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Everything posted by xchief2x

  1. This chief, the driver and the officer as well as all the members on the apparatus should get suspended, this is probably the dumbest thing I have seen in quite awhile and I hope I never see it again.
  2. In answer to your question Izzy - Yes that is a preconnect, there are 2 2 1/2" preconnects on the rear, 3 crosslay and 1 trashline
  3. M A C K MACK MACK MACK DAMN, I'M GONNA MISS OURS.... My son - like I am not gonna miss it. I have been with it since it was just words on paper, hell I still miss the 62, now get over it my boy, the new 119 will be just as great besides if one of us hits lotto we can buy it and we can rename it "That F*****G FAmily!!!
  4. I believe FAST?RIT aren't called is that there are a number of Chief Officers that don't understand the concept of a team or the team's function on the fireground. Our Team policy is to make it as safe as possible for the crews working the fire by giving them options for a hasty retreat, we will ladder the building, take out windos or even make a door our of a window. It is my belief and that of my TEAM that we are "THE ULTIMATE SAFETY OFFICER" on any call to which we respond. If our TEAM is asked to go to work at a job we will request the host IC to request another team. We have been criticized by some area Chiefs that we bring too many people and that we get there too fast, well if a rescue of a trapped brother is needed there may not be enough people ( read up on some of the studies done on removing a downed firefighter), getting htere too quick, well I am proud to say as the Commanding Officer of our TEAM that when my guys hear a structure fire in the area they will report to the firehouse so they are there, geared up and ready to roll if called. We are planning an educational session for other departments/Chief Officers for the 1st Monday in May, more info will follow. CHIEFS remember the most valuable tool and the only irreplaceable tool you have are your firefighters, everyone goes home!
  5. Our department policy for close to 20 years has been No visual or audible warnings shall be used when relocating to standby.