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Everything posted by dartnk45

  1. great photo when did newark go all red or is jersey city that i am thinking of with the ice cream rigs?
  2. joe what made nfd go from the excursion to the F-series pick up for a Deputy's Car? the truck looks sharp good luck with it.
  3. may you rest in peace LT and my prayers are with your brothers in the BFD and your family
  4. Noroton engine 31 is still a front line engine serving the noroton section of Darien CT. and as some of the guys in darien call it " Yellow Bird" it is the only yellow apparatus in the town
  5. good job to the guys at engine 7 for making a good stop.
  6. did anyone hear about the second working fire at 1020 hope st while 1 company was still at the fireside fire ?
  7. has anyone confirmed the plans of moving E-7 to the town yard on haig ave? second would that be a long responce for a tanker to long ridge road side of TOR? i would think that they would station it with E-5 or E-9. and last is their any truth to a Squad 7?
  8. I know that SFRD has 8 engines 1 truck and 1 quint made by HME and i have been told that they have 1 more quint on order. a few of the voulenteer houses in stamford have HME's as well. I believe that Turn of River E-62, T-67, and R-66 are all HME if i am not mistaken. i know some people like them and others dislike them but an earler post is right that they are compact and get the job done if you do not want to spend alot of money.
  9. if truck 3 is ok how bout engine 3 was my fathers info wrong about the engine aswell. Tom Tisano JR
  10. my father is working today and from what he has told me both engine 3 and truck 3 are rusting at a very quick rate due to placement of the rigs appon arival. their are photos of the fire at stamfordfirepix.com and you can see how close Three company parked since they were first company in. another thing that my fater told me was the every firefighter that was at the fire including Drivers were using SCBA's from the get go.
  11. voulenteer dept 1ST due and i believe that the first in mutal aid dept was combo due to the fact they signed on the air very fast.
  12. I Agree with the both of you and cooler heads do need to prevail in this case.
  13. thanks for the info what about the out of state companies
  14. does anyone have the run down of who won what awards at this parade?
  15. july 1st is the date and july 2nd is a rain date
  16. firetruck to answer your question the voulenteer houses in Stamford do have their own career personal except Springdale. Glenbrook, Belltown and Turn of River are all staffed by personnel that the indvidual depts have hired. the City of Stamford is trying to unify the career personal at these stations with the SFRD so that the City could save money on overtime and protect the citizens of the out laying parts of the City better. From what I have been told, the Glenbrook Fire Dept. has signed the agreement with the City to move 8-10 SFRD personnel into their station the first week in January, due to the fact that the Glenbrook Voulenteers could not get the response that they needed to protect the citizens of their district, with the addition of the SFRD personnel the Glenbrook Career satff would become SFRD firefighters and that the New Quint 6, that the City just purchased from HME, would be stationed there. I know that the SFRD guys that read this board like my uncle that is a LT downtown could shead more light on this than I can.
  17. this feud has been going on for the past few years like an earlery post stated. my father was a paid driver for springdale from 1985- 1997 when the chief at that time went to the city and asked them for help because the dept was not getting the volunteer responce to the calls any more. so the city placed 8 SFRD personal in combanation with the 8 springdale paid firefighters to make the 16 SFRD presonal that are stationed their now. since the merger my father and other orignal Springdale firefighters have transfered out of the station because of the feuded that has arised with in the station. since the present Chief has taken power the ordeals with the voulenteer and Paid staff have gotten worse and worse. I too would like the city to stop dispatching the Volunteers from springdale to calls or even shut them down. I just hope that the city takes action before someone gets hurt in the firehouse or even worse at a fire scene