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Everything posted by firefighter59

  1. I must say i completely agree that nobody should ever experience what is being said of that evening. However, with that said, i also have to agree with x152 in that, you cant punish an entire company for something that one of their employees is really responsible for. I happen to have a few friends that work in the White Plains BlackBear/ Wicked Wolf establishments and on numerous occasions have seen the good working relationship and full compliance with any request made by FD during "random" inspections and PD during mishaps that occur during the course of the night either within their place of business or one of the many others on mamaroneck ave and post rd. Not to mention I as well, as unfortunate as it is to say, have been around for quite a few 10-13 functions including one of which was for one of my own direct family members. I have always as well as all of my co-workers, family and friends been treated with the utmost respect and hospitality at these locations. Further more, everyone who is posting on both this website as well as facebook has to realize that these are both private sites. You are not even giving the management or owners for that matter a chance to explain their course of action being taken and to mitigate something like this from ever happening again. From what I heard from another individual who is a career member of service and in no way affiliated with the establishment, its not even clear if it was in fact an employee who made the derogatory statement because when asked to point out who said it the answer was, "I don't remember". The FACT that the fellow brother was denied entry is just that, a fact. The derogatory statement, however, which seems to be the real problem (and rightfully so) has the possibility of not even coming from an employee. I however, like x152, was not there this night though, so i have no choice but to go by hear say. Which seems to be an ongoing trend for the majority of the posts on both EMTbravo as well as Facebook. It just seems like a shame to jump to conclusions about something and to put a boycott out about an entire company as a whole when there was a very localized problem that took place. I dont know about the rest of you but i sure hate when "we" the civil service members get negative press, which seems to happen all to often these days... this whole thing just feel all too familiar in that sense. Again, why do you punish everyone for one rotten egg twho most likely doesn't have a job anymore at this point anyway. Just something to think about.
  2. Room still availible for Explorers , Jr. Firefighters and venturing crew members. Please E-Mail or call Fairview Capt. Jim Danyko (914)949-2828 business line. Thank you.
  3. Yes , additional information can be obtained by contacting Captain Jim Danyko Fairview FD (Greenburgh)914-949-2828 business line. Thank You.
  4. Sample of one of the many photos. This one was added today. Click "Like" on Fairview Fire Department Facebook wall
  5. All I can say is thank God for hydrants in southern Wstchester. lol
  6. Very Nice ! Long overdue. Good Luck - Be Safe
  7. Testing 1,2,3,4,5
  8. Date: 11/7/2010 Time: 14:28 Location: 995 Linda Ave. Frequency: 46.26 dispatch , Fire 11 , FG8 Units Operating: Car 2471 (IC) , Engine 89, TL1 , Engine 91 ,Valhalla FAST Rescue 9 , Rescue 37 , Tower Ladder 49 Weather Conditions: Sunny 52 degrees Description Of Incident: Working Fire Reporters: Da'Box Writer: firefighter59 Thornwood Units Operating: 2472 (IC), 2473, E89, TL1, R75, U55 Valhalla Units Operating: 2482, TL49, R9 FAST Pleasantville Units Operating: 2373, E91 Briarcliff Units Operating: 2053, R37 Pleasantville VAC Units: 7611, 76B1 14:32 Car 2471 on location with smoke showing transmit a "10-75" 14:32 Working Fire assignment - Valhalla FAST 14:37 Briarcliff FD air cascade to scene. 14:42 North White Plains Ladder 47 requested to S/B in own 1/4's for Valhalla Fire District. 14:43 Car 2471 to be Known as "Linda Ave " command 14:44 Rescue 37 responding 14:45 Ladder 56 located in Thornwood fire HQ's coverage. 14:48 Battlion 11 requested the Cause & Origin Team to fire scene. 14:51 Progress Report , 2 1/2 story wood frame , fire in the basement knocked down A/T/T. 15:05 Released Valhalla & Pleasantville from scene.
