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Everything posted by efdcapt115

  1. Absolutely no disrespect to our PAPD brothers and sisters, and the 37 members they lost on 9/11. Does anyone know if the PAPD Airborne Unit got up in the sky on 9/11? I'm also wondering why, if they've had an Airborne Unit since ''51" as the emblem states, why didn't they develop a rooftop evacuation plan for the WTC in the time of it's existance? Not looking for an arguement, just if anyone knows anything..... I've heard from brothers, regarding the '93 attack of the WTC, a certain fire chief instructed his members to walk the stairwells, after the NYPD Air Unit had offered to shuttle members to the roof. Never heard the PAPD Airborne Unit mentioned, ever, in any of those discussions. Since it's the "fancy" chopper, the Sykorski (sp?), my guess is it was used a lot for transports of VIP's from the PA around to their different properties; JFK,LGA, NWK, etc. It looks like the style of private choppers you see doing the shuttle work around the greater NY area.
  2. Makes me think, notice how the city did the verdict before the layoff announcement....I'm just sayin'
  3. Hate to say it, wait for the day when someone is going to say, "told you so....." Wonder if the Board puts itself at liability by going on record saying they support the idea, but won't spring for the financing? In other words they are acknowledging the department's need for staffing, yet won't pay. Has the Local applied for technical assistance from the IAFF? You can have an actuarial study done of the district, and find out what the real number$ are. Usally it's for negotiations support, but this seems to be a worthy cause in my opinion.
  4. Oh you're gonna love this: http://jonathanturley.org/2010/07/13/oakland-police-announce-they-will-not-respond-to-various-crimes-like-burglary-grand-theft-and-other-crimes/ I'll bet the first thing the gang-bangers take advantage of is the no more responding to "loud music" calls. Crank up the boom-box homey, them POlice ain't comin' no more! Wee hoo!
  5. Read a news blurb today. Good timing for the Boss to check out. He's a winner, even dying. There's a lapse in the Fed estate tax. By him dying now, his family will save approximately 500 million in taxes to the Feds. That means they will continue to own the Yankees without hardship. In six months the tax goes back into effect, and it had only lapsed since the begining of this year. Nice timing Boss. Rest in Peace.
  6. The Boss. Goes out at a time when the new stadium has ben built, for the next hundred years he becomes part of the folklore of the Yankees as the man who replaced the House the Ruth Built and built The house That George Built (I think it's the House that Jeter Built) sees his team win multiple championships up to franchise number 27, and goes into this year's All Star break with the best record in the major leauges. And they've somehow done it while enduring multiple early season injuries. Hey let's face it; some of those boys out there wearing 5 world championship rings are getting up there in baseball years. Jorge, playing the toughest position, naturally is showing it most. He goes out with his life's dreams fulfilled many times over for many people. As much as some of us hated him through the Billy Martin managing years, when Yogi left the stadium and would not return for many years, when Lou Pinella kicked more dirt than usual. The players union should be more than grateful. His Dave Winfield deal would pave the way for megastardom in the modern world for free agent success stories. Under his watch, the Yankee organization became a world player with the creation of the Yes Network. The organization has been so successful, and in such a strong market with big local backing, from filling the stands to corporate advertising deals on their network, that under the revenue sharing agreement in MLB, they subsidise places like Kansas City, and have done so for years. I'm not saying they are angels (they are in L.A.) but under The Boss's watch, the Yankees have been quite a success story; so how bad can we feel for the old man checking out now while he's at the top? That's the way to go right? He's got high schools and public works, hospitals in Tampa named after him for his generosity. The man had it and he went with it Alice. So God Bless Mr. Steinbrenner, may his family be comforted by many Yankee wins. 28 for The Boss to bring to the Pearly Gate.
  7. Was working on the same thing as mbendel. Here it is anyway: http://westport.patch.com/articles/board-says-westport-cant-afford-safer-grant Westport, Connecticut; some interesting data: Read more: http://www.city-data.com/city/Westport-Connecticut.html#ixzz0tCxHJYGz http://westport.patch.com/articles/board-says-westport-cant-afford-safer-grant Nice job on the grant Westport Fire, congrats. It's quite an accomplishment to be awarded a SAFER grant; there's a ton of work involved with any grant application, and no guarantees. SAFER is extremely competetive. Like Stamford though, all the work seems to be falling on deaf ears. And yet, when I compare the financial data to the arguement that Westport cannot "afford" to take a SAFER grant, I find it dubious at best. Best of luck trying to move the department in the right direction.
