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  1. If I am correct the year is 2017, not the 1960's when "brownouts" were so common in the FDNY! It's time the politicians in White Plains showed more interest in public safety that "vote getting" for their individual campaigns. I believe that Local 274 should start marching at City Hall and at the home of the Mayor, Tom Roach. He claims to care about public protection but certainly doesn't show it by putting the ladder oos so often. One civilian death due to a fire will cost the City 100 times more than it would ever cost to staff that ladder. I am fortunate to work in a City where we operate 9 engines, 3 ladders, 1 heavy rescue and a Deputy Chief with an aide, and our contract mandates ALL APPARATUS be staffed with a minimum of 4 firefighters each. It's inherently un-safe for your members to be operating at such reduced staffing levels. Fight for what you want and most of all need!
  2. Is it a good sign from FEMA when they request verification from your financial institution for your 1199a ( direct deposit information) concerning a grant application?
  3. Stamford Fire Dept. currently is awaiting the arrival of a 95' Seagrave Aerialscope. It is currently in production with an estimated delivery date of March 2015. It will replace the current Tower 1 ( Sutphen 100', removed from service due to ladder failures) and be operated out of Fire Headquarters.
  4. Why is there a debate at all? It clearly states that for every two certified firefighters who enter a structure to provide firefighting activities there SHALL be two certified firefighters outside to save them should conditions fail and they require a rescue. Plain and simple, period, not up for interpretation.......
  5. I have a sleeve on my right arm from my wrist to my shoulder. It will not fade due to computer work! What will cause it to fade is sunlight. So keep it protected with sun screen in the summer months. Ive had mine there for 7 years and it still looks as good as the day it was done. Believe it or not this area actually doesn't hurt all that much to get inked. But each persons tolerance to pain is different. If you want it you have to settle for some discomfort. The only other advice I can give you is to search, search, search a tattoo artist that does EXCEPTIONAL QUALITY WORK. DO NOT settle just because he is 50-100 bucks cheaper. It will be with you FOREVER and on your wrist alot of people will see it. I know Rhode Island is about a 3 hour drive but there is an absolute FANTASTIC artist. His name is Shane Baker and he works at Powerline Tattoo. You can do a google search. It would be well worth your time to drive a bit for QUALITY work.
  6. New Fout's Brother's/Kenworth 3000 tanker for Northern Wayne Fire Co., Lakewood, PA. (NEPA). Tanker undergoing pump testing prior to being lettered and stripped. Additional photo's to follow.
  7. I cannot understand how the Mayor of the City of Stamford says he has a idea of how to transform the City's fire services. Why doesnt he leave that up to his Chief of the Stamford Fire Department and the new ( to be appointed) volunteer Asst. Chief? The Mayor is a business man, with absolutely no formal fire service training that I am aware of. His actions, in my opinion, would be strictly politically motivated! And look at the comment that Belltown Chief Didelot stated " I guess the public has spoken at this point in time", you GUESS?? The citizens overwhelmenly voted for a single fire department and single chief concept! Long Ridge Chief Teitelbaum is "exploring legal options at this time"...are you kidding me, legal options about a public election where the citizens of Stamford have voted for a change. Kind of like Mitt Romney suing the Federal Government because President Obama won re-election. ( by the way Mitt Romney is not suing anyone). And Springdale Chief Fahan states " he doesnt believe that Charter change automatically gives Stamford officials management control over the volunteer fire stations".......perhaps he should read the entire provisions, especially Sec. C5-40-3 (g), before making that statement..... The Chief's of the volunteer fire companies shall have primary firefighting responsibilities in their fire service districts and primary responsibilities over the personel and equipment assigned to their fire service districts, subject to the supervision and direction of the Assistant Chief of volunteer services and the Fire Chief. That is now adopted as the current Charter language for the City of Stamford. The absolute MUST is to guarantee quick and adequate responses from all stations when called upon to act. Some stations have been doing fine and others, well, have not. We all know this to be true. What I welcome is the fact that ALL firefighters will be held to the same standards ( annual physicals, annual training, etc.) All firefighters, career or volunteer now need to work TOGETHER in making the Stamford Fire Department the best that it can be. It's time to stop all the bickering,the "he said-she said" and most importantly the lies.......lets get going!!!
  8. Date:10-17-2012 Time: 1855 Location: 10 Forest Lawn Ave. Frequency: 800 Trunk Units Operating: E1, E2, E3, E4(RIT), T1, R1, U4, U7, SEMS Weather Conditions:Clear and cool Description Of Incident:Fire on first floor roof Reporters:SFRD372 Reported as smoke coming from the roof of a structure. Units on scene found a fire on the roof of a first floor porch with extension to second floor bedroom and living room. Three (3) handline's stretched and put into operation. Truck crew opening roof and walls. Quick knock-down. No injuries reported.