  10. Date: 7/24/10 Time: 15:55 Location: 40 Beechwood Way Frequency: 46.26, Fire 12 Units Operating: Briarcliff Fire and EMS, Ossining Ladder 41 and Engine 97, Croton Engine 119 (FAST), OVAC, Pleasantville VAC and Rehab Unit Sleepy Hollow VAC Sleepy Hollow Engine Millwood Engine Pleasantville Engine on stand-by Batt 12 Weather Conditions: Sunny and Hot Description Of Incident: 15:55 Briarcliff dispatched for a car fire next to the structure 15:57 Redispatch states now a working structure fire 16:00 Briarcliff chief calls working fire requests one and one from Ossining 16:05 Unit on Hudson River Reporting heavy smoke visible from River 16:10 Ladder 41 to the front of the structure going to work 16:23 Batt 12 Reports main body of fire k/d 6 lines in operation 16:37 Batt 12 reports 2 firefighters going to the hospital for smoke inhalation 17:00 Sleepy Hollow and Millwood Engine requested to the scene with manpower. 17:02 PVille Engine put on Stand-by 17:51 2051 Places Fire U/C 15:51 - Initial dispatch for Briarcliff (Full assignment). 15:56 - Request for Ossining 1 & 1 to the scene (2332, 2334, E97, L41). 16:10 - Request for Croton FAST to the scene (2081, 2082, E119). 16:14 - Reequest for Pleasantville VAC Rehab to the scene (7606, 76B2, 76B3). 16:31 - Request for Ossining ALS to scene. (36M1 on call in Croton, 74A1 covered initially). 16:53 - Request for Sleepy Hollow EMS (73B1) to the scene. Request for Millwood Engine (2252, 2253, E247) to Briarcliff HQ for coverage. 17:01 - Request for Millwood Engine (2252, 2253, E247, U44) and Sleepy Hollow Engine (2311, 2313, E86) to the scene for relief. 17:01 - Request for Pleasantville Engine (2371, E91) to relocate to Briarcliff FD HQ for coverage. 17:11 - Request for Yorktown FAST (2533, E270, U36) to the scene. Briarcliff FD: 2051, E92, E93, E94, R37, U62, 53B1, 53B2 (TL40 OOS) Ossining FD: 2332, 2334, E97, L41, R14 (in Ossining redirecting traffic) Croton FD: 2081, 2082, E119 Sleepy Hollow FD: 2311, 2313, E86 Millwood FD: 2252, E247, U44 Yorktown FD: 2533, E270, U36 Ossining EMS: 36M1, 74A1, 74B1 Pleasantville EMS: 7606, 76B2, 76B3 Sleepy Hollow EMS: 73B1 Grasslands EMS: 87A1 WCDES Units: Battalion 12, EMS 11 Relocated to Briarcliff FD: Pleasantville 2371, E91
  11. Date: 6/11/10 Time: 2137 Location: 48 Beekman Ave Frequency: Sleepy Hollow Freq, Fire 12, Fireground 3 Units Operating: Sleepy Hollow Fire, Tarrytown Engine and Ladder, Valhalla FAST R9 and 2481, Batt 12, Ossining L-42 and Pocantico E-189, to stand by, 2053 and R-37 on scene with cascade Weather Conditions: Clear Description Of Incident: Fire in the rear of the structure, possible basement fire, fire in the ceiling of the basement. 22:14 Batt 12 reports 2 lines stretched, fire possibly knocked down at this time checking for extension. Reporters: Writer: Firefighter59
  12. Date: 6/3/10 Time: 15:30 Location: 125 Bronx River Rd X Wakefield Ave Frequency: YFD Freq Weather Conditions: Clear/Hot Description Of Incident: Fire on the 6th floor of a 7-tory OMD. Writer: Firefighter59, Truck4 1530hrs- 10-29 for fire out a 6th floor window. 1535hrs- B-2 transmitting 2nd Alarm. 154hrs- B-2 rpts (2) Lines In Operation Making Progress. 1601hrs- B-2 rpts fire K/D, checking for extension.
