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Everything posted by efdcapt115

  1. She ended up saving firefighters' lives. May she rest in peace now. Thanks for informing us Cap.
  2. I hope you don't mind me asking if someone can expand a bit about this course. How is it being used; to bypass civil service rules? No names needed, just an explanation of what the hell is going on with this thing. Don't tell me, let me guess......it's run by Rural Metro..... Edit: GRAMMAR
  3. Nice post. Let's rename this thread Proper Grammatical Phrasing. Now you get a red check mark for the above quoted sentence. You left out a "to, too or two" Sorry, but your perfect 4.0 GPA has just been affected. j/k I respect college edumucated folk. My sis and brother-in-law both hold Phd's. Heck, she did two years in China and speaks Mandarin. She'd be a great FD liaison, or a cop in a Chinatown community. But they both teach in Seattle. Let's just say the skills you need; like how to properly phrase a sentence are grade level skills, no? High school used to prepare people for this world. Now it's just a launching pad for the next level. I think computers have leveled the playing field for "no-degree'ers" a bit...lol A Good Chief, if he or she happens to be college educated as well, good for them. But "Good Chiefing" skills cannot be taught in my opinion. Budgeting, yes. Public Speaking? We get it at Flips. Tactical Considerations for a fire ground chief, yes. But in the end you either got it, or you don't. And a "good senior firefighter" could tell you in two seconds if his/her Chief is worth their salt.
  4. This assassination, and your quoted number of LODDs so far.....it's January 15th.... are appalling. Stay Safe. Rest in Peace.
  5. You guys are shattering my buff dream that the Super Pumper has returned!
  6. From what I understand....right down to the spelling
  7. PS: If somebody is getting bounced from an assignment and it feels like "retaliation", make sure it's well documented, then grieve it.
  8. I think you're aware, civil service has come up with a way for people that do work like firefighting to prove they're competent to be promoted and lead. It's called the focused "competitive exam." Not having a college degree sometimes means people went straight into the workforce. Some of us were employed with civil service as young as 21. College didn't show me how to operate the pumps, the fire academy did. My officers showed me how to be one; and I tried my best to be as good as some of them were. The "inside joke" is one city fire chief.
  9. Youtube credit: AP This child, born on 9/11/2001.....losing her is definitely a National Loss. May She Rest in Peace now, and may God help this country. http://www.reuters.c...E70C5VU20110113
  10. I feel like raging a bit. Today down here in Dania, there was a standoff with a disturbed dude. The cops had some good equipment there. All kinds of machinery adapted to/created for urban warfare. Sad reality, but then again parts of Dania........anyway Now I've got a question...how does a smirking Uncle Fester lookalike AT 22 YRS OLD not get taken out in his little backyard bunker while he's huffing latex, before it gets to the point that he does this? Edit: I'm not blaming LE.
  11. Toshiba NB 305, 1 Gig of Ram, 260ish Gigs of hard drive, immediately ran chrome browser, increased speeds on top of a 3G Verizon wireless package (have an internal card and an external nicely packaged antenna set-up. Taking the opportunity while on the road to post from a spot in the sticks where I know this is a Sprint dead-zone to see what kind of action I can get with the VZ. And here we go...presto
  12. Wowza. So this is what being connected really means, no more Blackberrying through the swiss cheese of sprintland.....
  13. If I did something positive, in this case, with this Brother, it's only returning the favor. Have a nice weekend fellas.
  14. Should have figured.......they would figure out a way to screw it up....... even though the intent of the law is to continue the funding. Why can't they just stop-gap fund it until July, then deduct the amount owed? Is that so damn difficult that it's going to take a Congresswoman and a Senator to have to go around and caucus, build a consensus, do what they have to do....go through the "Congressional Process" for goodness sake, like they don't have other matters....it should be a simple accounting issue with GAO oversight. The wheels of justice....grinding ever so painfully for some...
  15. Willy D!!>.....say it ain't so...
  16. As you say "the sad reality" is that some municipalities are going to go full steam ahead with their geometrical measurements of the service performance and stand-by units, blah blah..... The "sad reality" is that some municipalities are going to go overboard; and one day their wake-up call will come in the form of civil unrest, rioting and lawlessness with inadequate forces to deal with their city being burned half down and their stores looted. Then they will be forced to confront the grim reality of our "society." Things can go down the crapper pretty quickly, and just because it hasn't happened in a while is no indication of when or where it will happen again. It's human nature to forget, and very convenient for the mayors organizations to strike out against FD, PD, whomever is part of the line that keeps a city under control.....and one day the system collapses? Who knows...what city will be the first to find out.... One last item; Jonathan Walters the author of the article: GFY
  17. I don't know if fire and ems exchange equipment down there, but if they did, SOC Haz-Mat would probably have hundreds of these.......
  18. Not if you have a 614 backing you up. Does he still work there.....
  19. Sorry. I'm the sidetracking guilty party.
  20. Do they allow cameras in the courtroom in NY? I forget.....
  21. I repped PEMO and want him and ny90210 just to know, it's not a vote taking sides. It's just a vote for a man who had an honorable career cut short by injury (hope you don't mind me saying that Joe) and what I'm reading is a post from a man who was 100 percent pro on the job, a man with a lot of humility, who compliments so many posters opinions, I just want to point that out to the board. At the same time, aside from a few probably overly tired moments when nyzipcoder got off his area of expertise (EDIT: I speak from experience in that department), he's usually a level headed facts driven poster. So..... Stay well both of you.
  22. You know when you start to add it all up, the amount of emergency services provided to all the communities, in it's totality, is quite a significant number. Congratulations to all our successful first responders for an outstanding year.
  23. Man I would put Highway Patrol at number one, but what do I know....only some friends who did it...rolling up solo on some of these atrocious scenes put the gray hairs on their heads....
  24. ....Let the back-pedaling begin....start with a redefinition of what "business" is.....