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Everything posted by KCRD

  1. "However, that being said, you mention that people have attempted to "portray" you as "anti-volunteer" on the site "several times". C'mon, Chief, first of all, it's more than "several". The "who, me?" act isn't working too well. Your interrogatories are full of sarcasm, more than a touch of arrogance (I have to admit that I chuckled when I read your boast about how your name on a thread could boost the number of views) and while you hide behind your "QTIP", you take others rebuttals very personally and respond defensively. If there was one or two people that felt you were "anti-volunteer", then maybe it's them, but when there are "numerous" accusations, it may just be that there is a little truth to what they are saying." It occurred to me while reading this thread that only career members are bashed for having raised concerns over this issue. There have been a few brave volunteers who agreed and said there are issues regarding manning but not a word is said about them. Apparently its okay for one of our own(vollies) to point out faults, but when someone from the evil otherside (career) says them, they are classified as "anti-volly" and other such things. I applaud these brave few, JFLYNN and others for shedding light on these issues so some of us less-informed can learn.
  2. Of special interest, like you, I don't know Chief Flynn, but I sure think I would have liked to work for him. Are you sure about that?
  3. Unfortunately this does have to be discussed again. In light of the recent fires with places not being able to get enough interior qualified or even just enough personnel to the scene, I believe the chief raises a great point. Those who provide actual answers to the questions posed, and not just get offended and think they are being attacked, will not have a problem with the chief's questions.
  4. Excellent point.
  5. Please do away with all of them.
  6. The city contributes NOTHING. The men pay per day for what they want to eat.
  7. Wanted to give you a point for that one, but I used up my quota for the day.
  8. What an incredible waste of time by this so-called "reporter." How much energy was wasted uncovering this "scandal"
  9. Thank you!! You just single-handedly reinforced everything that the "consolidation" crowd is preaching. Also, one of the most naive comments made on this site.
  10. "(see? now I've even most likely pissed off guys on my own job..." This has to be a joke. Everyone on YFD knows this isn't possible...
  11. Maybe it begins again, because the last time, the answers were never provided. These are valid questions that everyone who lives in the area the "team" covers, should know the answers too. Once accurate answers are given, the questions will stop.
  12. Good luck getting a truthful answer to that.
  13. http://www.lohud.com/article/20100105/NEWS02/1050385/Yonkers-police-redeploy-forces--cancel-academy-class This of course will be followed up in 6 months with an article complaining about police OT and how its so high. What an idiot the mayor is.
  14. Is it worth the switch? I've been really debating the move. Trying to get feedback.
  15. "Its a popularity contest." Why is that? I have voted a bunch of times now and in everyone of the cases, I did not know the poster personally. I felt that they added something constructive to the topic at hand. As someone else stated, if you dont like it, dont participate. Btw, way to add something positive and constructive the thread.
  16. "Members get to cast only one vote daily" How come? The other day I read a few posts in differant threads that I felt should have been given a +. I understand only voting for a particular post once, but what if there are multiple posts that are positive/informative and warrant a +?
  17. Now let me ask this.........Would you still be a career FF...............if they didn't have pensions? I can tell you that when I signed up to take the test @ 20 yrs old, the LAST thing on my mind was a pension that was 20+ years away.
  18. Was an amazing site to see this morning. Batt2 did an amazing job as chief of this job coordinating all units and what was needed to be done. Unfortunately the new foam unit is in buffalo for the training up there and didn't get used at this job. It was some job to be at.
  19. He has made comments referring to the consolidation of services. Speaking to a relative of his about this matter (that is in emergency service himself), astorino wants to include emergency service also in consolidation.
  20. Yonkers Fire Pipes & Drums performing @ Yankee Game Tonight. They will be performing during seventh inning stretch in honor of FF Pat Joyce. Also, retired member Frank Amodio will be singing the national anthem. Tune in and watch.
  21. You are SO off. While both are groups of a certain racial origin, only one uses it for getting people hired or promoted based on "racial or ethnic origin" and not merit. Based on that fact alone you can't compare the two. When you divide the work place because you need a court order to hire, its pretty pathetic. As stated before, the point of civil service exams is get the most qualified person and not hire based on racial quota's.
  22. We always send our donations to the Manhattan RMDH.
  23. be mature, be professional, and be polite! That is just plain crazy talk and frankly no fun!!
  24. Saying the police OT is part of the reason for the cancellation. What an excuse. Pitiful.
  25. All, As a "b" job, I do real estate on the side. If I can of service to anyone on the site, please feel free to send me a message. Thanks, Ryan