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Everything posted by efdcapt115

  1. Exactly my point...urban planning. The blight of American urban areas, Detroit comes to mind. If the arsonists don't burn them down before they go into foreclosure these days. The abandonment by American corporations, the decimation of the working class...the last vestige being decent cops and firefighters' jobs, now under attack, led by the corporatist element that profited so neatly by removing the "Heartland" of American manufacturing over the border to the war-zone side of Mexico. You know, the Canadians have fared by far the best over this whole North American, Free For All. But here........fugetaboutit... The best thing Westchester has going for it, is it's proximity to the city, for stability in housing prices right now, a stable but fed-up tax base, with Right To work Ganneters over at Lohud trying to make inroads into OUR system, the one that WE BUILT with grief-filled hearts, with our Brothers' Blood, and back in the day when what was RIGHT was the RIGHT THING TO DO. I'm so sick of Gannett and Murdolch trying to destroy what they could care less about, the history and the pain and suffering so many Brothers went through to get us where we are today. I mean come on people, lets get real here, enough with the hype, learn your history before you come and attempt to revision the pension system. I have an Uncle who gave most of his life to the FDNY, and now they want to take away his and the other FDNY members' "Discretionary fund." This Brother did decades of work during the war years, has a measly regular pension, and losing the Discretionary would really put him in a bind. Hands off Bloombag. Oh yeah, so that building actually was torched Barry? Edited content. GG
  2. His name is Jon Sturner. He owned and operated "Firehouse Films" located on Centre Ave. next to the overpass, until your urban planners tore down the tenements on the corner of Huguenot and Centre, thus making the studio non-viable for film production, due to truck traffic noise. It's now a green-grocers.
  3. http://editorial.autos.msn.com/slideshow.aspx?cp-documentid=1175535&icid=autos_1735&GT1=22008
  4. The Dick Van Plug and Dykers & The Mary Tyler Moore Waters!!....
  5. Negative. Only volunteer companies that later joined forces to create the great EFD K.
  6. Did you ever hear the story of Otto Dinger cooking the neighbor's cat?
  7. I'm going to defer to the Chief here, he goes back further, as his father worked for EFD and I believe was a single digit shield number as well?...Take it away Chief..
  8. Eastchester Fire Department was formed in 1897. The first career guys were hired somewhere in the 1930's. The exact date is on the IAFF Charter the Union possesses, designating us as IAFF Local 916. No wait, the career guys were on the job for a while before they were able to organize themselves and join the Union. Tommy Gorman was Badge #1, and Pauly Gormsen, a very gracious former Assistant Chief, is credited with being a driving force in getting the union organized. The Eastchester Volunteer Ambulance Corp. was formed by volunteer firefighters (need an EVAC member for the formation date). Their original quarters was the North end firehouse, where they shared the apparatus floor with Engine 31 and Ladder 17.
  9. http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2011/01/27/ap/tech/main7291371.shtml?tag=mncol;lst;1
  10. http://www.connectpublicsafetynow.org/issue
  11. http://www.observer.com/2011/real-estate/ghostly-deutsche-bank-building-finally-departs
  12. I have an idea...all at once EVERY cop and firefighter in the city drop their tools, and walk out....a couple of days of anarchy, looting, arsonists lighting up the boroughs....that should wake up this third termer who bought his own re-election. Oh wait, we gave up the right to strike to ensure the constant protection of the people. This is almost as sickening as the story that he wants rigs to use bike paths to pick up hydrants. Almost. This is much worse. UFA, PBA they'd better bring lawsuits and get this guy slapped down in court. He really is out of control.
  13. Believed to be the first time the CFD ever used Snowmobiles. 50 were deployed, out of 100 firehouses. Here's one in action towing a patient out to a bus that couldn't make it into the scene: Youtube credit: cabcab16
  14. 2/2/11..Box 812: Bn 37, S252, E277, E233, L112, L176...555 Wilson Avenue..The Borough of Fire... youtube credit: ellokito100 If you look close you can see the hose team's long stretch, emphasizing the importance of the MPO AND the Control Man! lol http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rFVnxpcA7DI&feature=player_embedded http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G5aOttiSuUw&feature=player_embedded
  15. I've been seeing multiple reports of roof collapses all over the country due to the weight of the incredible snow accumulations. This one in particular had multiple fatalities. Anybody have a roof collapse in your district due to the weight of the snow? Are any depts being proactive, maybe working with their building depts., and checking for potential problems? http://hartford.cbslocal.com/2011/02/03/85000-chickens-killed-in-collapse-of-bozrah-coop/
  16. As always best of luck with that J. May JUSTICE prevail.
  17. "Sure thing...college boy..."
  18. Found this across the pond: Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1353789/Bloomberg-spends-245-000-employing-THREE-cooks-Gracie-Mansion.html#ixzz1D2m2GwbP
  19. 2/5/11: Tarrytown suspends foreman in manhole deaths: http://www.lohud.com/article/2010102050337
  20. A structure at the Vanderbilt Museum in Centerport collapsed under the weight of the snow/ice build-up: http://www.lohud.com/article/20110205/NEWS05/302050022/Structure-collapses-at-NY-museum--no-injuries
  21. Date: 02/04/2011<BR>Time: 1041 hrs<BR>Location: 2 35 W. First St.<BR>Frequency: <BR>Units Operating: FDMV <BR>Weather Conditions: cold, snow on the ground <BR>Description Of Incident: <BR>Reporters: WILL DAVID/LOHUD <BR>Writer:efdcapt115<BR><BR><BR><A class=bbc_url title="External link" href="http://www.lohud.com/article/20110204/NEWS02/102040377/1-man-injured--another-rescued-in-Mount-Vernon-apartment-house-fire" rel="nofollow external">http://www.lohud.com...ment-house-fire</A>
  22. Good eye there guy. I made the rundown change. Thanks.
  23. I read the L.C.O. had bubble gum stuck on the bottom of his boot...
  24. It's nice for the trucks to not have to maneuver because of overhead wires, no? Message to Con Edison in Westchester, pull your lines underground!!!!