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Everything posted by efdcapt115

  1. Most days I check the list of membership anniversaries to see if there's any of the regulars here that are celebrating one. And the birthdays. And the new members list. Question: Who are some of these people? So many of them don't post, or even log on. There's many names I don't recognize day after day. Are all these members "verified"? An issue came up recently, and I was discussing with a member of administration who stated on another site, if you apply for membership, they have a moratorium period before they will actually let you become a member; after you've applied. This makes perfect sense. Should EMTBravo adopt that policy? And what about cleaning up the membership list? What about a member who, let's say has been registered for 5 years, has no posts, no log-ons, etc? Should you maybe give them the boot? Maybe every once in a while, the board should "clean house" so to speak. Just a suggestion.
  2. Happy Anniversary, happy anniversary, happy anniversary.....haaaaapppy annniversary!!!! SPARKY (6), firebuff10-28 (6), RICH HYLAND (5), muts2244 (5), mb3857 (4), mlfleming (4), NCHammer914 (3), szabc (2), jefe4065 (2), Tom Powell (2), dpfd144 (2), emt4free (2), medic84r4ny (2), looker234 (1), divvyk (1)
  3. I thought for sure you had a copy under your pillow Cap!
  4. You'll have to settle for a rep point. Very good (p*ick).
  5. This is a very complicated situation at London Fire Brigade. They obviously don't have anything like the "Taylor Law." From what I've been able to learn piecing together newspaper stories, and reading other firefighting websites, The 27 pieces of fire apparatus were taken to a secret location to be readied and staffed by this company: http://www.assetco.com/Our-Clients/London-Fire-Brigade.aspx As best as I can explain the situation: Back in August EVERY SINGLE London Fire Brigade member (over 5,000 Uniformed employees) was given a 90 day notice of termination. The City plans on "sacking" (firing) the entire uniformed department, then rehiring back those who will come back to the job; abolishing the preexisting contract with the FBU and enacting a new work schedule, new pension rules and over a 20 percent pay cut. This has been planned for some time, as LFB contracted with "assetco" a couple of years ago, who now with a strike on the horizon will provide 700 civilian personnel to staff those 27 hidden rigs. Currently in the strangest of worlds, assetco provides rigs and operators to the LFB, yet they are a separate, private entity within the London Fire Brigade! Imagine having to work in a union/non-union shop! But that's what London Fire Brigade has become. Now that the union has voted to strike, if and when they do, these 700 civilian members will cross picket lines, and try to do the entire job of the London Fire Brigade. Of course, there won't be anything like "interior attack" by "assetco" members; they just operate the rigs now, so fires will be fought "defensively." That means protecting the surrounding buildings that aren't burning. 700 scabs, divided into shifts, trying to do the work of the third largest fire organization in the world. The work of over 5,000 firefighters. While management goes about firing the entire workforce, busting the union, and decimating the job. What a bloody disgrace. If the parties don't reach a settlement before the November firing deadline, and the Uniformed Brigade members strike, it's going to be extremely ugly for the City of London. People will die needlessly at the very least, as well as fires will burn with skeleton scab crews I guess trying to flow some lines to try and protect exposures. London is about to burn. Edit: 27 rigs. Currently London Fire Brigade staffs over 160 stations.
  6. Maybe I said it wrong. I was mainly talking about "inactive" accounts, a screen name that someone signed up for in say 2005, and never logged in again. Things like that. Certainly, like Batt2 said, there's hundreds of people who log on and don't post. Those are certainly not the folks I was referring to. Just when I see some of these anniversaries, I do bother to look at the list of screen names that log in on any particular day, and I'm like "who is this" about some of the screen names. Administration knows who comes on and who does not. That's basically all I was suggesting. I like when a member that I know has an anniversary or a birthday; I just might post something about it. Just another cool little feature of the site.
  7. The obits? You mean the "Irish sports Pages" dont' you....
  8. Yes Chief, that' a good point.
  9. Are you still selling the memorial stickers? If so, how can they be purchased via mail? Thanks
  10. Youtube Credit: MrJCSalt Helmet cam video of interior attack. Note: the member was aggressive in pushing in the line (I think the audio says there is a loss of water to the attack line at one point) just a couple of things (opinion): 1. Not sure if there wasn't enough line, but the push into the fire room stopped too short, and the fire keeps flaring up. Use this video for training, get that line just into the fire room and you'll prevent the continued flare-ups you see here because you'll be able to hit the seat of the fire, as opposed to knocking down the fire gases that were licking out of the doorway, and keep on lighting up. 2. The firefighter is instructed to "head inside." He then has to return to the exterior to get a TIC. Try to remember; somebody on the initial attack line needs that TIC right away. Get used to carrying it; it's as important as your SCBA or the 1 3/4" handline. Great job South Whitehall Township FD!
  11. Whom are you referring to specifically? And what "agenda" are you speaking of?
  12. Be nice if lohud could have bothered to put up a few photographs....
  13. John, If (and I don't know the facts so I'm saying if) Croton has any issues with staffing, particularly during weekday working hours, why don't they look at the model that EVAC put together some years ago? They run paid per-diem EMTs and paramedics, and maintain their volunteer core. They do get some subsidizing from the Town of Eastchester, but much of their budget is covered by insurance billing for transports and ALS services. The system down there works pretty good. They used to have daytime coverage issues, this system pretty much solved it.
  14. http://www.boston.com/news/local/massachusetts/articles/2010/10/11/two_men_die_in_fire_at_lowell_apartments/
  15. http://www.lowellsun.com/ci_16326600?IADID=Search-www.lowellsun.com-www.lowellsun.com
  16. Wow, you get a point for pulling that one out of your J-Key box.
  17. Youtube credit for both videos goes to "gimmeyourfries".
  18. Let me guess: Guiness labelled pottery?
  19. 1969 Mets shortstop.......and I didn't have to look it up either. (oh wait that was Bud Harrelson)
  20. Read more: http://www.lowellsun.com/ci_16317220?source=rss_viewed#ixzz129ckNst4 http://firegeezer.com/2010/10/12/morning-lineup-october-12-4/
  21. There's a city in Ohio named after Barry Nechis?
  22. Ladder rescues, prior to the first video:
  23. http://blog.timesunion.com/cohoes/fire-department-morale-at-rock-bottom/1002/
  24. Read more: http://www.miamiherald.com/2010/10/08/1864570/high-drama-risky-rescue-atop-tower.html#ixzz11t1RJYcu