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Everything posted by efdcapt115

  1. I got some e-mails out G. I read Carolyn Maloney might try to attach Zadroga to the tax bill in the House. Stay well Brother.
  2. That really sucks. If he's hurt, prayers that it isn't bad.
  3. Hey how many of you guys have seen R1SmokeEater's video on the FPNY? Youtube credit: Our very own R1SmokeEater
  4. LTNRFD! It figures on your Anniversary the forum would be having technical difficulties, doesn't it? Hey, you're a funny guy, especially when you're not trying to be. Barry said the day you guys stopped working EMS together was like Johnny and Roy departing....I had to leave our probie class party and go outside, I was getting choked up that we were going to different departments....You just have that effect on people, you make them wanna cry. LOL That leaves just one final thought; an appropriate image to insert here: Youtube credit: Paramedic51 and thanks to Mack over at nyc...Here is that touching moment Barry and Marc parted ways http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FBGnXh3bPfI&feature=player_embedded
  5. Sorry you've not been feeling well Marc. Get Better soon buddy.
  6. With all respect Lou, where is your Fire Commissioner, and why isn't he fighting for things like the fifth man, and speaking out against firehouse closures and night time brown-outs? He's got plenty of time in. Did he forget already where he came from? Why do guys, when they get out of the Class A's and put on a suit, suddenly become silent? What's the worst that could happen, Bloombag fires him? Big deal! Some things are worth going down for, like the respect of the entire organization. I've read there is a ton of OT these days in "special details" like recruiting, and at Metro. Why not eliminate all those special details of OT? I truly wish you and all the Brothers the best, and wish Bloombag didn't have such a vendetta against the Bravest. What's Napoleon's problem anyway?
  7. VES has a small piece this week about a lighting system for an aerial made up by a DCFD truck company: What do you think? http://www.vententersearch.com/
  8. My oh my how the times they have a-changed. First thing, I personally want to give the original poster a pass (just my opinion) for the way this thing got broken out into a new topic. I admit he did overreact to what was done, but I personally understand his point. I also understand the moderators point, so lets let it go everybody? There's more important things going on right now than to bicker over how this became it's own thread. But now that it is, let's take a look at what happened. The chief in question, it's my understanding he wasn't the most popular of chiefs, but who ever is? He put basically his whole life into an organization of 10,000, and rose to the top. But because we are all so conditioned to think firefighting/policing/EMSing are SERVANT careers, it's done for free in so many places too, etc., it brings peoples' blood to boiling when they read something like this. Yet the payouts to the bankers who have made such a mess of the economy; nobody blinks when they see 50 million dollars, 20 million dollars to this or that executive of an investment bank. We are conditioned to accept the fact that bankers make huge money, but somehow firefighters should be "kept as servants." The pension costs are going up for the NYCP&FPS (different from the state) because of how many 9/11 ailments the Brothers are contracting. The FDNY does breathing tests. If you can't pass it, you're out. So, the city has to pay for the additional costs. and is that so much to ask for the sacrifices the FDNY members have made since 9/11? How many of you personally know a Brother with 9/11 related illness? I happen to know two. You know what Zadroga is about from an FDNY member's standpoint? It's about those sick members wanting to see to it that their wives continue to get their pensions if their ailments turn into cancer and they die. Think about that. Is that so greedy? Is it so greedy that a chief who served over 40 years of his life, probably had more than his fair share of risky moments during his career, probably saved a few lives along the way, which is more than you can say about the banker walking out the door with a 20 million dollar severance package, that he gets a quarter million a year? Why the outrage? Why have so many forgotten so quickly? In the aftermath of 9/11, there were the famous people out there talking about how the FDNY was going to get better pay and compensation going forward. You know what Rudy gave them in the two years after 9/11? ZERO and ZERO percent contract. Where did the talking heads go? They had their moment in the spotlight, on the deaths of hundreds of Brothers backs, and where did they go? What did they accomplish? Where are they now when the FDNY needs them badly? They want the Engine officers to start doling out tickets for car fires and accidents. They are going to be trained in A.I. They are going to wind up in courts in the middle of battles. And yet, the department readies plans to shutter and brown out companies at night. Where did the RESPECT go? Time.......leads people to forget. And then add in an anti-union rag like the NY POST, making a big deal about the chief, enraging people against the fire department. Nice job Mr. Murdoch, now please return to the Land Down Under from which you came and belong. Listen guys and gals, the working class people in this country are under attack. I posted a link here recently showing the average payouts from the NYSP&FRS. It's NOWHERES near what this city chief is making. The State fund is 107 percent funded right now, the healthiest in the country. Good planning, now just watch your politicians don't go and screw with that, which is what they are trying to do. Whenever politicians see money sitting there, set aside and invested for the working people, they can't resist trying to get their greedy little hands on it. Well hands off the pension system, and you know what? New York city residents are going to have to PAY UP for the pensions that the Brothers need, especially the sick ones. It's the least they can do in the aftermath of our country's worst homeland attack in our history. and i'm sure Manhattan real estate is still going to rise past the average million dollars for 600 square feet. They'll survive. The chief gets to live good for his remaining years; why begrudge him? Why vilify him? NEVER FORGET, we all love to say it, wrap that Flag around our shoulders. Yet do we forget when we vilify some FDNY members because the NY POST says we should? Think about it.
