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Everything posted by x635

  1. I'm looking to possibly design and produce an EMTBravo logo and patch. But I need help. Is there anyone here that is skilled in graphic design that could come up with patch or logo designs? Also, any suggestions of your ideas for this would help as well. If we get enough submissions, I'll put it up to the members to vote for the patch they like most. Please post your submission on this thread
  2. 46th Annual Fireman's FairAntique Fire Apparatus, Muster and Parade Sunday 06.02.2013 Noon–3 pm http://www.newarkmuseum.org/FireMuster.html
  3. Looking for an apartment and a job(s) I'm looking for an apartment anywhere in the Hudson Valley, in the $700-$800 range. Also looking for a job, such as an ER Tech, Highway Department laborer, etc. Anything that pays decent and is fairly close by. If anyone has hooks it would be greatly appreciated. If you can help, please email me at seth@emtbravo.com or PM me on this forum. (If you email me, you will get a verification email back. This confirms you are a real human being and not a spam bot. When you click on the verify link in the verify email, the original email will then be sent to me and you won't have to verify again in the future)
  4. To celebrate 10 years of EMTBravo, over the next several weeks, I'll be posting the Feature Photos from the EMTBravo Portal (formerly known as the front or main page of EMTBravo.com) that have been featured in the past 10 years. As far as the quality of the photos go, keep in mind how far digital camera have come in 10 years, and the photos display differed in sizes to fit the current EMTBravo.com page at the time. The smaller photos are the oldest, while larger ones were the newest. I'm not posting them in any sort of order, just randomly. This photo was taken and submitted by cas2383 and featured on EMTBravo.com on 8-14-2004. It show Port Chester TL-2 flowing water during a drill in August 2004.
  5. Classic Fairview Lineup, photo by TR54. Posted on April 15th 2004.
  6. Training with TL-121. Literally. TL-121 was totaled in a rollover accident a couple of years ago, and not much was salvageable. So, they are using it for technical rescue training. Unique and very cool way to use apparatus being disposed of.
  7. Right or wrong? Fire Captain Confronts Person Videotaping Scene-Click Here To Watch News Article: Read more: http://miami.cbslocal.com/2013/06/04/exclusive-screaming-m-d-fire-captain-faces-no-discipline/
  8. I saw this bus yesterday on the Post Road in Eastchester, being escorted by a pilot car with a height warning stick. It was headed towards White Plains. It's an actually public transit bus used in London. It was BRAND new, and loaded with cool features. It's manufactured by The Wright Group, and operated by Arriva, who is similar to what Liberty Lines is here. It was TALL, much taller then the double decker tour buses in NYC, hard to appreciate in the photo. It was here for Prince Harry's visit, but is sticking around to show itself off to many interested governments. Wonder where it's next stop will be. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-22533414 Sorry for the cruddy shot, I had to work real quick to get it.
  9. Great, but sad article. Read more: http://www.syracuse.com/kirst/index.ssf/2013/05/post_490.html
  10. I agree, this show doesn't do a good segwayof associating the officer with the car. I would think that would be difficult due to several factors in the editing room.
  11. That article, for some reason, is really confusiong to me. Can someone dumb it down for me as to what the actual core issues are?
  12. Very cool and unique! UTMB (University Of Texas Medical Branch) located outside Houston on Galveston Island, is the main major hospital in the Texas Prison System. Interfacility transports can take several hours from all over Texas. (Think like going from Buffalo NY to Montauk NY) Frazer will customize any ambulance and accomodate any customers needs or want no matter how unusual it may be. They put out some pretty cool units and are very high quality, very solid build, and durable. http://www.frazerbilt.com/Videos/watch.php?id=761 More about Frazer: http://www.frazerbilt.com/
  13. It's times like this where I miss Rich Stiller (DADBO46). I'm sure he saw the bus from heaven, and one day in the distant future we can talk about it.
  14. Just curious, who outfits NYSP cars? Is it in house, or delivered outfitted by an outside source? And I assume whatever's done, it comes out of Albany HQ?
  15. And I take issue with that. Talk about the red headed stepchild!
  16. I'm suprised this hasn't been posted here. What a crazy and sad USAR incident. Read more: http://www.nytimes.com/2013/06/06/us/philadelphia-building-collapse.html?_r=0
  17. Very sad. RIP. Read more: http://news.yahoo.com/2-emts-patient-killed-ga-ambulance-crash-152730299.html
  18. Today, we honor the service and sacrifice of Troops who fought in World War II, including those who stormed the beaches of Normandy 69 years ago. Video: http://www.army.mil/d-day/
  19. Pretty neat story. For 15 of his 30 years as a UPS truck driver, Steve Haberland drove a Mack MH semi-truck. So when he retired he decided he’d like to own one of the trucks for himself. I developed a love for those when I was driving them,” he said. “When I retired, I missed driving and wanted to get a tractor.” Read More: http://www.codyenterprise.com/news/local/article_c674b562-ced6-11e2-85f3-001a4bcf887a.html#.UbDs-nclHek.facebook
  20. Looks to be in pretty decent shape! Love the hose reel! And some of the specs are really cool especially for an '83. 1983 Mack MC Continental Cab Over Fire Apparatus Pumper http://www.auctionsinternational.com/servlet/Search.do?auctionId=1195&itemId=8057
  21. I somewhat agree, just nice for the people who purchase the equipment to be able to see the vehicles and talk with the dealers and owners about it. The public would distract from that, but maybe afterwards there could be an exhibition event for the public.
  22. EMTBravoWest and EMTBravoNation.com is almost ready for relaunch! I've made great progress this week. Stay tuned, the new EMTBravoWest/EMTBravoNation will hopefully will be back online by this weekend (June 8th)!
  23. I know this sign would look hideous, but may be helpful. (Photo public domain from failblog.org)