  13. Date:6/2/2010 Time:10:00 Location:Bronx River in the area of Scouts Field Frequency: Fire 19,WPFD Frequency, Scarsdale FD Frequency, Mt. Vernon Frequency, Yonkers Fire Frequency Units Operating:White Plains Fire, Scarsdale Fire Mt. Vernon Fire, Squad 11, 2001, 2003 Haz-mat 1, County Car 2, County Police Weather Conditions: Clear Description Of Incident:Possible Spill of Number 2 or Number 4 Diesel fuel into the river. Spread down River for miles. Incident Command set up in the area of Exit 41 of the Bronx River Parkway in White Plains. 10:50 - Air 2 Now requested to take video of the area involved from above Reporters: Writer:Firefighter 59
  14. Date: 5/11/10 Time: 03:03 Location: 10B Stephens Ln Frequency: 46.26, Fire 11, Fireground 8 Units Operating: VFD:2481, 2482, 2484 , TL-49, E-82, E-84, Res 9 FFD: Res 3, E-176, E-174, Lad-1 HFD: 2192, L-56 EFD: 2113, L-55 (F.A.S.T.) TFD: TL-1 (Stand-By) NWPFD: Eng 75 (Stand-By) Batt 11 and C&O Weather Conditions: Clear Chilly Description Of Incident: Original Dispatch for a Chimney Fire, Valhalla and Fairview dispatched due to call being on the border. Upon 2482's arrival found fire coming from the second floor rear and called for a working fire assignment. This brought Hawthorne and Elmsford to the scene and Thornwood and North White on standby. Heavy Fire in the second floor attic area. Fire kept to the attic, crews opened roof to check for extension. Reporters: Writer:Firefighter59
  15. Date:4/26/10 Time:12:40 Location: I-684 Ramp to I-287 Eastbound (287 EB at M/M 6.6) Frequency: Fire 19, White Plains Fireground Units Operating:West Harrison FD, White Plains FD, Purchase FD Westchester County Hazmat, Batt 19 State Police Weather Conditions: Rainy Description Of Incident:Car 2502 Reports Tractor Trailer rollover off the road into river embankment. One Person trapped. 12:52 Occupant Removed Passing Patient to Ambulance 12:56 WP Command States Booms are being put down for fuel control 12:58: Haz mat 1 Responding 13:07 Haz Mat 1 On Scene 13:25 2502 and Batt. 19 requesting Representative from DOT for tree removal to clear a path to remove truck WHFD Units : 2502 R 35. WPFD Units: 2512 E70, E71 R88 Purchase FD: 2411, 2412 R30 HazMat : 2001, HM1 NYS DOT NYS Police Reporters: WHFD318 Writer:Firefighter59
  16. Date:4/18/2010 Time:09:40 Location: 125 Lake St Frequency: WPFD FG Units Operating: White Plains Fire, Fairview Engine New Rochelle Ladder @ Sta 6, Greenville Engine @ Sta 2 Weather Conditions: Clear Description Of Incident: Heavy Fire from Apartment N10N, 10th floor. Upon arrival flames out 3 windows. Level 1 recall ordered. Reporters: Firefighter59 Writer:
  17. Date:4/15/2010 Time:18:40 Location: 50 Maple Ave Frequency: 46.26 Fire 16 Units Operating: Mt. Kisco, Bedford Hills FAST, Millwood Engine Chappaqua Ladder Stand by Weather Conditions:Cloudy Description Of Incident:Structure Fire Reporters: Firefighter59 Writer:
  18. Date: 4/4/2010 Time: 15:11 Location: 53 Joan Drive cross Sleepy Hollow Road. Frequency: 46.26 , Fire 17 , FG4 Units Operating: Millwood FD ,Oss.FD U-51 & Engine 98 FAST , MKFD TL-14, Chappaqua VAC. Relocate: Yorktown Engine 270 Weather Conditions: warm ,75 degrees. Description Of Incident: Working House Fire Writer:firefighter59 approx. 15:11 60 Control dispatched Millwood FD - possible structure fire. 15:17 Car 2252 on scene , heavy smoke on 2nd floor , request 10-75 transmitted. 15:18 Ossining FAST , Mt. Kisco TL14 , relocates toned. 15:22 Lines stretched , fire in attic & 2nd floor bedroom , all units working. 15:32 Fire K/D , overhaul in progress. 16:00 Released M/A from fire scene.
