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I notice a lot of Chiefs who arrive on scene and cancel responding apparatus because it's a false alarm. Why not use this oppurtunity as a training oppurtunity? Have apparatus continue in, non-emergency mode, and practice apparatus placement. If you have time, put up the ladder and see if the pre-plan works or can be adjusted. Have members look at the challenges the building presents. Have the supply engine find the hydrants. As far as "taking time out of busy lives", when they respond to the alarm, they would spend the time fighting the fire, if that's what it was. Cancelling apparatus also is bad for morale, when you know your responding to an AFA and know your Chief will beat you there and cancel you.
I'm sayingt this type odf training shold be done with every incident, as there are certain structures that it's inappropriate, and that's at the Officer's discretion. I'm sure if the Officer was able to contact the manager, especially during "off hours", and asked if his firefighters could look over the building to that they can learn, I think most managers wouldn't have an issue. As for the time taken out of the day for AFA's, that's part of the job. If it was a fire, I'm sure a lot of people would find that time. If Apparatus Operators, especially newer ones, don't get experience driving in the snow, then that is a big deal. Snow is an excellent way to train in driving a fire appartus or ambulance. Heck, in Hartsdale when it snow, we went to a large parking lot at the Town Park and learned about driving in the snow. We also had to pracrice driving in the snow on the real roadways, and the effect of the strobe, etc. How many younger guys get that chance? Also, for interoperability, DPW should be in our radio bank, so if a plow or spreader is needed, it is there.The dispatcher could patch into the fireground channel, and request the plow where needed. We also learned how to plow two stations, but that's a different story.
The problem is, no one used it.
Austin-Travis County EMS Austin, TX District 6 Command 2011 Ford F-350 Super Duty 4x4 2011 Frazer-Bilt "Urban Command" Module http://www.frazerbilt.com Currently towing icemaking trailer
If a firefighter is to take the NYS Promotional Exam for Captain, and gets on the list, does he/she have to stay with the department they currently work for? Or can they be made an offer by another FD or transfer to another FD as a Captain?
Question: Do you work for the Fire Chief, or does the Fire Chief work for you? I'm interested to see people's interpration of the statement above.
I think the PUC is a very versatile Engine, especially if you have limited manpower. They have become really popular, and many manufacturers are duplicating the concept. While this isn't a true "pumper", 1500 GPM is enough to do the job in most cases. Chances are, if you need that capacity, there will be an Engine on scene for water. DFW (Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport) uses several Pierce PUC Engines to cover both landside and airside emergencies: And the City Of Austin, TX has this Pierce PUC Heavy Duty Quint: Kyle, TX uses this Pierce PUC as a Rescue Pumper: Westlake, TX uses this Pierce PUC as a first due Engine: Here's one PUC I've photographed, with some spec shots:
I wish the Chief the best in his retirement! Hope he retires down here in Texas. There are many departments in need of his talent! (Please note only posts that pertain to Chief Fitzpatrick, his retirement, and congrats messages are permitted here. Dicussion regarding YFD operations aren't appropriate for this particular thread, and have been removed)
I've decided to remove my comments regarding this situation. It's way to complpex for me to understand, as Yonkers has a very complex heirachy and I don't have the time or info to articulate myself properly.
I think one resident gave up on that and moved on to a much more progressive society. I maintain my view that elected officials should do things to stabilize or reduce taxes, use their roles to modernize and make their dollars go further. They also must prudently plan for their financial future-proactively. And conserve in "boom times". Hiking taxes or blaming the workforce isn't the answer for every financial problem. I'm not going to even start on the whole "Westchester has high taxes, deal with it" issue...lol.
