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Everything posted by x635

  1. I regret not locking this thread with my orginal message. It was to reiterate our members repecting other members, and how it applies to this forum. Instead, it deteriorates into a venue for people to air their greivances. Speaking as the Founder and Executive Director of this website, I could say nothing is farther from the truth. Yes, there's been "Battle Of The Badges" on this forum, and most of them are not tolerated. Most of the issues discussed are what people are thinking or thier perception. You have every oppurtunity to state your opinon or respond to a post. Is the FD vs. PD/ESU drama that plays out that manifests on this forum from time to time not true on the streets? Couldn't this site be used to open a line of dialogue? Is everyone anti-cop? This site has been extremly supportive of Law Enforcement, and in the going on 8 years this forum has been online, the good FAR outweighs the bad, and their are a number of threads to prove that. Plus, it's always the same few people who make that statement. I've heard claims that this site is anti-everything, and find many complaints invalid. Most of the people making this claim hold a grudge because of one or two threads that offended them, and then make misinformed accusations. Since you seem concerned about this issue, how do you suggest we resolve it? From my point of view, it's not an issue. However, you have a different viewpoint and I would like to hear ideas and solutions rather then complaints. So everyone is clear: This website is for ANYONE in every aspect of emergency services.
  2. Can't the Putnam Valley board at least put pressure on New Yok state? Is there any was to build a bypass at least? It's a deathtrap, basically. Wondering what priority NY dot has it at? BTW, thanks Adam for the info
  3. Nice! I take it Somers is going with white for their Chief cars now? Also, does Somers use an MDT with the Toughbook, or is it for general use (internet, Hazmat guides, preplans, NIFRS, etc)?
  4. I recently read an article regarding extended reach aerial that several manufacturers are offering. Some of these range from 109' to 137'. It's not so much about building height, but lateral reach to set back buildings. However, you need extra room for outriggers. Anyone else care to add?
  5. I always wish I could be there! Your shots from last year of all the apparatus present had me drooling....
  6. Rather a trivial issue... Should Chief's cars markings say "Incident Command" instead, with Chief de-emphasized or deleted? In my opinion, Chief is kind of an old school term. Especially when you have departments with 3 or 4 vehicles marked as "Chief". As far as public perception and modernization on this issue, wouldn't "Incident Command" or "Incident Commander" more accurately relflect not only the role the person driving the vehicle, but the vehicle's purpose as well.
  7. From the Village Of Ardsley Email list:
  8. But those are not emergency situations. I think that the whole apparatus roof and hosebed are a dangerous place to wash rigs, pack hose, etc. I've never seen this issue addressed before. Just putting out the fire on the roof is an issue itself. But these wires often come off a spool. If broken, they tend to snap back. Gosh forbid this wire snapped, which with the fire it has potential to do, it would have knocked that Chief right off that roof. If Con Ed was on scene with a bucket truck, or an Aerial on scene, it would provide a much better and secure platform. Plus, putting yourself underneath the wires and near the poles is like operating in the "collapse zone" As far as the PPE goes, if he's not wearing a nomex station pants and a nomex shirt, then he has no basic PPE that's going to help him, such as if a spark hits him. And the apparatus operator....he has to operate under the direction of the Chief, or face insubordination charges.
  9. There are a number of pros and cons. One of the pro's I read was that it was benefical for ventilation of set back lightwieght construction buildings. I'd really like Capt. Nechis's view on this.
  10. From FirefighterCloseCalls.com:
  11. Obviously, this comment is directed towards me. As far as speaking with Con Ed staff, I did my homework before I said anything that wasn't accurate. I wasn't mimicking any posts by numbering my reply. As you can see, I'm very longwinded. I intended to make several short points that could be easily reffered to. That way was easiest for me to do, but it ended up not working. As far as this website becoming "notorious for this", this website is what you make of it. What this website is notorius for is a very low majority of people getting defensive for no reason, easlily offended, and think they are unaccountable for thier actions. These are the same some people who have good and contructive information to share, and instead they just sit back and say nothing even if it means we could all learn from it. And, most of the people who complain aren't even active members of this forum to begin with. There's a difference between incident photos and this photo, as I stated above. I deem this as an immediate threat to life for the person standing on top of the Engine. It's really, really sad people are trying to defend this. If I delete this thread, it would be doing a tremendous disservice to our community. I'd MUCH rather have people complain about this website and make accusations about it instead of having to post LODD arangements. In going forward, let's remember that inflamatory comments towards another member, even subtle ones, are a violation of forum policy. If you have an issue with me, you can contact me direct at seth@emtbravo.com, PM me, or use the Contact System.