  8. There is a two year "Period of Performance" where the positions are fully funded by SAFER (salary caps apply). If the positions are "new hires" the obligation of the municipality is to fund the positions for one additional year. If the money is awarded for "re-hires", laid-off coming back, the two year award has no follow-up funding requirements.
  9. Is a firefighter from Corinth Lake FD, TX. Most of you probably saw the footage from the Rangers game, where he fell about 30 feet from the upper deck reaching for a foul ball. He's stable and recovering: http://www.dallasnews.com/sharedcontent/dws/spt/stories/070710dnsporangersfanfall.114cc1c49.html
  10. New Orleans Fire received a SAFER grant from the Feds on June 25, 2010: http://www.firegrantsupport.com/content/html/safer/Awards09.aspx
  11. The brothers are taking a beating today, White Plains x2, Queens, FDNY mutual-aid into White Plains, and the heat up there from what I've read is pretty intense. Keep hydrated, stay safe. God bless, and may He watch over them all.
  12. Got the Nextel Blackberry, and was able to access the site, quite cleary when magnified. It's cool. I didn't sign in, but I imagine one could log in and post if they wanted? Nice job Seth!
  13. Yes thank you. But honestly I think you missed the meat of the question; you got the potatoes. My question to you is more directly about your mindset; where or how could you think this plan will not have some sort of negative effect on the Stamford job in the near to near-distant future? How could you sign off on a final document that does little to resolve the problem of "division of fire services within a city" when it most obviously creates two. Any unification process, and any fire chief worth his/her salt is going to tell you this is just plain wrong; and I feel confident saying this only having followed this thread with interest for a while, and knowing a few chiefs in my lifetime including my dad, that's all. I mean, are you trying to reinvent the wheel and convince us of otherwise? Nobody disputes that the department will remain divided. When good, honest Stamford fire officers and firefighters come on this site and lay it on the line....I believe them. Because I also spent a career in this service, and it has more integrity than we ever got or get credit for. I could give a hoot about the credit, but trust me I know about the integrity of people in the fire service. Politics and unions aside; the bottom line is these people are driven to do good in their lives. And the fire service has always improved because of that integrity, and pushing laws and construction changes that ended up meaning safer living conditions in this country for milllions of people. Your plan would put careers in possible jeapordy guy. You have got to know, the lawyers are going to come out of the woodwork on this one. But besides that, is the compassion that seems to be lacking. To put forth and endorse the prospect which COULD, I'll say could here, endanger firefighters job; why would one want to endorse this position; particularly in light of the fact that you are apparently a proud firefighter working in service of our mighty military? I don't know your mayor or the whole picture. But I can tell you 35+ firefighters got layed off in Yonkers NY. And 9 in White Plains NY. Political figures come and go, they lose elections, etc. I honestly hope somebody finds a legal way to challenge this whole thing, and this time let the Chief step up to the whiteboard. From what I've read the Stamford Chief endorsed something entirely different than your proposal. That makes me seriously question the whole issue up there; the politicalization of the process that ends up with potentially career guys taking it on the chin. Nah, no good.
  14. Question for Mr. Coggs: I've noticed you stopped tagging your posts with: Dyncorp/Logcap IV Camp Leatherneck Afghanistan Without distracting from the topic (there seems to have been a lull here, no posts since last evening) it's just that you seem to be a very relevant player in the apparent creation of this plan, you apparently displayed your affiliation for quite a while in your posts, and I think it's legitimate to ask why you stopped using the tag. So I just googled it: http://ir.dyn-intl.com/releasedetail.cfm?ReleaseID=395115 SORRY EVERYONE! I'm not interested in dragging this off topic, just one response from Coggs maybe, just wondering about your mindset and where it comes from; the way I read it's in a place where civilians are doing most of the logistical, support type work that used to be done by soldiers. I'm sure you can't and don't want to talk about your job; it's probably classified anyway. Watch out for them IEDs.
  15. Question for a 786 member: How many years have Local 786 members been staffing the positions that have come under question as a result of this plan? Thank you. I thought that mansion fire with the screwed up call from the IC up there, was going to move your department, and city in the right direction. I'm honestly flabergasted reading the plan that's being discussed here.
