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Everything posted by x635

  1. As of this morning, it was still sitting the SFRD shops painted and lettered for Stamford PD. Checked Station 1 and 5, and didn't see New Rochelle's Rescue in service in Stamford which I was hoping to get a photo of. Only one I saw was the Hackney at the shops. Has anything been determined with the HME rescue?
  2. So, by saying none of this is true, you are stating against obvious fact that Hartsdale has not bought, rented/leased and is in no way still borrowing, or borrowed, MVFD's TL? Is it not 30 years old? Did Hartsdale borrow it in 2011? Again, you are denying all this which is proven fact? If you're so concerned about people getting the facts right, then why not just give us the facts and put this to rest? What is the big secret?
  3. I'm considering getting a small tattoo on my wrist. I know that's not a comfortable spot to tattoo onto. Would it eventually wear off if I type and use a computer a lot? Anyone have any idea how much that would cost? And reccomendations for creative and great tattoo artists/shops? There seem to be a million of them nowadays.
  4. Thanks guys for everything. My father had sleeves-he didn't really get them until he was older.....I remember he got one at the Orange County Fairgrounds Bike Rally, and the guy was from New Hampshire....wish I knew who it was. It's going to be on my wrist...does anyone have photos of celtic symbol wrist tattoos or finger tattoos. ????????
  5. So, IF Hartsdale really did buy the truck for $5,000 dollars...I assume it's only for an interim until there can buy a newer one-from what I understand they like it and it works well from them. But being that it is 30+ years old serving in Mount Vernon for most of it's life, it must be in great condition for them to keep it that long, and wouldn't it be better then the West Harrison Aerialscope they still keep in the back of Station 3? BUT, when Hartsdale replaces it, and let's say they scrap it at the high prices on aluminum nowdays.....especially the ladder...whoever does that is going to make a fortune. Is there a clause in the contract with MVFD on that? Doe anyone from Hartsdale know when they will be able to afford a new ladder? It seems to be a mum subject. Here's another thread from 2011 on the subject for more context and insight: http://www.emtbravo.net/index.php/topic/38302-the-status-of-hartsdales-truck-company-aka-tl-15/page-2?hl=%2Bhartsdale+%2B15#entry236726
  6. Great shots! I especially like the one where Truck 51 and 57 are working together. Also glad to see you posting photos again!
  7. This is more of a pissing contests as to who regulates who then it is a training issue. Also note the Texas legislature only meets for a couple of months once every two years, so it's likely this bill will be tabled and hopefully something will get smoothed out. You can read the coverage of this issue on "The Friday Report", the weekly online newletter for Texas Fire Chiefs for some more perspective: http://tfca.officialbuyersguide.net/newsletter/?year=2013
  8. Thoughts and prayers. RIP. Hope he gets some airtime tribute at midnight.
  9. How much does Crossfit cost? I've let myself go physically since my injury in 2007, and still have the strength but I need to build my endurance and burn off some fat. Even though I can never be a firefighter again, I want to be at the level where I can eventually do this: http://www.menshealthurbanathlon.com I don't know if I'm capable of it, but that's my goal. Thanks guys for all the advice, I appreciate it. I'm trying to start living healthier and it's hard getting motivated and started-and finding the time. I probably need some sort of "boot camp" to start, but I am really confused as to what would be the best diets and supplements would be. There used to be a store in Yorktown that was basically run by a very good friend who is now an FDNY Firefighter and YHFD Chief and one of the first EMTBravo member,. But that's gone and he's super busy......how do I figure out the diet,nutrition, and supplements personalized for me?
  10. Just wondering, if there was even a need at this incident. The county has numerous decontamination resources that have been aqquired via grants over the past several years. Did this incident require decon response and setup? If so, was it the "tent system" or another type of system used?
  11. Again, we are talking about mass decon. But what about smaller type of incidents, where a much smaller number of people might only need it?
  12. I've always wondered that myself. Probaly because chasis production was more lucrative, so they dropped the body portion, and when they went to chasis only, the CF wasn't profitable enough for the beancounters. Spartan and HME were able to do it, retrospectively. New Aerialscopes were then built by Baker on FWD and Simon Duplex chasis in Richmond,VA for the most part, until Seagrave bought and currently offers the Aerialscope II. I've never seen a refurbished Aerialscope II put on a Quantum, but it's an awesome chasis! Tons of space, handles nicely, nice fold out steps, great A/C.