  12. Just a few questions for the members who can answer it: FDNY has ordered a significant number of Engine, Trucks, and Rescues. I assume most of this has to do with the 10 year frontline lifespan. A couple questions about that: Are the Tactical Support Units still used or relevant? It seems the new rescues and collapse rescues can take on many of it's roles. How are they staffed, and if still used, are they due for replacement? The Mask Service Units. These trucks must be ready for replacement since the newest unit is 10 years old. Are the High Rise units still in operation, and scheduled for replacement? And finally, is the FieldCom unit still staffed and respond to certain jobs? (the Frieghtliner...formerly the Mack R)
  13. And now my opinion: In speaking with a Con Ed Electric Emergency Service Supervisor, even if the line was cut and the insulation was on fire, the Con Ed worker would still need his safety gear and the bucket right on the line, with Con Ed using the extinguisher. A Con Ed Worker, on that type of pole, can never guarentee the power's been cut especially with so many other services using the pole. Also, Con Ed would extinush the fire, and probaly splice at that location. It should also note that the insulation is designed to be fire resistant. And if you've ever seen a Con Ed guy suit up for burning wires, there's a reason for all that safety gear. And I'm sure he's qualified to operate a dry chem. I don't care who can identify the department, and who can't. The Chief should be setting an example. The Chief should be an Incident Commander, and how is he in position to do on top of an apparatus cab? And that Incident Commander should have a Con Ed SUPERVISOR right next to him at the command post and operating under the DIRECT advisment of that supervisor. The fire service is not a popularity contest. We all make mistakes. I don't care who this person is, but if he made a mistake, he should own up to his mistake and take full accountability for everything he does. That goes for everyone. Using friendship or any other excuse to justify the actions in the photos is unprofessional. And, are you going to let your friends do things that are unsafe, or let them get away with it "because you know them" so you can visit them in the hospital or worse? Obviously, this Chief is friends with many on this forum-and is probaly even a member. Therefore, he could easily pass along a message regarding his actions if he wishes to do so. If this was some department way out west let's say, the same people complaining about this post would have very different attitudes. This is a life or death action. Anyone who finds this acceptable needs to be retrained in Basic Firefighter, and Electrical Emergenies, and then tested on it. Any department member needs to wonder if he would put his firefighters into a situation where they may not go home to their families? If there is not an immediate threat to life in this situations, let it burn! I highly doubt with all the rain up there that brush would be an issue. I've heard how they did it "in the old days" until present, with a water can, but those people are lucky. Additonally, as for positioning the apparatus, why is it right under the pole,crossarms, and wires? Down here right now, wires down are a major emergency as it could spark a fire that burns thousands of acres. Still, crews contain the fire from a safe distance, and lets the power company cut the actual line and do whatever needs to be done with it. I don't see any major emergency present in the photo. OK, to sum up my long winded post: TRUST THE EXPERTISE OF CON EDISON They aren't sitting around on a beach somewhere playing with thermostats and feeding solar power back into the grid and the such, they are out there.....if it's a major emergency or threat, you will get a response. If not, wait. Friends don't let friends fry.