  16. Whew, this is tough. Bruce and I were in the same probie class, along with others in this forum. Chief Campbell was starting something new in '86; combining all the career depts (except Yonkers) into one probie school. We had New Rochelle, Mt. Vernon, Eastchster, Rye, Arlington, Harrison, Larchmont..., all together for the first time. Now, it's SOP and Westchester Career firefighters are all trained to the same standard. But it was a new concept in '86, and Bruce was a part of that. He was older than most in the class, and he assumed a natural leadership role, with his easy-going and friendly style. I loved him, we all did. Then, the parades with the Emeral Society, the conventions, the protest in Rye Brook when Bruce was 5th District VP. We had a lot of fun, and a Bruce did a lot of hard work on behalf of brother/sister firefighters. Bruce was a leader, and had the heart of a true fireman. I hadn't been in contact with him since I moved, and to read this news is heartbreaking. To his brother, Captain Kerr and all the family, I offer my heartfelt sympathy. Rest in Peace BROTHER KERR. You shall not be forgotten. Captain George Glover (ret) Eastchester Fire Department
  17. I received a PM from LisaMK, informing me that she is the homeowner of the home that burned last December: I think she sent it to me, because I had questioned if there was a smoke detection system in the structure. Thanks LisaMK, I'm sure the Montrose firefighters wil appreciate what you have to say.
  18. I read the article in the newspaper about this young man's actions. Most people turn away or walk by when there is trouble. He was trying to help and it cost him his life. Tragic. Rest in Peace bro.
  19. Rest in Peace bro.
  20. Rest in Peace bro.
  21. Seems like only yesterday Police Officer Reid was patrolling the Village of Tuckahoe. But time marches on, Don retired and picked up this gig with the Prince William County, VA., Police Department. In the end, he was doing what he'd been doing since Vietnam, responding to an incident. Rest in Peace. http://www.moonhowlings.net/index.php/tag/donald-reid/
  22. I just got off the phone with a very reliable source in southern Westchester Law Enforcement. Some might question the reason for putting this post in this particular thread. Reason being; I had raised the hypothesis that maybe FDNY while hiring 300, and Westchester FD's experiencing layoffs of around 50, maybe they could work something out. Jimmy responded, and I had to agree after reading his post that it seems so infeasible. Well, Law Enforcement Agencies in Westchester County HAVE FOUND JOBS FOR, AND HIRED LAYED OFF POLICE OFFICERS FROM WHITE PLAINS. The word I got is that MOST OF THEM have been hired by other police departments. Now, while everybody making decisions for the technochratic monstrosity that is the fire service in the greater NY area moves it in the wrong direction; Example #1 The Stamford Fire & Rescue situation: the long knife of a mayor and political decision making regarding public safety, with job-jeapordizing elements. Example #2 The layoffs with no apparent back-up plan, inter-agency cooperation, communication, nothing for the members who have been layed off? Does anybody have any information if anything has been done by the other surrounding fire departments with regard to the layed off firefighters from either White Plains or Yonkers? The cops apparently have done it regarding White Plains; they've taken care of their own. Hired by other Police Departments around the county. Good for them, and God Bless.
  23. When you are incapable of checking your ego at the front door of the firehouse, chances are you'll choose to ride on the roof of the rig given a chance. "Look at me, I'm such a H E R O.... " Okay, so Bogata, dudes you've got to get with the program! Some of your members obviously need a slap down, so to speak. Who's in charge over there anyway, ANYONE? If you want to look cool and "professional", sit yourselves down and fill up the crew cab, try and look like you're a fully staffed engine company. Now that's impressive..... And no fighting for the nozzle!....
  24. bump: for great content.
  25. I just have to add to those who think that's way too radical; think about how much talent comes to work in Westchester County coming OUT of NYC? Now you have talent that could come down in reverse TO the city instead of always away from it. I know it's probably wishful thinking, but why the hell not? We got unemployed recently trained union firefighters over here. A system that large could absorb that talent, EASILY. Vets first. Why not unemployed firefighters next? I'm just sayin'..... A BIG PS: I DO NOT SPEAK FOR ANY OF THE LAYED OFF BROTHERS, only in support of them. Edit: and without their authority to say anything, only my opinion. Also, content removed for irrelavence. lol