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Everything posted by efdcapt115

  1. Agreed. Captain Nechis you and the brothers at NRFD have done amazing work with the WSOTF. And now, you have once again outdone yourselves with this rig. Best of luck and safe responding to all privileged to be a part of this company!
  2. RIT

    Honda generator/light EU2000i. We even got an AFG Grant to pay for two of them from FEMA (before DHS), as part of a succesful RIT equipment grant in 2003.
  3. RIT

    VERY good! lol
  4. Humility is a great lesson to be learned in The Brotherhood. Nice job Firefighter Murray!
  5. Computational review is the process where you mail in the request form they sent you with the results, receive a confirmation with date/time/place, where you are allowed to compare your answer sheet to the official answer sheet. It means you can only see that the answer to question one was A, question two was C, etc. You check your answers to make sure it was scored properly. You are not privy to the actual answers ie; spotting a ladder truck from a building optimally is 35 feet, during computational review.
  6. That answered the questions I was thinking about. Thanks Chief. PS: Had any good lobsta lately.....
  7. http://www.timesunion.com/AspStories/story.asp?storyID=890186&category=YTSCHENECTADY
  8. Meanwhile, back at the ranch; http://www.chron.com/disp/story.mpl/headline/metro/6821324.html
  9. The Brothers and Sisters of L.A. County Fire Dept. USAR-2 rescue a victim and are cheered with the chant of U.S.A., by Haitian onlookers. Unofficial death toll reported to be 200,000.
  10. http://www.health.state.ny.us/nysdoh/ems/policy/09-05.htm
  11. Yes, but when the pump is hooked up to supply and handlines isn't the compartment open? What shelter from the elements does the door provide when the pump is in operation?
  12. This is a big reason why having one member stationed alone in one of our firehouses became intollerable years ago. God Speed Sgt. Foca....get well soon.
  13. Oh sure. First thing they do is enclose the cabs, in spite of the valiant efforts of many a department taking a partner saw to cut them dang roofs off. Then what do they do? Enclose the jump seats, then ban the riding of back steps. Safety; the number one reason for killing firefighting traditions! The nerve of them. But now we have to look at this.......Euro-zone ("let's keep spritzing the fire with a booster line Hanz, until it eventually quiets down!") looking.....pump panel. What's next those silly looking Euro helmets that ENCLOSE your head? What happens to all the fire photographers who won't be able to get those great "froze-stache" shots? I can see the day; chief says "get the stick up!" and the reply from the Chauffer comes "as soon as we unrap the protective milar covering chief!" C'mon, get some ice and salt on that Waterous/Hale whoeva......... PS: Kiddin' aside, best of luck PCFD with the new rig
  14. I read the beta incident alert as well. I couln't help but notice the ironic similarity to the Montrose incident in that a long driveway was described to the structure, but I also noticed the IC requested to leave room for the truck IFO the building (notwithstanding I had/have no criticism of Montrose's tactics). I don't know the chief, the IC at this job, or any members from Croton Falls FD, but let me say this; if by chance the IC had come to this board and followed the discussion regarding the Montrose job, is it possible that was in the back of his mind, and therefore helped him make a very good call to notify units to leave room for the truck? If the IC automatically thought to do that, and it had nothing to do with the evolving use of the site, well that just shows good leadership, so congrats to him and the rest of CFFD; respective of the very limited information I have seen. But if emtbravo's information helped the IC, that would also be a very good thing wouldn't it? ~Just an opinion
  15. In my humble opinion, you should have quit right there, because now your post raises a host of questions. And you know this because of how? Have you spoken with FD & PD chiefs throughout Westchester, in this case along the Hudson River in the Hudson Valley? Are you aware of any Westchester depts. who might utilize the Water Taxis that work the Hudson, as they seem to be able to respond rather quickly? So, it's a foregone conclusion that: #1 FDNY & NYPD "will arise to the occasion" as you put it #2 "and save the day yet again." 1.Are you saying FDNY/NYPD WILL RESPOND to a Westchester water emergency? Do you know this for fact? Last I checked FDNY has only minimal mutual-aid agreements in place with certain cities in Westchester, although I am aware that recently the brothers were training together for a Westchester mutual-aid response INTO NYC, so this might have been updated. Can you site the mutual-aid agreement you are refering too? 2.IMHO: It is NEVER a foregone conclusion that ANYONE will "save the day" let alone "yet again." I'm suprised by your bravado. Better start pullin up dem boots "brother"! The Westchester Career Chiefs have brought forward a plan of consolidation which could significantly improve the delivery of fire services in southern Westchester. Have you heard of this study, or possibly read it? Are you dismissing without thought the efforts of all the volunteer fire depts. along the Hudson River? Do you not think they would respond to ANY kind of water emergency to the best of their ability?
  16. The world's first responders to Haiti; New York, Fairfax Va., L.A. County, Brazil, Dominican Republic, Spain, Nicaragua, South Korea, France & Germany, China. There's many more for sure.
  17. "Managing the group is Rescue Battalion Chief Joe Downey, whose late father, Deputy Chief Ray Downey, started the USAR program. Chief Ray Downey was killed in the World Trade Center attacks. The team is self-sufficient and able to operate for at least 72 hours from the time they reach the island, with their own supply of water, food and shelter." http://www.nyc.gov/html/fdny/html/events/2010/011410b.shtml Be safe bros.
  18. Isn't that the same one you wore in probie school at lunchtime?
  19. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Henry Hill: You're a pistol, you're really funny. You're really funny. Tommy DeVito: What do you mean I'm funny? Henry Hill: It's funny, you know. It's a good story, it's funny, you're a funny guy. [laughs] Tommy DeVito: What do you mean, you mean the way I talk? What? Henry Hill: It's just, you know. You're just funny, it's... funny, the way you tell the story and everything. Tommy DeVito: [it becomes quiet] Funny how? What's funny about it? Anthony Stabile: Tommy no, You got it all wrong. Tommy DeVito: Oh, oh, Anthony. He's a big boy, he knows what he said. What did ya say? Funny how? Henry Hill: Jus... Tommy DeVito: What? Henry Hill: Just... ya know... you're funny. Tommy DeVito: You mean, let me understand this cause, ya know maybe it's me, I'm a little f**ked up maybe, but I'm funny how, I mean funny like I'm a clown, I amuse you? I make you laugh, I'm here to f**kin' amuse you? What do you mean funny, funny how? How am I funny? Henry Hill: Just... you know, how you tell the story, what? Tommy DeVito: No, no, I don't know, you said it. How do I know? You said I'm funny. How the f**k am I funny, what the f**k is so funny about me? Tell me, tell me what's funny! Henry Hill: [long pause] Get the f**k out of here, Tommy! Tommy DeVito: [everyone laughs] Ya motherf**ker! I almost had him, I almost had him. Ya stuttering prick ya. Frankie, was he shaking? I wonder about you sometimes, Henry. You may fold under questioning.
  20. I'm sorry I used all my "rep" points up for today, because this post truly sums up the hard work the members have put in to WSOTF, and what it is capable of. Nice job Captain.
  21. Whatever happened to those tough guy 8th graders who wore the AAA badge and sash "Crossing Guard"? I guess they'd need guns today.....
  22. Capt, you gotta stop spellin' like dem cops......lol
  23. Laughin' my @ss off Chief......