  14. OK, here's the deal on this post, so pay attention everyone: 1. Moderation policy is not to be discussed openly in a thread. If you have an issue, contact a staff member or use the contact system. 2. In regards to past posts, when a photographer posts photos, we don't dissect them because that's not what they are posted for. Not to disect. 3. Difference to #2: Department was obscured, photo was published on an international website, that has a copyright that allows replublication to enhance firefighter safety. Not everyone can assume and associate an apparatus with a department. 4. A Forum Manager specifically said we are not identifying the department. No department is being bashed, only the actions of one individual. From jack10562 posted above, post #15, 5. While a series of photos may not show the whole story, sometimes a single photo speaks volumes, as this one does. Kind of like a "photo finish" in a race..... 6. Deleting this thread would do a tremendous injustice to the fire service. This action could have directly and easily resulted in a fatality, an LODD. If you have an issue with this post BESIDES MY OPINION ON THE INCIDENT ITSELF BELOW, see #1. Otherwise, continue discussion on the photo.
  15. Heather, Thank you so much for posting this. Seth
  16. Happy Birthday, Dan!
  17. Exactly. Brookfield (scrap metal company in Elmsford-HUGE buyer of trucks at end of life) buys a ton of FDNY apparatus. It also seems like a majority of appartus are cannibalized for parts, then auctioned. It's sad, because SOME of the assets auction off are in decent enough shape to serve very rural departments with no funding. It seems like the older Mack Engines and TL's made their way to second homes. I'm not saying they should be donated, but they can (but can't) be obtained at a fair price.
  18. In addition to the 12 95' Seagrave Aerialscopes ordered earlier this year, and the 8 75' Seagrave Aerialscopes ordered a few weeks ago, FDNY placed an add-on order of 8 more 75' Seagrave Aerialscopes. So that's 12 new 95' TL's, and 16 new 75' TL's. It seems with the 40 Ferrara rearmount aerials currently being delivered and 8 Seagrave Tillers on order, FDNY's Aerial fleet should be in pretty good shape this time next year. (Note: See "FDNY Tiller Order" thread for more on the 8 Tillers order from Seagrave")
  19. Sad, but unique nonethless. It will be interesting when the whole story is hopefully publihed in Fire Engineering. To note, Yonkers FD USAR and Collapse Rescue has some very high tech resources to locate victims, and remove them in a situation like this.
  20. I don't know where to begin. The metro Austin area-Central Texas (is under a severe fire weather warning. It hasn't rained in months, we're in an extreme drought, and there is low humidity and wind gusts over 40MPH. Tempature's are in the high 90's-100. No rain in sight in the foreseeable future (months). They've evacuated thousands of people, and so far, 20,000+ acreas and 600+ homes have been destroyed all in different fires all over a 1,000 square miles. And this isn't the only major brush fire in the state. I think there are 63 major fires at the time of writing. Yesterday, I was listenting to one of the many,many incidents that started small, in a subdivison that is located in a mountainous area with a lot of brush (AKA fuel). This entire community of subdivisions are rather high end, with homes from $400,000 (a LOT of money here) to $1 million. The scanner was going crazy. At one of the major fires here in Austin, I was listening to it get larger, and, at one point, the IC ordered 20 Type I or Type II engines, 10 Type 5 or Type 6 brush trucks, as many helicopters as Starflight could send, and 60 police officers to go door to door to evacuate people in one radio transmission Also, I believe it burned up one engine. Most departments, including FD, PD, and EMS are under full recall. Firefighters and apparatus are stretched thin (see link below). Thankfully, State and Federal resources will begin arriving today. And there is going to be a surge in Brush Trucks being ordered in the upcoming months. And no, I didn't get any photos nor did I want to get any photos. These fires are way too dangerous to be anywhere near without proper gear and accountabilty. Here's an article about Firefighters being strecthed thin: http://www.statesman.com/news/local/firefighters-stretched-thin-short-on-luck-1820130.html
  21. FDNY MARINE ONE "343" REPLICA http://www.firezonestore.org/3maonefiscmo.html
  22. I dropped the ball, and I take responsibilty for that. There is a reason for it, but I don't want to make excuses. I apologize.
  23. RIP, Corp. Kevin Aigner Also, it was announced today that 22 people are officially unaccounted for in the Bastrop fire, and that number has the potential to increase. As for the fire, it is 50% contained. http://www.statesman.com/news/local/for-firefighters-losing-houses-was-personal-1838236.html