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Everything posted by efdcapt115

  1. You'd better put the "Confuse-us" book away Brother.
  2. Well it was a reference to the film, but meant as a joke, no sarcasm intended Brother. But let's not take away from the images of the fire, the ones recently added by Howard Peiffer are stunningly clear. Beautiful job. Edit: Oh yeah F.D.N.R.? Never knew....
  3. In all of my days, I've read about some seriously messed up things that perps have done to innocent people. I'd have to say, beyond a doubt, this is one of the sickest, most atrocious things I can remember. It was hard to even read the articles about what had taken place inside that home. It's hard to understand how cruel perpetrators of violent crimes can be; in this case to innocent young girls and a beautiful grown woman. The doctor has shown an outward strength and grace that I cannot comprehend in the face of such things haven been done to his family. I pray for him, and the souls of his beautiful family taken so violently on that terrible day. We can't understand why God lets things like this occur; but surely the devil lives in people like this; these two horrible, drug-addled, sick human beings that murdered this family.
  4. I don't know what was done in the latest work when the board went down, but I am showing all kinds of error messages, and now the one post I tried to post shows it's in the PFTP index, and it's posted 4 times. I can't delete any of them. It's not showing on the main board. EEssh
  5. delete just worked k.
  6. I remember my dad bringing me to the aftermath of this fire. I remember they ringed the scene with standing plywood. Does my memory from being only 5 years old hold true? (I also licked the flag pole and my tongue got stuck to it and they had to call a unit over for that)
  7. no error message, just wouldn't go to the "reason for delete"
  8. As a test, I've just picked up and drank my first Four Loko. Hmmmm... So fur sa goad... Ik's net doong nuthin... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz........ head first conk on the keyboards. (just a little dark humor).
  9. still can't delete repeat posts from this morning. Posts #33 thru #36 in Protection From the Past.
  10. This problem is nothing new, only cheaper. If you've been to any club anywhere you know that Red-Bull and Vodka is as common a drink as any.
  11. That's exactly the message I got. Plus the inability to delete posts, but was able to edit them. Thanks.
  12. An ISO report done on the Eastchester Fire Dept. sometime in the 1950's, recommended Rescue 5 be staffed with 7 career firefighters, creating a "flying squad" unit that would respond to all working fires in the three municipalities that EFD covers. Particularly in light of the minimal career staffing in place on the rest of the apparauts throughout the Town, and two villages. This was never done. Instead, the Rescue was decommissioned, the company members were moved onto the sister company in Station 3; Engine 29 at the recommendation of a newer consultant's report. The Rescue itself, was never properly equipped, the FAST gear came in later years, the cribbing, etc, all the things that would have been appropriate for the Rescue. The 3 Police departments objected to the Rescue responding to EMS calls; one of it's original functions way before EVAC had paid staff. Honestly, with it's lack of equipment, save the Hurst tool equipment which was later relocated to Engine Company 27's Rescue Pumper, it was hard to argue against the PD's case. The Brockway was a fantastic rig, amazingly nimble in the right chauffer's hands. It was equipped with a jake brake, acceleration and stopping were it's forte. However one unfortunate soul made the mistake years ago of blasting his radio, cutting over the double yellow line and was sent to Heaven at an early age for driving IFO this rig. Of course the chauffer operating it at the time had to live with this for the rest of his life. Be careful out there driving fire apparatus. You NEVER know what is about to ocur right in front of you.
  13. Youtube credit: Officer Joe Snuffy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YzYxz_uvtSI&feature=player_embedded
  14. Thanks to Dan Potter, FDNY (ret) for passing along this link to some incredible firefighting photos from the not so distant past. Yeah, you'll find a thousand things "wrong" with the gear, but the bravery, intensity, and the brotherhood comes shining through. Warning: graphic images http://eastofozroadtrips.com/fire/fire.htm Edit: Take the time to read the introduction. I was caught up in the photos for quite a while and finally read the intro. Should have done it first.
  15. Thanks Willy for the notification. Mike has page 12 up! http://fdnysbravest.com/page12.htm
  16. Youtbe credit: TigerRocket
  17. Youtube credit: DFDFire
  18. Hey, you gotta take a step back and laugh....especially at yourself every once in a while, or else you'll go crazy. The guys that make the job more difficult IMO are the guys that can't sit back and have a good laugh once in a while......
  19. Wow, that sucks. Sounds like a nationwide problem. Keep an eye on your brothers, read the entire article, there are tips on what to do, how to spot brothers at risk.
  20. The best way for homeowners to avoid a chimney fire is to have it properly cleaned every year before the cold season sets in and you have to start using it. Get a qualified chimney sweeper to come in and clean all the creosote off the walls of your chimney, and make sure it is operating properly and efficiently. Then we can avoid all these techniques, chimney bombs and chains and CO2 with positive pressure vents; all of which will leave a horrible mess IFO your Edit: fireplace, or stove.
  21. Sorry, this is a bit off topic but I'm surprised you would put this up. I received this same info in a chain e-mail. A scare tactic put out right before the election by the republican operatives. Yeah the republicans who just retook the House, friends of working class Americans. We'll see how friendly they are: http://factcheck.org/2010/09/1-transaction-tax/ If you want to quote HR 4646 which has zero chance of making out of committee, don't forget to add it also proposes eliminating the federal payroll income tax.
  22. Willy, The four engines are 27,29,30,31 (reserve 28) The two trucks are 16,17 (reserve 15) I was assigned to E-27 company's '86 Mack (last pic) and occasionally did vacation relief on the Seagrave ladder 16, and the Brockway Rescue. Some of the guys in the photos have passed on, the rest are over 60 now, I've got a ways to go, if I ever get there! Have a good one bro.
  23. You got photos and you holdin' out on us Chief?