Being a Commisioner for 26 years is not a reason for someone to be the best fit. The Commisioners have a responsibilty to the taxpayers to account for their actions. You say that 7% isn't that much money, but what happens when the taxes get raised year after year? $29 buys me a tank of gas. A package of diapers. Food. To some people on a budget or fixed income, $29 may be a lot of money. Besides the fire district, Greenburgh has ridiculously high taxes for other things, such as the crappy school district. I know, I've paid these taxes, and my parents have as well, both for business and residential. I've gone through records a while back, and the rise in Hartsdale's ever-increasing fire taxes have not corrolated to any increase in service, addition to staffing, or timely equipment replacement. They don't even run EMS first response, except PD/EMS assists. They pay a CFR stipend, and some CFR's have even expired or forgotten their training due to no CE. They don't make EMT part of the pre or post hiring requirements. In fact, some of the biggest budget expenditures are maintaining the Gamewell Box system, which for the most part has reached obselence in the district..This includes the two department "electricians", who are given a stipend for the extra work. A non-EVT, non ASE, non factory certified firefighter is also given a generous stipend for being the department "mechanic", with a large budget for parts and tools. They actually pay more for that then anything EMS, like EMS training or reponse. When I moved in early 2008, the firehouse expansion project at Station 2, and the firehouse expansion project at Station 1, both floated during the economic upswing, had cost the district 10+ million dollars in bonds, which they will be paying off for a while and also increased taxes. Also, most of their firefighters can easily make over six figures a year which adds to a whopping payroll. And it's drilled into you not to discuss payroll, especially to the taxpayer. As mentioned, they don't require EMT, College Credits, nothing. Being a Volunteer, related to a Commisioner, or those who are friends with those related to Commisioners count though. Why do you think so many firefighters transfer to Hartsdale? Less work and more money. The whole "we don't have to train them" is BS. There needs to be more transparency within the district. They need to explain to the people who are paying for the tax increase exactly where the money is going, who it is going to, what for, and why. "Tax Ceratoris" aren't the only problem. They also need to explain how they calculate for anticipated expenses and capital equipment replacement. And as far as voting, you can only go vote between 3pm and 9pm at one station. They try to minimize voter turnout, and count on the fact that the current Commisioners can round up their elderly friends, and drive them to the diner only steps away from the voting machine "to eat" after they vote. How they get elderly residents to vote for a 7% tax increase is beyond me. And a lot of Hartsdale residents are commuters, and this gives them limited ability to vote. Especially during Christmastime, when everybody is focused on the Holiday. I know people in Greenburgh that are paying $16,000 in combinded taxes a year for a raised ranch on a small piece of property. People have the responsibility to vote, and we have the responsibilty to do everything we can to enhance that. For instance, in Oregon, they mail you a ballot. In the packet, they have information on each canidate and where they stand. You have two weeks to inform yourself and make a decision. They have one of the highest voter turnouts in the nation. I would love to see the results of a NYS audit.
@alsfirefighter She's been in office for 26 years. It's been proven time and time again that the board she has served on has failed to have financial foresight, or plan for future expenses. She's also shown how fiscally irresponsible she is. What has been her accomplishments during the past 24 years? I'm very interested in knowing who voted for her. 7% is a big tax hike. The taxes in Greenburgh are already ridiculous, and the taxes in Hartsdale Fire District have been going up yearly.
How does one even gain employment with Con Ed? Regardless, I think that it is any large corporations job to give back to the community. This is something many residents enjoy,and we shoudldn't be looking a gift horse in the mouth.
I agree. A lot of what the Fire Commisioner does is political. Even though I'm here in Texas, I've known and seen what Chief Fitzpatrick has done for the department over the last several years. Although undoubtely he would make an awesome Commisioner, I really think he is kicking ass in the role he has now. He probaly can and will do more for the department in his current capacity then a Commisioner could ever do. If that was his career path choice though and that's what HE wanted, then I would root for him in that role.
Well, like I figured, Stanley is continuing her 26 year strongholder reign on the district. It's probaly easy when you have people pick up your friends and drive people to the polls, and make limited hours to vote. (in addition to trying to keep it as top secret as possible).I wonder if anything would change if they placed the polls near the train station during the morning and evening rush, when most Hartsdale residents are passing through? Or also have polls at Station 2 as well? That's how she's made it 26 years. I mean, a 7% tax hike in addition to the tax hikes in the past few years, and she's still in office? What kind of people would vote for a Commisioner that points blame and doesn't offer up any solutions? If I was Richard Coen, I would demand a recount. Hopefully, next year, another Commisioner will be knocked out and some new blood put in. Until then, the citizens are going to pay 7% MORE in taxes, on top of already ridiclously high fire district taxes, with less staffing and bare bones operating budget due to poor management of the district by the Commisioners, which is covered up so no resident is aware of what is going on. The millions of dollars that have been wasted and expense not properly planned for. The district is actually getting worse, as they are currently operating a 23 year old ladder truck that saw busy service in an urban community staffed by only one firefighter, amongst other things. 26 years is a reign. In my views, that's not ethical for someone to hold an elected post that long, especially when most of the other commisioners have been there just as long. And note, these are the people that rally to strip workers of their rights, deny them of what is rightfully theirs, and fight over every little detail they can, and will stop at no expense to do so. http://whiteplains.lohudblogs.com/2011/12/13/stanley-re-elected-as-hartsdale-fire-commissioner/
Just a reminder, if you are referencing or stating laws on this site, we ask that you provide the source you found the law at and link to the law.
