hollow FD. You have a lot of dedicated, loyal members with a lot of experience and heritage. This is focusing on one individual, and doesn't neccarily reflect bad on the department, based on how the department chooses to respond. As I have in the past, I truly urge you to go the extra mile to do background checks, criminal history checks, psych exams, etc etc....if only at the minimum to cover your butts when stuff like this happens. I imagine you guys are shocked and feel like you were taken for a ride. Sleepy Hollow FD, you've been dragged through the mud so many times and betrayed by your members so many times....keep your heads up! You have a lot to be proud of. Just take this as a lesson.
  20. Unbelievable storms in the southeast. I hope that all our members from that area are OK. I know we have or had some members who went to the University Of Alabama, plus members of EMTBravoSouth.com.
  21. Looking good! Hudson Valley Fire Equipment has some detail shots on their webpage: http://hudsonvalleyfire.com/apps/public/news/newsView.cfm?News_ID=10
  22. Members, I truly apologize for the extensive recent downtime of the EMTBravo websites. On Monday night, I transferred to a new server with a new host, after weeks of preparation. I expected it to be a flawless and quick move, and only briefly cause downtime during the overnight hours, but obviously that wasn't the case. I ran into multiple different issues. As soon as one issue was resolved, it seems another popped up. It was mostly issues relating to our "address" on the internet. I have been working basically 24/7 to resolve the issues and get the sites back online. It has been an extremly frusterating few days. Unfortunetly, this took down our mail server as well, so I had no way of notifying the majority of the membership, and my email was down as well. I was posting updates on Facebook, and you can check that site even if you're not a Facebook member. I have my fingers crossed that this isn't the case, but if you are still having issues, or someone you know is, the problem may be on your local personal computer. The way to resolve this issue as soon as possible is to flush your DNS cache. To do this, Google "Flush DNS Cache" and follow the site with the easiest instructions applicable to your OS. Most likely,you will need to go to you Start Menu -> Run and enter ipconfig /flushdns and click OK. Again, I apologize to the membership and staff for the inconvienence that the unexpected downtime caused. I thank you for your patience, understanding, and loyalty. Seth G. *Please report any issues that you may find to me at the following email address: seth@emtbravo.com *
  23. Date: 4-28-11 Time: Location: South Fulton Ave. At Fifth St. Frequency: Units Operating: Mount Vernon PD, MVPD ESU, Mount Vernon Fire, Transcare (Mount Vernon EMS contractor) Weather Conditions: Overcast, drizzle Description Of Incident: Transcare ambulance involved in a 4 vehicle crash, Type II Transcare ambulance overturned. No life threatening injruies reported. Reporters: Writer: x635 http://www.lohud.com/article/20110429/NEWS02/104290339/9-injured-after-ambulance-3-other-vehicles-crash?odyssey=tab|topnews|text|Westchester County, New York
  24. I can't view News 12 anymore, and I'm not paying Cablevision for the "privledge". Has the leaky roof, mold, and rat problems all been resolved?