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Everything posted by efdcapt115

  1. Mike, I think those are swing-up doors on top. Opened from the bottom, outward and up. Had little struts on them to keep them open.
  2. "Respond with traffic", what does that mean? Invite the civilian vehicles on the roadway to follow you to the alarm? Do you do that with hand signals (waving motion, this way fellas...)
  3. Oh man, would I love to get my hands on that old Station 6. You could build quite a home/s out of that beautiful building.
  4. Interesting comments on another website about the fire attack. What are your observations? Youtube credit: FlyingLionTV
  5. Maybe Obama will invite everyone down to the White House for a brew to talk it over.....
  6. Here's a great PDF file from the Los Angeles County fire Department that lays out the Hydrant Assist Valve operation, it even has a test at the end (with the answers in bold, so no cheating now!): http://lacoffassoc.net/items/hydrassist_cntxmnl.pdf
  7. Thanks grumpy. I can understand while the tankers are running a shuttle, they will grab whatever water source they need to, if they are needed for multiple fills and dumps. At the end of the day, what gets filled up in the tanker; what water supply would be acceptable that might sit in the tank for an extended period of time until the next run? You're not saying that the final refill could be pond water or worse are you? Wouldn't that have potential bad implications for the pumps, and the tank itself?
  8. That is entertaining...........
  9. I thought the HIPA laws protected people like me from people like you.... koo koo....cluck cluck.....
  10. Very nice shots, thanks for sharing them. Question: where do most of the tankers get their water; from municipal hydrant systems within their own districts, or do they need to draft it from secondary sources? That's "Wingdale" isn't it? Looks like it was a very productive drill.
  11. Now if that doesn't choke you up, you should check your pulse to see if you are still an alive human being. Rest in Peace Officer, Marine, Patriot, Hero. Man that sucks he got taken out.
  12. The tracker may have locked up but the total hasn't. It's showing $3,315.00 with a goal of $3,600. That's $285 short. Looks like you stated earlier you'll reach your goal to continue operating through the end of 2010. If you don't make $285 by Saturday, all of today's donations are going to be refunded however, so this will all be for naught. Good luck with reaching your goal.
  13. Sorry Jack, I didn't see this. thanks. But I have a feeling 8 more donations is still going to be short the donation goal.
  14. http://weblogs.baltimoresun.com/news/crime/blog/2010/10/baltimore_police_officer_serio.html Updated report: http://www.baltimoresun.com/news/maryland/bs-md-police-fire-crash-20101020,0,7432041.story
  15. The donation tracker seems to have stopped registering donations after 2:30 PM. Do we have an update on that number?
  16. With all due respect to the last couple of posts, how many times have I (just as a regular poster) asked you guys to step up and help out just a little bit? There was the "rep point" thing, who gets to 100. big deal I did. What did I say? Shout out to some of the great posters, and an individual plea to help the guy keep the site up. Now that he's drag a** beat up, beat down, at the bottom with the baloney, a hate group (which is a joke really), has a new family to think of.....now you wanna step up with a donation. It had to come to this? It's freaking degrading for a man that has done so much to create one of the best emergency services forums around. I don't blame him for saying he's sick and tired of having to come here time and again and ask for a little help. But NOW.............. (not you Eric)
  17. It's weird, suddenly it feels like a Wake. Seth, I don't know what to say man. We've chatted a lot in private, I know where you stand, vice versa, we've all tried really hard to make this thing work. Seven years is a great run. Thank you for the efforts you have made, and I have to say, I understand.