  9. Scranton, Pennsylvania Mayor Chris Doherty released last night that effective July 1, 2012 ALL Police Officers, Firefighters, and Municipal workers will have their pay reduced to minimum wage of $7.25 per hour!!!! Is this man out of control???
  10. There is no mention of a "new" Chief....There is already a Chief in place. That would be Chief Antonio Conte!
  11. Once and for all this "animal" might finally be put to rest! One Chief for the entire City of Stamford. Volunteer Chief's have their doubts that this can work, well it can work without a doubt. All volunteer's have a place in this fire service. Everyone should just look at the Belltown FD. They have, since their paid firefighters merged with SFRD, responded to almost 100% of the calls in their district. They do receive supplemental support from SFRD engine, ladder and rescue companies on all of their calls. But that is nothing new at the past TRFD, GFD and Springdale also sent fire apparatus to their calls staffed with paid drivers and volunteer firefighters. So why is SFRD personnel any different than personel who use to work for TRFD, GFD and Springdale? It worked fine then and it can work fine from this day forward. For the most part it has worked fine. Ego's seem to be the driving force behind the volunteer "hatred" for SFRD firefighters. Take away 5 or 6 ego's in this entire equasion and everything would be fine. The biggest mis-informational statement made by volunteer Chief's is that the Stamford Fire Rescue Dept. wants to eliminate the volunteer firefighters and their departments. This is so far from the truth it could almost be played out in a skit on Saturday Night Live. That is the only contention they ( the Volunteer Chief's) can muster to keep this topic and alledged "rivalry" going on and on. Forget about the facts that show that fire calls go un-answered on a routine basis in some of the volunteer districts by the volunteer's themselves. Forget the fact that some volunteer Chief's and Officers cncel SFRD units before they even get on the scene themselves. How ridiculous is that? Forget the fact that some volunteer fire departments are responding to calls in pick-up trucks and SUV's, contending that they are "companies" and are on the scene giving size-ups stating "company investigating"......How can one or two firefighters in these vehicles, without any water contend "company investigating"? This is such a misnomer to the general public that they are being adequately protected by fire "companies", when in fact it is only 1 or 2 firefighters equipped with only a portable fire extinguisher and radio. Under one unified Chief these problems can be remedied. Standard training for all firefighters and Officer's would ensure that any job get's done quickly and "professionally"...and YES volunteer's can be professional. I am not saying that the road is ahead is as smooth as glass but it is about time the fire service within the entire City of Stamford move forward in a single, unified direction for the good of all the people and property we are all duly sworn to protect!
  12. Wow....Mayor Pavia has pleaded with the Finance Board via a letter concerning his proposed fire plan and now he want's a sit-down meeting with them! When will he realize that his proposed plan is NOT in the best interests of public safety, not the forward movement of the fire service within the entire City of Stamford. Someone in the volunteer fire district (s) must have something huge on the Mayor for him to continue to push for this plan this hard. It seems hard for him to realize what the word NO means. Just think of this one proposed scenario and you tell me how it could possibley provide BETTER fire protection. One part of his proposal is to remove a 4 man staffed engine (24/7) with an engine staffed with 2 men (24/7) does anyone think that a reduction in staffing of two firefighters per shift IMPROVE fire protection???? If you believe this you must also believe that the "Jim Jones" cool-aid was the drink of choice! Come on people, wake up!
  13. Date: April 16, 2012 Time: 1907 Location: 111 Greenwich Avenue Frequency: 800 Trunk Units Operating:E3,E2,E5, E1 (RIT) R1, T3, U4, U6 (Safety), M3 Weather Conditions:Clear, warm Description Of Incident:Fire reported on #2 floor of a 2 1/2 story wood frame Reporters:SFRD372 2 Lines stretched, quick knock down, no injuries, FM and Health Dept. on scene.
  14. Date:1-21-2012 Time:2016 Location: Lake Loraine Golf Course, Main Building and Restaurant Frequency: Units Operating: Northern Wayne FD, Pleasant Mount FD, Uniondale FD, Clifford FD. Thompson FDMy link Weather Conditions: Extremely cold, temp's hovering near zero degrees Description Of Incident:Heavy fire in restaurant that was closed for day due to heavy snow conditions Reporters: SFRD372 Writer:SFRD Photo show's rear of structure upon arrival of first due engine company. Tanker shuttle placed into operations. Closes water source was over 2 miles away. Complete loss, no injuries. Under investigation.
  15. Pennsylvania State Police yesterday evening executed a search warrant at the Wilkes-Barre Township Volunteer Fire Department. The search warrant was "sealed" so no other information was made available. They searching officer's did leave with many large boxes. Within the last month the Fire Chief from the above mentioned department was arrested and charged with stealing approximately $11,000 from the fire department.