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Everything posted by efdcapt115

  1. Chris, you are talking about Honorable People being motivated to do Honorable Things. According to the latest press releases and from the statistical data collected...."Honorable" does not qualify as a "job motivational factor" anymore. On top of being a cop, a firefighter, or emergency medical officer (hey I like that name for a catchall phrase for all EMS peeps) an "E.M.O."....the professions now carry the weight of doing the right thing for all of gov't to remember....'lest they forget...
  2. Woeith...the sounds of a man digging a deeper hole....the scratching of the shovel against the frozen hard tundra.....
  3. What site does proboards host...the rant?..thee rant?
  4. I'll bet you Piermont has a four-wheel drive ambulance....
  5. I'm saying, like any typical politician having narrowly (at this point in time) escaped a political career killer, and gotten the media forces to bite on the union conspiracy story and thus take their eyes off of him and his deputy Goldstein (for the moment) now he'll be over at OEM like old Scrooge who glimpsed the future with the ghosts....he'll probably hold a press conference over there....hopefully in his pj's..the man loves subtle drama...
  6. Bloomberg is already over at OEM....he's got a cot set up in the corner...he wears a long nightshirt that goes down to the ankles and a matching pointed hat, the kind where the top flops over and has a little ball on the end.....he does deep knee bends every morning while still in his PJ's....then.... Edit: Spelling
  7. I would say working with your driver is the Most Stressful Job in America. Therefore you Cap, have the MSJIA.... Edit: Update from officer involved..... FORMER DRIVER.. therefore you do not have the MSJIA any longer Captain Demps...
  8. As long as the downward pressure remains on the economy, it should keep inflation in check. As long as inflation stays in check, the 5 percent will hurt, but it won't destroy the members' ability to live. Supposedly, real GDP is on a positive track. Supposedly, the economy is growing. But the downward pressure remains on housing. And this is also being termed a recovery with no jobs growth; a very "strange" recovery. 10 percent unemployment might be the new norm going forward. All of these economic uncertainties makes it anything but a "given" that conditions will remain stable and the 5 percent cut won't be a serious financial problem for the Brothers. They are also giving up any small percentage increases, so add the 5% to say 2% a year, then a recovery of only 2% in the third year and 3% in the fourth. I think the City agreed to that with probably very few ideas of how they're going to do it. They might be banking on certain parts of the economy improving, and it may. It may not. Cross that bridge when you get to it. It's a crappy situation, but the Brothers made a statement; they're in it together. Those 12 Brothers should never forget what their fellow firefighters did for them. I hope it works out going forward for the City and the Local, so the can get their pay-cut percentage back, and the city can get on a more stable financial footing. I sure hope the City has something like an Economic Advisory Board, and some kind of growth plan in place. Best of Luck Newburgh Firefighters.
  9. Picked this up on the local CBS affiliate. Anybody post about this already? The video shows a pretty dramatic fire..... http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2011/01/04/national/main7211828.shtml
  10. So here we have it in a nutshell. This whole headline is about, this investigation is about, this whole mud-slinging campaign is about some anonymous guys who talked to the following quoted councilman. And here we have, near the end of the story, a quote from the man who is saying the story is not a story. It's a shaping of the press, a revisionism, to cover up the sloppy and ill prepared administration with a bean counting fetish....not looking at the brewing storm, but looking at the spread sheets and thinking how much more they could squeeze out of a service that has been wrung dry. Lives were lost in the storm. The media, initially focused on the shortcomings of the administration, have fallen for this sensationalist "game changer". It sells papers, that's the business. What happened to "The Buck Stops Here"? How convenient the mayor was so "reluctant to blame" the unions. Out of a job of thousands, a couple of disgruntled employees said some stupid things, and maybe there was a small wildcat slowdown here or there.....and it turns into this. And the mayor and his staff are high-fiving each other in the back rooms of Tamany Hall, having pulled of a "coup" that saves the mayor's impeccable reputation, avoiding getting "Katrina-ed". And at the same time the news coverage shift serves the agenda of keeping the attack and the pressure on public employees' unions. Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/ny_local/2011/01/04/2011-01-04_nyc_blizzard_feds_open_criminal_probe_into_alleged_city_worker_conspiracy_during.html#ixzz1A6hO0jjd
  11. If you are going to be in this business in any capacity and want to "survive" you had damn well better know what the pecking order is. Now taking the "paid/volunteer" aspect of the equation completely out, using two career officers, if it's me and a similar situation where I've got an auto-response from The City of Yonkers, and I'm from Eastchester with a workforce 1/5th the size, and a "few less" working fires in the past year, do you honestly think I'm going to in any way shape or form try and exercise some form of "control" over the YFD forces when there are no emergency decisions that need to be made? It's just common sense that you're going to be faced with situations in the business that do not fit neatly into the paragraph answer in some book form of the question. Now the book is going to state, it's my district, it's my response, it's my NIFRS (unless I'm able to pawn in off on LTNRFD somehow) etc. etc. etc. Sometimes to make the system work "properly" which not only means giving a 10-30, an "under control" it also means keeping "control" of the situation in ALL WAYS. If that means I'm fortunate enough to have 20 Yonkers guys with rigs showing up to help me if there is a problem, when THEIR boss shows up, you can be damned straight I'm going to accommodate their chief's every request. I'm going to defer to him ESPECIALLY when there is no true emergency, so that when he goes 10-8 he'll have it in his mind that "hey going over and helping those Eastchester guys is a PLEASURE, because they're gentlemen and know how to pass around the respect." I'll give you another example. I'm standing at a LOD funeral and I'm there fairly early. Brother comes up and asks me to take part in the Honor Guard; hold one of the flags. Now, I could have simply said yes, and walked on up there to show my respect even more in my little mind, or I can say (like I did) "I'm sorry, Brother I'm not from your department." He looked at my shoulder patch, and gave me an appreciative nod before moving on and asking a firefighter from his job to do the honors. KNOW YOUR PLACE, your spot in the pecking order. I know this kind of chief, this guy who showed up at this call involving SFRD. You know what the problem is? He's showing up with an AGENDA. The exertion of his "authority" over career forces is very high up on his agenda. Time to come back down to earth there fella, and remember where your place is. Sure, you're the IC, it's your call when and if the situation will be declared under control. But you go from the FIRE situation to being under control, right to the interaction between the forces STAYING under control. A man with a little humility, especially knowing the problems going on right now, with guys jobs potentially on the line, with a very volatile situation in place, and that man with humility and BRAINS will make sure to accommodate that career chief (see above for results).
