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About mustang22_2002

  • Birthday 11/11/1976

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  • Location lmfd

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  1. I know of some FDNY engines have been out of service more then in service for elec. and mech problems..
  2. If they are trying to make it equal for everyone , then they shouldn't issue 5 point bonus points for residents... how is that equal???
  3. Maybe they should stop calling fire and ems for everything from my pinky toe hurts to a water leak...
  4. Yeh he did such a great job maybe they'll give him a raise. NOT !!! As a city employee myself I would never try and save them money especially after the s*** contract they just gave us. If I would be saving the Brothers money then it would be a different story..
  5. The commissioners do not own the vehicles ... the tax payers do !!!
  6. I don't think he did anything wrong and hope he wins the lawsuit
  7. EmsFirePolice .....You have got to be one of the dumbest people on this site to make a comment like that . You obviously are in a dept. where there is not alot of fires and issues like this . When you work in a big city where this is an issue , maybe you'll understand. And trying to blame the city for not enough parking ?? Come on !!!
  8. It doesn't matter if they continue to give tests or not because the minority's will just cry and complain and get the job like FDNY was made to hire them
  9. They should also not have car seats in them !!!
  10. You are correct the vulcans are a racist group ! All they have been doin is complaining about the test. So what happens there going to make test so easy that a normal 3rd grader could pass it . I hope most of the "black" if not all fail the test , then I wanna see what the judge will do next. I'm still waiting for the next lawsuit from all the people that passed the last one that are now to old ? Also the extra points for living in the city to me thats discrimination against everyone living outside the city. I just feel bad for all the "blacks" that have tried so hard to get on this job and did and are not part of the vulcans. It kinda gives them a bad name
  11. If your a minority i wouldnt worry about it being that the city is giving them special treatment
  12. Why would they give squads another piece ? they already have one .
  13. Instead of giving another test we should just give any minority that signs up the job. So there wont be any more lawsuits until people who took the last test that passed and deserve the job for age discrimination that are now to old to get the job they worked and studied hard for!!!
  14. I love how they say the test is discrimanatory because the minorities aren't that good at reading comprehension ? That is the stupid excuse I've ever heard of !! Just like everything else they just want something for free , that other people work hard for . If i was a minority on the job I would be very upset that something I worked hard for , they just want the city to give them . I also was thinking that if this does go to the higher up courts and is also upheld as being a discriminatory test that I would start my own lawsuit about giving city residence 5 extra point now thats discrimination !!!!