  13. My best guess about decon is that it doesn't happen often nor is it exciting work. But it is vital, and have been to several incidents and numerous drills where decon has been used. There are other areas around the country, like locally the NJ Regional EMS Task Force, that have it down right. Heck, who's to say NYS is not dropping the ball on this one? BNechis, you and Doc Kiernan wrote an article describing a concept and basically step by step instructions, which was mostly written pre-9/11. That plan comes down to the almighty dollar, but it is adaptable.
  14. I'm talking about decon. When FAST was a new concept, Mohegan got called to just about every fire in northern Westchester for their well trained and properly equipped FAST team. They'd take Engine 255, wait for some of the volunteer firefighters to show up, and respond. There's no reason Decon couldn't work in a simlar fashion.
  15. Why doesn't Lake Mohegan maintain the northern Westchester Decon Task force. They would be the most central. They could get the decon vehicle out the door quickly with the firefighter assigned to Rescue 32 and every local FD should have a few people trained in decon to assist.
  16. Recent events around the country demonstrated how fortunate we are to have ESU units. We are lucky to have Police Officers trained in a variety of tactical operations and equipped to deal with them on the street 24/7. Until the full SWAT, Bomb, etc teams can get there, ESU can provide a critical first responses with that training and equipment that may not be available to every officer. With the infastructure of the metro area, god forbid something like what is going on in Boston happens here, having ESU makes me feel a lot more comfortable. I hope some grant money is generated from all of these incidents to fund ESU units. (I do appreciate all street officers and other disciplines, I just feel like ESU is made for these types of incidents)
  17. http://greenwich.patch.com/groups/politics-and-elections/p/move-to-establish-9th-fire-station-in-town-ok-d
  18. EMT's and EMT-P's are required to undergo quality assusrance/imrpovement reviews of their care, skills, and action, very frequently. This is not done so much as to punish anyone, rather to improve their skills and, when done properly, used as a learning tool or refresher. Why doesn't the fire service do the same for individual firefighters on a regular basis? I know, there are reviews after calls. But what process is used to identify skills an individual firefighter can improve on? Many firefighting activities are done as a group, but the ones with stronger skills always shore up the weaker ones, if that makes sense.
  19. Regardless of all the drama with the "teams" (sometimes doubtful that word even exists or is of serious interest in the Westchester Fire/EMS business outside of softball), if there was an industrial accident like a chemical spill in the northern parts of Westchester, how would we handle it? Let's say we have 18 victims, with an unknown chemical on their clothing and bodies, causing irritation and burns on their skin. It's 34 degrees out. Haz-Mat is still several minutes out, and their is no MSDS available from the workplace or knowledge of the chemical, even the name. Transporting in an ambulance without decon could affect the EMT or EMT-P as well. How would we get a timely decon resource in northern Westchester County, especially during the weekday hours? Basically, we'd just have to strip them down of their clothes and dignity, and use the hose from the engine to rinse them off, hope there are enough ambulances that are there waiting with blankets and heat to transport as soon as decon is complete? How would we do it?
  20. What are they going to be used for? Maybe replacing the Tactical Support Vehicles? There are similar vehicles on http://www.fdnytruck...lunits/nypd.htm
  21. This is a unique kind of gruesome angle...I can't decide would I would think....what do you think? http://www.bostonglobe.com/metro/2013/04/19/viewing-photo-dead-suspect-cathartic-for-some-law-enforcement-officers/0gp25C1Lh3LQDpy08mQb2H/story.html
  22. I should note, Empress EMS maintains significant decon equipment and trained personel 24/7, in cooperation with Yonkers FD.
  23. It was probaly identified immediately if the decided no decon needed, but vapors can get into clothing and contaminate others, possibly cause allergic or other reactions to the crew in the tight space in the back of an ambulance, and it's always safer then sorry. And I understand it can be done at the hospital level if needed, but that, I am told, is mostly for the walk in's. An old 40-ft Bee-Line bus and some of the talent and trades in Westchester County could convert it into a very nice Decon unit. (and rehab units, too)
  24. Why did the County "Had" numerous decon resources? Were they reduced because of duplication? But I can't see 3 trailers/teams being able to cover Westchester? And was one of those available resources at least assembled ready to go upon the information of chemical spill with victims? Sometimes I wonder if trucks like FDNY's Mack/Ferrara DeCon "ready to go" units that are a little easier to deploy and require less manpower, yet a lot more expensive to purchase, would work better?
  25. I'm not saying anything against him at all, I agree that he has great knowledge and does not mean do be disrespectful or discourage posting. You just have people on this thread who have incredible firsthand knowledge of what's going on, and that should be respected and encouraged.