  18. Down here in the Florida, you do not want to see the blue lights in your rear view mirror. All law enforcement agencies, and in the Keys we have so many it is hard to keep track, use blue strobes. FHP, the entire state's County Sheriff' departments have uniform car coloring as well as blue strobes, we have ICE, we have the FWC (wildlife cops), we have the border patrol, we have SLED, and we have FDOT. I'm not kidding, you can drive a mile on Route 1 and see one of each. There is a "move over" law in Florida, widely disregarded by the dumbed down citizenry chatting away on their cell phones. If LE has somebody stopped in the shoulder, you are required by law to move out of the driving lane, and either into the center turning lane on a three lane road like the Overseas Highway, or completely onto the other side of the road on a two lane. If that means stopping and waiting for passing traffic so you can proceed across a double yellow, that's what you're supposed to do. The move to "amber lighting" as I remember it was not because of visibility. Studies were done, particularly involving cell phone users and DUIs that crashed into emergency vehicles, because they were "drawn out of curiosity" as to what was going on. In other words, it was kind of proven that red and blue lighting is a "magnet" for the under-the-influence crowd, and others. The use of amber became widely used in theory because it was less likely to draw that curiosity; like highway work going on, it doesn't get peoples' morbid curiosity adrenaline flowing. That's the way I remember it. Now who wants to tell me how wrong my memory is serving me? It's ok, I'm a big boy, and can take it. I won't start a hate club if somebody proves me wrong! IMO: Stick with amber rear lighting, and you'll have a better chance of not attracting a magnet crash.
  19. OMG Did I forget Wraftery?
  20. Alright you got 21, that's Blackjack so the house will pay you. I agree really. There's only a couple of guys that I've seen giving back positive feedback lately. They would be: 16fire5, trauma74, Remember585, 7586, bvfdjc316, bigrig77, MLM39BR, Devon Foulke, TRUCK6018, MRK303, fd75, ytowndk148, mllax14, TCD0415, WAS967, T-34, TheBuff376, jrm31333, Bronxtech, pfdfirefighter01, cpc, 57truck, Stench60, shipwright, tdc202, Bnechis, OnTheWheel, pv102, FDVA356, EX2354, beavis, Raz, Medic137, truck45, thebreeze, firemoose827, CJAFD41, justanothermedic, 37FD, ariesff, M' Ave, DFD378, post4031, bfd34138, paramedic441, DaRock98, Truck4, Dudley, robert benz, effd3918, skme318, GFD33, PEMO3, CFFD117, EMT1094, BillyBlazes, Reliance, Plectron, calhobs, AJU, jack10562, E1E2TL3, ffd60, NurseMedic, firebuff860, crk830, efermann, rwalshytown, EJS1810, tjd1012, FFFORD, ATIFD, Newtofire, collegebuff, JBE, YFD216, philmoore, Bmf112, fire2141, Fred, mvfire8989, FireMedic5315, TD55, markmets415, Fireman488, ace84, E-170, fireman3484, cbfire25, jfmuller, FFLieu, x134, SSFD-NY, rickperry99, joshlost818, GFD70, 2627, NoWestFF, helicopper, CHIEFPHIL, jp, tunaFish, oper8er758, RescueKujo, AMISHFF, LCFD968, bad box, potws92, tark2817, TR54, fireguy43, mso1003, Bugler83, X2321, JAD622, 48, roeems87, glide82, obrien3044, nswoody, DCJPells, sklov5949, Deputy Chief Doug, DMA327, ComputerGuy, nwpfdjr27, firebuff08, fireandbikes, citystation1848, xfirefighter484x, x1243, kvfd306, aviator70, davidemt, gss131, 10-90x, INIT915, Danger, ECAFD3, eric12401, gamewell45, bull56, CLM92982, ENG47INE, x635, xDL2, PVFD113, Atv300, firefighter1133, ltx17, rushed, uvfd67, CFD048, badge207, explorer10538, Porsha911gt3, eike1701, FFBlaser, DerekGrisantiYHFD, KEY11, EFFD4091-MLSS emt, Ging599, MJP399, R40-88, spin_the_wheel, antiquefirelt, DFD801, mstrang1, tdt560, OoO, feraldan, SIGNMAN, RJB896, sr71, SPM33, prucha25, chiefhac, pfdff, RocklandFires, 