  12. This video could have been put in the storm thread, but it is deserving of it's own. At 2:20 in to the video...better duck....youtube credit:elag777
  13. What happened the chief stick you in the a** with the epi pen...
  14. No but he had a guy standing along the road wearing a shirt that said "Bees ahead."
  15. It appears your health has returned. Hopefully it won't be long before your ability to tell a funny joke does too. Well I've heard some "stories" in my day, but this one just breaks new ground. You honestly expect us to believe that the Captain falls under Liaison in this scenario.....C'mon Chief. You had me until you threw that in there. Is it true that the Fire Commissioner came up with another revenue idea; the mayor is gonna do midget wrestling and give up his share of the gate to keep the 5th man.... Back in the days when a Marlborough Man was a Marlborough Man.... Somebody stop the ride....I gotta get off....
  16. That's 3.75 AHW or multiple alarmer per month... Multiple choice question: What does NRFD send on a .75 AHW or multiple alarm fire? 1. a booster tank 3/4's full 2. 3/4 length coats 3. three men on a rig when you should have four 4. A 3/4's disability retirement Hint: 3 of the 4 answers are not even 75 percent correct. Answer: #3 of 4
  17. Wow chief you caught a job! Sweet.... Ugh.....one question though...assist beekeeper? How did you determine where the hot zone ended to safely establish a CP? (If you believe this question puts you on the spot, please feel free to Pm me your answer...) I apologize to our fellow members for the silliness.... and now back to our regularly scheduled programming..
  18. (Retired)efdcapt115 Command Vehicle/2004 Chevy Tahoe-2010 run total: 2 car fires: 1 in Florida on the Turnpike 1 in Georgia on I-95 1 flat tire assist: Overseas Highway, Marathon, Fl. total: 3 runs South Battalion standing-by K....
  19. That's the first thing I thought of; the amount of bandwidth we must be using due to the extensive photograph library that we have been building for years.....When I did the Myrtle Beach firefighter combat challenge photo shoot, I kept thinking of that as I was posting up a very large file of pics. I am always amazed at the quality of the photograph collection here....
  20. Ditto that Chris.
  21. HAPPY NEW YEAR 2011! To all Brother and Sister members of the EMTBravo family, wishing you all a safe and healthy 2011! To all of you luckies working the shift tonight, stay safe and get home to your families!
  22. I really hope the city and the union can reach an agreement to keep the Brothers on the job. Best of luck fellas, it's tough times right now, but it'll get better.....
  23. Happy New Year and happy anniversary Seth! Mmm.... Mmm.... Memorieeeeeeeees......................light the corners of my minnnnnnd......(sing in Bahbra).........
  24. I thought I got a scoop on this video, and sent it in to Dave Statter this afternoon. His blog was covering the second Chicago LODD funeral today with a live video feed. So after the funeral (it really was a beautiful service) he updated his site, and right at the top was this video with the headline "MUST SEE VIDEO". I was "like wow" and checked the credits....."Firefighter Close Calls" had it up yesterday.....no scoop for me. Oh well. Anyway much more important than that, is no Brothers were killed or seriously injured at this fire. Which leads me to ask, do any members out there have any SOPs from their departments regarding "Ambulance Fires"? I have to admit I've never seen this before; an ambulance fire that exploded. Never really thought about it much before either. The boneheads commenting on the video suggest it was oxygen that let go. Anybody agree with that? We had a liquid oxygen fueled fire on my job a couple of decades ago. It was on the 2nd or 3rd floor of a 10 story Type 1 OMD that burned so hot it affected the concrete construction, and auto exposed up two floors. Very fortunate it only killed two people. Oxygen. Very healthy for patients....potentially deadly in a fire. Any thoughts on the subject?