  9. Don't answer that question jc, that gun be loaded.
  10. A little birdie told me the good Lt. made a big jump in the command structure tonight. Want to wish him the best in his new slot. Lot of responsibility wearing three stripes Brother. Best of luck and stay safe, Chief.
  11. A little sympathy for the sick and dying at this point wouldn't hurt, Mr. Pointmaker.
  12. Your outlook on this issue would obviously be different if you knew somebody who was sick from working at the WTC site. Politics aside, what they did yesterday was a disgrace, and if they don't somehow come to agreement on it before this Congress ends, they can all Repub and Dem alike take a flying hike as far as I'm concerned. And which came first, the showdown on the tax issue, or the Zadroga Bill? Yes it is politics, but all that was needed yesterday was for TWO Republicans to come to the aid of those in need from WTC sicknesses. And not ONE would cross over to help. We'll see how this plays out, maybe they still get it done. If they don't they can all go take a flying leap in the Potomac!
  13. The lack of interest and page views on this topic is a statement in itself. Apathy, even from fellow emergency service workers, many of you were even there and worked on the pile yourselves...........amazing.
  14. Watch the idiots: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstopics/howaboutthat/8189391/Fleeing-arsonist-runs-into-lamp-post.html SWEET revenge!
  15. http://www.nypost.com/p/news/local/funeral_held_for_nypd_detective_e0wdpoBeAQFIKxYAoR6t9M
  16. Just curious on a day like today, with the Zadroga bill up on the Capital, this post was chosen to start it's own thread? Who broke that off from the original thread, and did that, and what was the reason?
  17. Very good idea. I actually like that probably more than the DCFD idea. Because what about the first time the DCFD truck has to use the tip to break through a window or it smashes up against something? They look kinda vulnerable at the tip, no?
  18. I'd like to know where all the "activists" in the post 9/11 era went off too. You remember those people, "we're going to see to it that the FDNY gets what it needs in the future" The blah blah famous folk, the talking heads, the support from the news people. Where have they all gone now, when the FDNY is in it's hour of greatest need? Oh yeah, and the Senate is poised to kill the Zadroga Bill today. That's the Bill that would have provided ongoing medical care money for the thousands of sick people that helped out at ground zero and got sick from it. The Republican Senators want their tax cuts for the billionaires passed first, before they'd even consider the Zadroga Bill. Nice huh?
  19. John, you bring up a very important point and perfect expansion of the topic. As most of us are aware, in the FDNY, the IC is required to provide the dispatch center with regular progress reports. It's not uncommon to hear the city dispatcher calling the IC, or in many cases on multi-alarm incidents the MCP stating, " a progress report is due." This is extremely important. The disptacher reminds the IC or MCP of the duration of the incident or fire. We all know how important this information is with regard to an interior attack, and how long structural components can reasonably be expected to last. In other words, the longer the duration, and with the regular updates being called for and required, it's a constant reminder to the IC as to how long the troops have been operating interior, and serves as a reminder as to when the "safe point" is passing for keeping the members within the structure, or gauging the time they should be pulled out, and exterior operations commenced. I see absolutely no reason why 60-Control cannot enact a system and require Incident Commanders to provide those progress reports, and Control can be providing the IC with those regular reminders as to the length of time members have been inside, and length of uncontrolled burn time. This is an item that 60-Control can be pro-active with. they can make it their policy that "this is the way it's going to be." That would require every department using 60-Control for dispatch to get on board. There shouldn't be an IC in the County that would be against a pro-active movement by the dispatch center that's going to send them 10 minute reminders for how long that fire is burning; and in ordinary and frame construction if that fire is burning out of control for more than 20 minutes, those firefighters should be getting pulled out. A smart IC would welcome this additional help from 60-Control.
  20. Cool Buell. What is that white stuff on the ground all around and under the bike? Hmm.......(I'm getting old and have been in the South for a while now......I know I remember what it's called....it's in the noggin somewhere.... )
  21. The whole family used to make an appearance at the annual NYPD car show at Orchard Beach. One year they all showed up in their hot rods. If the family really has split, I guess that's over with. Do you really think the family is broken, or is this a ploy to boost ratings?
  22. LOL@the chief's coffee & emtbravo check
  23. You guys are all right. I was just picking out a couple of things and saying the possibility of an "incomplete size-up" does still exist. But really it's all just semantics. I agree with your posts, and don't have any argument against them. Was just trying to point out the possibility of the "what-ifs" but it's a weak argument I'm making here, so I'm dropping it, and going with your original thoughts and statements "Scene size-up by the first unit is an absolute neccesity, and should be done at all times." The end.
  24. Well, you are using the word "they" when referring to the first rig. What if it's "he"? As in a solo rig rolling up. This still happens all too frequently in both career/volunteer/combo systems. In number 2, I'd say sometimes the only thing the member/s is/are going to get off on the radio is "Engine X 10-84, we got jumpers....." And yes, that would indicate to the rest of the units rolling in, something major is going down. (oh boy, just realized the pun in that).