20effd37, cbryson, job111, FiftyOnePride, PoqFFEMT, HFD219, knet22553, thehammer, ENG58#32, babhits16, 210, Turborich, TJK183, Howard Peiffer, pkt1268, nhfd241, FDNYDCHI, ichie 3120, medic25, mfvfd, longtrail106, Nancyk, Doc, dadbo46, pvl8, reme343mber, JFLYNN, T. John, Arrowxt, HFD201, Lucky-Truckie, fireguy30, MH0109, firefighter111, KEE879, FFEMT150, JScott128, eagle5473, batt2, NHFD21255, SEC92, FirefighterJr, ENG158INE, Brenman1988, HFD23, knronald, Brendan, JetPhoto, sfrd18, Dexreyn, Billy, firefighter-70, JM15, mehtas, tfdlt165, nfd2004, erfd324, badge65, hfd45_engineer, captn54, eng41hurst, 3019, Firediver, xd0rkface, kfire94, 99subi, 2209, nycemt728, highwaybuff, AFD-PM, john15, Cutty630, firedude, NJMedic, 298, CPAGE, FF398, waful, Howitser, Mark Z, chris 31, mikerabbit, EX47COP, Haroldtugbuff, 1hook, Kevin-L, turk182, yanks4ever1320, dougeng41, BFD1054, engine845, eddie295, SteveOFD, Rescue85, 38ff, Roof798, Anesti, Mofire24, IzzyEng4, johnydb., huzzie59, 338, PHIL78, Dawson, ny10570, Goose, dmc2007, Bully121, mbendel36, 131PFD, HFD45208, sfd263, NOZ45ZLE, ajsbear, grumpyff, 31-C1, BFarr156, Alpinerunner, RH31379, Hap602, lalautze, 1075thebox, ACHIEF2643, ryang, DonMoose, smang, dashield, fletcherec, firemn23, notlim650, 23piraf, mdm911, Mac8146, ffper5112, MUDMEDIC, HFD750, GoDucks23, DOM626, TrooperMedic, fireguy5, BREW245A, gruber166, nycemt326, Ladder44, JP59, LTNRFD, gr8z2869, WstPrideEng92, jd783, x152, Pudge3311, ENGINE180, Piranha174, jps385, stixx, 31TruckiePCFD, Ex-2114, fac911, EMSJunkie712, aacofd40, mlcougar2001, BedfordFire, EHMCMedic, cg153, crime cop, crime cop, x129K, jaxson624, yfd134, NRFDL13, PFDRes47cue, KML607, marc, E112, lhfdvolly, mfc2257, abaduck, HFD89, LFD171, 20y2, bronxfireradio, Changeling, smooth-effects, 42121FD, DR104, Tom1739 What the heck, we all have our favorites brother.
  21. Alzheimers is a tough way to finish up life. Now that her battle has ended, may she rest in eternal peace.
  22. I've seen some of the greatest career departments in my lifetime, and they're sure professional. I've seen some volunteer departments who really have they're act together, and are very professional. I've also seem some of both that weren't very professional at all. It all starts at the top. If you're lucky to have a progressive chief, and high morale, good organization, a thorough and comprehensive training program, and most importantly, your department knows how to fight fires, if it's involved in EMS and does it well, and the dept has all the right equipment, then you are fortunate to be part of a professional organization. Sloppy, lazy, complacent departments with vindictive bosses, a hateful, lackadaisical membership, backstabbers et al, can come in any form, shape or color. Go to the firehouse tomorrow and redouble your efforts to keep pushing for a "more professional" department. None is ever perfect, and there's always room for improvement in any organization. It's worth the fight!
  23. You might want to listen to the audio, but it'll probably get your blood to boiling. The ignorance factor comes into play with the woman doing the filming in a big way. Then you start to hear people yelling "where's the water?!" a few minutes in. I read on another site that there were problems gaining entry into the fire apartment, so getting water flowing from the interior became a problem. The guy yelling "where's the f-in water man", probably was the dumb a** that lit his apt up! On another note, can anybody tell me why (Kujo?) the west coast fire departments are so in love with wooden ground ladders still? youtube credit (reluctantly): gloriaf09...."man"...
  24. Nice shot grumpy. I remember when Yonkers came over and gave us this exact drill. The Brothers in the support squads stay proficient in these skills. Thanks for sharing.