  19. Date:3/23/10 Time:21:00 Location:49 Lake St Frequency: White Plains Fire 453.500 White Plains PD 460.400 Units Operating: White Plains Fire, Police, Con Ed Gas and Electric Weather Conditions:Cloudy Description Of Incident:Boiler Explosion in an apartment building with partial wall collapse. Total evacuation of apartment building. Reporters: Writer:Firefighter59
  20. Date:3/23/10 Time:21:40 Location:135 South Highland Ave Frequency: 46.26, Fire 12 Units Operating: Ossining Full Dept, Croton FAST, Bat 10 and 12, Millwood Cascade (R-36), Briarcliff TL on standby in their hq. Weather Conditions: Cloudy Description Of Incident:Working Fire in an apartment complex. Fatal Fire Writer:Firefighter59 21:40 General Alarm - report of smoke in the hallway. 21:42 Apparatus on scene , fire showing from front and side , lines stretched , hydrant connected. 21:49 3 Lines stretched , search , interior attack , Ladder 41 raised to roof from B side. 22:18 Fire knocked down. Overhaul , scene secured for investigation , notification to ME office 00:12 Holding E-96 , E-97 , Ladder 41 , Rescue 14 on scene. 01:02 All Ossining FD unit returning , in service.
  21. Date: 3/23/10 Time: 12:19 Location: 33 Mill Road Units Operating: Full Assignment EFD Weather Conditions: Cloudy 54 degrees Description Of Incident: Working Fire Writer: firefighter59 12:22 Car 2102 on scene smoke showing. 12:23 10-75 Transmitted - Working Fire 12:25 One Story Taxpayer , all companies working. 12:25 Re-locates for cover from New Rochelle FD.
  22. That's because most of the volunteers in Pearl River are paid guys in the city
  23. Date:3/15/10 Time:09:15 Location:4 Laurel Hill Dr Frequency:46.26 Fire 11 Ops 4 Units Operating:Pleasantville Full Dept, Thornwood TL-1; Chappaqua Tower Ladder and Engine; Mt. Kisco FAST; Tankers from Pocantico Hills, Bedford Hills, Banksville, Millwood; Rescue 36 Millwood; Bat 11; Mt Pleasant Police; Sleep hollow FD standing by in Pocantico, Pleasantville vac 7601 and 7602 @ scene for rehab. Sleepy Hollow VAC in PVAC HQ. Chappaqua VAC at scene for transport. I also believe Armonk was at scene, maybe with tanker. Briarcliff ladder and Hawthorne Quint in Pville HQ, Valhalla Engine in Thornwood. Mt Kisco engine in Chappaqua(any additional please add) Weather Conditions: Cloudy Description Of Incident: Fully involved house fire, possible ammunition explosions. Trouble with water pressure. Tower Ladder 1 in operation. 11:15 Fire u/c, extensive overhaul. Notify Cause and Origin team Reporters: Writer:Firefighter59, mfc2257, PFDRes47Cue, x2371
  24. Both apparatus look great. Best of Luck. You will be happy with the KME !
  25. Date: 2-10-10 Time: 21:43 approx Location: Mamaroneck Ave & Union Ave Frequency: 46.26 Units Operating: Weather Conditions:Snowy,windy,33 degrees. Description Of Incident: Car Vs. Tree Extrication Reporters: Remember585 Writer: firefighter59 21:43 Dispatched for MVA with Extrication. HPD on scene Request FD. 21:48 Car 2161 confirmed pin 21:58 Extrication complete per Car 2161. 22:26 Harrison Engine returning to quarters.