It's important for large companies to give back to the community they serve. $20,000 is nothing in Con Ed's budget. This will help to provide many of it's customers with a very popular recreational opportunity.
http://www.lohud.com/article/20111213/NEWS03/112130302/South-Nyack-doctor-head-White-Plains-ER-hurt-bike-crash?odyssey=tab|topnews|text|Westchester County, New York Get well soon!
Thankfully, the glue traps I had set up to capture spiders from getting into the garage and house caught this 1 year old-ish rattlesnake the other day.......although he was glued down and not going anywhere, he was still alive and pissed! I had him sitting there for several days thinking it was just a harmless variety of snake....until my neighbor who is very familiar with snakes pointed out the features of a rattlesnake.....I had him in the garbage can all ready to be picked up with the trash (in a fashion he could not bite anyone) but my neighbor took possesion of him temporarily as his wife has the same rules as mine.
I just wanted to make it clear that I hate seeing animals suffer. The sticky traps even have their own section o PETA's site. They are primarily to catch bugs and spiders.Ask my wife about the the rat that I removed from the sticky pad that was still alive, held him overnight to make sure he was OK, and released him into a grassy field. Basically, I procrastinated ID'ing the snake due to work and other obligations. I was kinda shocked when I saw him in my garage. So it sat there for a few days, with me assuming it was ded.I also felt really bad because it looked like a baby and I had technically killed it. I was told by several people familiar with snake habits that I was very lucky that I caught it as it entered into the garage, before it could hide somewhere. I wouldn't send any snakes to you, because if I like it or not, it's not their natural habitat. Part of the problem is people (not you) dump all kinds of snakes that they had as pets when they no longer want them.
ckroll, next time I will overnight the snake to you. I'm sure since there's a couple of more foundations to be built, I'm sure it will stir up a rattlesnake den, which in wintertime, can contain 100+ rattlesnakes in some situations. The natural enviroment for a snake is outside. That's not an issue. When it enters the home of person who has a 16 month old daughter, then there is an issue. There are no evidence of rodents, and the sticky pads are designed for them but I use them to trap venumous spiders. My thought initally was to get the snake off of the sticky pad with my neighbor, but it probaly would have destroyed the snake's scales and skins. The snake was placed in a bucket and taped, and into the garbage, which is also loaded into the garbage truck. I'm sorry it had to suffer on the sticky pad, but I'm not taking any chances. I'm an animal lover too. If I see an animal in distress, I usually can't handle it and it can bring me to tears. I can't kill a living creature, and I honestly thought it was dead already and wasn't going near it until I could find out more. Also, did you know the antivenom and treatment medicines cost abot $30,000. Despite that, many people still have major injuries such as tissue necrosis or limb amputation? And get your facts straight about venemous snake bites in Texas, not just the deaths. I've hear several documented cases and they aren't that pretty. The reason I posted it was for awareness and discussion. The snake was already on the pad, so, always having a camera in hand, I took a photo. And please, quit insulting your fellow members of this board. Having a different perspective and information, or having someone disagree with you, does not constitute reading comprehension.
Really? What if my 16 month old daughter was in the garage and the snake got to her or my wife? As much as I love animals, including my dog which could have easily been killed, I love my family and dog more. This is a REALLY dangerous animal. And further FYI, juvenille rattesnakes are the most agressive. They use their venom not matter what, where adult rattlesnakes conserve theirs more and may even "dry bite". This particular variety I spoke with a LEO who is a snake expert and he told me I did the right thing as this was an especially vicous breed. It's also important that the public know what these types of snakes look like. (You never know who up north is keeping them as pets) If it wasn't on the sticky pad, IF I could capture it safely, I would put it back into the wild far away. But that was not an option. As mentioned, I love my family, and I don't want to possibly be severly injured or die handling this snake.