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Everything posted by efdcapt115

  1. Yes indeed chief. I always hated rats. Here's one of the greatest fire companies of all time chasing a classic rat!
  2. Truly another classic quote! "Raftery'isms"
  3. Interesting. I'm wondering; Commissioner Sutton's name is on the front page of the proposal. Wouldn't he consult with the Westchester Fire Advisory Board before he would sign off on the proposal? If he did consult with the WFAB, how could he sign off on a document he must have known would be opposed by it? That just isn't logical is it?
  4. Just tried this with my binoculars; from inside air-conditioning out into the oppressive humidity. Used a zip-lock, squeezed the air out of it. Worked like a charm! Thank you.
  5. God Rest Cap. Condolences to his sons and all his family, and the extended family of the SFRD.
  6. In this economy? You might want to look at bingo..... Just kidding, best of luck.
  7. Interesting comment from a reader of the paper: Hmm.......people going around the chain of command and using the grapevine? Principles of supervision 101: this type of activity will cause major problems for any department. Happens all the time, in too many places. Don't have any knowledge about the issues up there, just thought this was an interesting comment by someone who MIGHT have insight behind the scenes up there. http://www.poughkeepsiejournal.com/article/20100824/NEWS01/100824008/Poughkeepsie-fire-chief-demoted
  8. Exactamundo. Compare AFD's aerial to this new Seagrave Tower Ladder:
  9. Thanks bro. No worries anymore, what's done is done. If this thread gets you and hopefully others to make it a priority to protect your hearing, then that's a success. Stay well.
  10. Way cool. Joe is a good man. Thanks
  11. In my opinion, it's great to have these in-the-rig communication/hearing protection systems. But unless you're standing directly in front of a Federal Q siren, I do not believe the in-cab noise (with the exception of older rigs with open jump seats) poses as much of a threat to hearing health as do other functions on the fireground. In late 2004 I became ill with tinnitus. It's coming up on six years now; pretty much constant noise in my right ear. When it's bad it's in both ears. I only became aware of the hearing loss and damage I had sustained AFTER the "tinny-ear" began. We did not receive yearly hearing exams as part of our annual physicals. We should have; I might have been made aware of my hearing loss before the tinnitus. I might have been able to continue on the job. Tinnitus cut my career short by at least ten years. That's why I've thought so much about the issue of fireground hearing protection; beyond the ride on the rig. I've had many years to reflect on the should-haves. The fire service is in dire need of an adapted technology to provide all with the constant/effective protection while operating on the fireground. That's why I ask you all to give it priority; use what you have available to you now. Use it consistently. And hopefully companies like Westone will pay attention when they receive the e-mails asking them to develop a fire service specific in-the-ear hearing protector. I have Westones now. I use them when riding my motorcycle, or anything else where I'm getting exposed to loud noises. They eliminate the high frequency sounds, the ambient noise, and what you are left with is a more focused ability to hear what you need to hear. The noises from the saws, and the irons, and the ear-piercing alarm systems blaring at you at 3AM in the high-school while you track down the activation; this is the stuff that is killing our inner-ears. In the ear protection can only work for the fireground if you can still hear through them. 33db foam ear-plugs aren't going to work. You won't hear the radio, your partner inside, or a victim crying out faintly in the smoke. Westone type in-the-ear protectors is the answer!!
  12. VES.. good one! Figures the photos go up of the rig and bang; there's your second alarm for Arlington yesterday... Also, not to get obsessively technical, but with the lettering removed in the photo it's a good time to point out that this rig is not a Tower Ladder.....it's a Ladder Tower...I know, I know nobody wants to hear it, what's the difference, but there is a difference, and the vast majority of platform aerial devices out there are indeed Ladder Towers, even though most depts refer to them as TLs.......I guess it just rolls of the tongue easier saying it that way. Best Luck with the rig AFD. Anybody know if Joe T. is still in the shop for AFD?
  13. Absolutely, totally great photos and subject matter. Amazing stuff. Thanks for sharing grumpy!
  14. First thing; welcome to EMTBRavo. I'm reading your location Charleston, as in South Carolina? It's an honor to have you here. Seth aka x635, and his team of moderators have built this site from modest beginnings into an emergency services forum that is second to none. Hope you enjoy it like we all do, and become an active member! Best to you.
  15. With regard to the reorganization if it goes through as planned with DPS taking on the primary response functions of WCHMRT, any opinions out there as to whether this could lead to better cooperation/coordination between Westchester County HazMat, Yonkers F.D. HazMat, and the Special Ops Squads?
