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Everything posted by x635

  1. Great shots, Joe! Always good to see what's new back in Westchester and NYC in photos!
  2. FULL ARTICLE: http://www.lohud.com/article/20110515/NEWS02/105150377/Yorktown-focuses-fun-fire-trucks-flashlights
  3. This is kind of suprising to me. Judging by the amount of recent Pierce deliveries I've seen across the country, I would think they'd be doing well. They must have had a significant drop in orders. FULL ARTICLE: http://www.postcrescent.com/article/20110513/APC03/110513016/Pierce-lays-off-56-full-time-employees?odyssey=tab|topnews|img|FRONTPAGE
  4. From the Town Of Greenburgh Email list, by Paul Feiner. I'm really suprised Greenburgh PD doesn't already use this technology.
  5. http://www.austinchronicle.com/news/2011-05-13/the-color-of-fire/
  6. A tremendous loss to the fire service, but a well deserved retirement! FULL ARTICLE: http://soundshore.lohudblogs.com/2011/05/11/new-rochelle-fire-commissioner-raymond-doc-kiernan-to-retire/
  7. "Chicago Code" has been cancelled in yet another instance of a network (Fox is notorius for this) not giving a show a chance to get established or succeed. I hope a cable network picks it up.
  8. Putnam County's Children's Expo and Safety Day. Looks to be an awesome PR event. Can anyone fill us in with more details? There are some great photos by Photojournalist Frank Becerra Jr at the link below: http://www.lohud.com/apps/pbcs.dll/gallery?Avis=BH&Dato=20110507&Kategori=NEWS&Lopenr=105070803&Ref=PH
  9. Duracell has been strongly supporting the fire service through several programs recently (one of them is mentioned in the Ce-Lo thread) http://www.facebook.com/duracell http://www.facebook.com/duracell#!/duracell?sk=app_182191008465378
  10. Yeah, maybe in the early 1900's when people actually cared about their communities. It was also touted to be good for members working on their yards that couldn't hear or carry pagers, etc. I remember responding to several calls that I only heard the Klaxon (yes, Klaxon) for because my pager wasn't with me. I also remember being an overjoyed schoolkid when that Klaxon would sound two blasts at 7AM, signaling a snow day! I also remember dispatching certain Westchester departments, and only being able to sound the siren at certain times for certain reasons. But nowadays, I don't think it's an efficient technology for alerting, but a good one for backup (power failures, etc).
  11. It's sad people have to dwell on something relatively isolated and overshadow the good of the event. When people fall and cut their knee at a department carnival, does it get this much press? The only reason he probaly was taken to the hospital was due to his age, which played a factor. We have the facts that were stated here from the source, so the rest of the converstation regarding this again, isolated incident, is moot. And if you have questions, the number to call is above. Let's continue the converstation about the event...
  12. Yorktown Heights Fire Department New Engine 272 2011 KME Predator Special thanks to Past Chief Martin Mcgannon for the photo. Looks to be another well thought out apparatus for Yorktown, and very nicely set up to be a first due engine.
  13. In more and more areas across the country, it seems to be that the apparatus operator is a promotional position from firefighter. I think that it absolutely should be a promotion. The apparatus operator has a tremendous responsibilites to both the apparatus, the firefighters, and the public, and not everyone's up to the task. The operator is also tasked with basic maintainence and upkeep of the apparatus. I also think, from an educational perspective, this would allow firefighters to train more as firefighters. I know someone will knock this down as budget imposssible, but to the taxpayers....you need someone to drive the fire trucks, right?
  14. Wow! Awesome shots! You are like a magnet for great photo ops!
  15. I didn't realize that these will be in FIXED locations and not on traffic enforcement cars: LoHud Article: http://www.lohud.com/article/20110508/NEWS02/105080350/In-wake-burglaries-Greenburgh-considers-fixed-license-plate-readers?odyssey=tab|topnews|text|Frontpage
  16. Apparently, the Journal News is selling, because they are downsizing. It says they don't have printing operations there anymore- where do they print the Journal News? And I guess a newsroom is old news. I know the internet has challenge the newspaper industry, but I've seen Gannet completly abandon communities and still publish a paper there. http://www.lohud.com/article/20110506/NEWS02/105060342/Recreation-complex-proposed-replace-Journal-News-building-Harrison
  17. That Cat Grader, it says Wal-Mart coming soon on a sign in the background- is that in Westchester?
  18. RIP, Pretzel. Thank you for your dedicated service, and have fun in Heaven. FULL ARTICLE: http://www.lohud.com/article/20110504/NEWS02/105040362/Pretzel-Westchester-County-PD-s-first-drug-sniffing-K9-dead-13?odyssey=tab|topnews|text|Frontpage
  19. FULL ARTICLE: http://www.lohud.com/article/20110505/NEWS02/105050347/Restaurateur-thanks-White-Plains-firefighters-cops
  20. FULL ARTICLE: http://www.lohud.com/article/20110505/NEWS02/105050349/Public-safety-cadets-get-look-fire-service
  21. On second thought, maybe the Town Of Greenburgh could have bought multiple units for the PD from the revenue they could have had if they didn't screw up the 100,000 tickets.
  22. More info: http://www.co.travis.tx.us/human_resources/jobs/opportunities.asp