  16. Reintroducing the Class A Fedora. Wear this wrong and you didn't get smacked....you got whacked!
  17. Let me guess; they hung the window there to practice spotting the aerial platform....? Or someone is messing with us using Photoshop. Or it's a very odd backboard for an even odder basketball hoop....
  18. For those who can't make it, as per P.O. Esposito, mailing info is: Detective Charlie Wassil c/o Peekskill Police Dept. 5 Nelson Ave. Peekskill, N.Y. 10566
  19. Get well soon Detective Wassil.
  20. The Section 708 EPG funding @$750,000 in 2010, "expect it will continue at the higher amount over at least the next several years." Is this Fed money or state? Is 708 Grant money applied for like AFG or SAFER? What happens to this plan if the 708 money shrinks or disappears? It also appears part of the plan is to consolidate the grants departments? Does that make for more efficient grant application, or loss of talent?
  21. I was thinking about fireground operations, and the difficulty one encounters when trying to enhance hearing protection, while not being constrained in any way, or put at a disadvantage by "blocking" hearing during operations. The interior view of PCFD's new pumper showing the Firecom 3010 is great. Every rig in Westchester County should be outfitted as such. So that covers hearing protection while in the cab and responding; I imagine there is also a headset at the pump panel for the MPO, so that firefighter is covered once he settles in to maintain pumps. Great. But now what about the firefighters who disembark the apparatus and go to work? First thing is any saws should have noise cancelling headphones attached, yet easily removable so the saw operator doesn't have to think to grab them out of a box in a compartment (which is all so common, and mostly forgotten). It's the noises in the upper frequencies that do so much damage; bringing up a Partner saw equipped with a metal cutting blade and attacking locks and roll-down doors to gain entry is extremely hazardous to the ears. Blade cutting into metal; doesn't it just make you cringe thinking about the sound? So a simple solution to facilitate the saw operator throws on the ear-muffs, is to have them attached to the saw. Another hearing-saving idea: the irons are commonly attached these days, with the ax and haligan interlocked and wrapped with a velcro strap. Why not attach a headset to the irons as well? The member holding the haligan inches away from his ear as he is crouched down and instructing his partner to drive the tool with the ax; now he can pop the headset on (underneath the rear of the helmet, slide it onto the back of your head and over your ears). These are two of the major noises that will do serious damage to the hearing. Both can be addressed with equipment currently available, just raise the awareness level and make it part of the SOP of cutting or forcing entry! What the fire service truly needs to be developed is an "in-the-ear" occupational hearing protector. Westone is a company that manufactures in-the-ear hearing protection for many applications; musicians, industry and they even have a military model now: http://www.westone.com/military/acces What the fire service needs is something like these musician style hearing protectors: These are molded to the individual's ears. They have changeable "filters" that provide different levels of protection. But the main point here is that they do not restrict one's ability to hear; they simply cut out the dangerous higher frequencies that do the most severe damage to the hearing. ATTENTION WESTONE: Please develop in-ear hearing protection specific for the fire service; using heat resistant materials. This could revolutionize hearing protection for firefighting! How about we start mass e-mailing them with the request? Westone@Westone.com
  22. Are there any departments in Westchester County that are complying with the OSHA Standard or the NFPA recommendation with regard to hearing protection?
  23. A tid-bit I gleaned from the Lohud piece was one of the B'Ville officers had started with the NYPD. Another with the MVPD. That's what originally made me so angry about what the city of White Plains did to these cops and firefighters. When a cop transfers from one place with job security, under the assumption that the new employer understands what that employee is giving up to come over to job, it is the height of irresponsibility for that municipality to then turn around and lay-off the employee. Lay-offs can literally destroy lives. If a municipality is going to take on an employee in civil service, they should damn well know how and what their financial health is going to be going forward. Otherwise, don't hire in the first place! I'm sure the officer would have gladly held onto his position in the NYPD if there was any indication from White Plains that maybe they wouldn't be able to fund his position in a couple of years. White Plains should have made it clear to their new hires, especially the transferee's, that the chance of lay-offs loomed in the near future. Then if a person decides to take that chance; well at least they know what they're getting into. I still say SHAME on White Plains, and that city has an obligation to all laid off cops & FFs to follow up with support services to help get all of them placed or rehired. Until then, I hope the mayor and city council carry it heavily on their consciences, and they don't sleep at night.
  24. Can't you just picture Hurley sitting in the driver's seat with his SCUBA gear on going....."no rush fellas.....it's just ducky in here..."
  25. As I remember it "Carter Gagen" was the last B'ville volunteer... (Hey Demps 'memba him? lmao)