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Everything posted by efdcapt115

  1. http://www.strikethebox.com/tattoo
  2. Really cool....but an EPIC FAIL. He's carrying the ax wrong.
  3. What a bunch of baloney. You've got some nerve grouping all career firefighters' opinions, and all volunteer firefighters' opinions into two polarized positions. Grow some skin huh...and while you're at it, read Izzy's post about Brotherhood. You might learn something.
  4. Great post Izzy!
  5. I know what to get you for Christmas finally....
  6. I think this soldier deserves more consideration from our membership, so I just want to point out here on the board, that Mr. Buckles was THE LAST American left on this earth to have served in World War I. Maybe we'll get more clicks on the article and more comments. We as a nation have gone so far from the dark days of the early twentieth century when our countrymen experienced so much hardship. From incomprehensible casualties and the cruelty of chemical weapons and trench warfare that was the horror of World War I, to terrible times back here in the Motherland of a collapsed economy, and people migrating all over through "The Grapes of Wrath", homeless and hungry until they reached a soup kitchen. 110 years for Mr. Buckles. He witnessed all of the twentieth century, served our country, and became a symbol of the gallant and brave young men America sent overseas to fight and die for a better world. Rest in Peace Sir, you earned it many many decades ago.
  7. Chief, I hadn't watched the video before I responded to your question. Upon viewing it I realized the structure in Yakima, WA is very similar in construction to the houses around my sister's home in Kent, WA. I'm sure most that viewed it realized the house is built on a slab, so floor joist collapse isn't a major concern regarding this particular fire. The knowledge of the construction types in our response areas as we have been trained is critical information and will influence our decision making on the fireground. There have been many informative posts in this thread; less experienced firefighters reading this information would do well to study the various approaches to attacking this fire.
  8. Is that Jamie's gear hanging on the front bumper? Really cool, you're a very gifted model maker. It must be a very relaxing hobby. Years ago I loved HO trains. When I lived on Allapartus Road off of Route 134, we used to visit "The Roundhouse" in Croton-on-Hudson. It was formerly a train station along the tracks, that had been turned into a HO Trains hobby shop. Who here remembers the place? They had the most incredible locomotives, made of brass with incredible detail and selling for incredible prices (like $1,000). I was about 13 years old, and could only rely on my $5 a week allowance to fund my hobby. Helping a friend Ned Brewster deliver newspapers down Grace Lane, we split the tips and that added about another $5 a week. Then of course out of that money I had to buy Hostess Twinkies at Anne M. Dorner Middle School during lunch....needless to say I never was able to buy the locomotive that I wanted! lol Sorry for digressing, but this model made me think back to those days. Thanks for the memories.
  9. Are you kidding? How do you think he starts every single day? ("I'm soooo...eclecticcccc.....la de de"...lol)
  10. We all must maintain the ability to take a step back and laugh, especially at ourselves or a parody of ourselves. Humor can solve a lot of problems in this world....if only people would lighten up, and laugh a little more. Life's too short.....and I think it's a scientific fact that people who laugh more live longer....
  11. You're right, I was thinking only about cost, but the way you put it, buying the aluminum wheels might actually be cost effective. Thank you.
  12. Is it true the Brooklyn RMPs are getting a model that also belts out Jay-Z... Kidding aside; it sounds like a definite safety improvement. Good move NYPD.
  13. Sssshhh...it really is EFD's Rescue 5 making a comeback. At the last minute they're going to switch out the door decals. But at the apparatus show, who's going to bother looking at a new Rescue if it says Eastchester on the doors? Here's how the conversation would go.. FF1 (name is Chester): "Woo wee...that sure is a pretty Rescue Vinny..." FF2 (name is Vinny): "Chester, Eastchester..Where the hell is that?" FF1: "It's up in Westchester." FF2: "Run that by me one more time Chester..." FF1: "It's only a few miles south of Port Chester.." FF2: "And that's in Westchester Chester?" FF1: "Yes. Port Chester and Eastchester are in Westchester." FF2: "Where is the beer concession Chester?" FF1: "THIRD BASE!"
  14. Researching for another thread, came across this article regarding volunteer firefighter liability, department liability, and a series of court rulings regarding a lawsuit from this particular incident: http://thecompanyofficer.com/tag/manlius-ny-firefighter-john-ginocchetti/
  15. Chief, In my opinion the chances are very good that if we have trusses in the roof, chances are we're going to have trusses in the floor joists. Operating above trusses as we know is extremely dangerous. So I would say yes; significant concern, and definitely affects fireground risk/benefit analysis: http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/fire/reports/face200206.html
  16. With the budget crisis going on, are they still going for extra money for these polished wheels, or maybe they are just on the rig for the show....?
  17. You should maybe start wondering what other photographs the Lieutenant may be in possession of.....
  18. Excellent!...on that note...goodnight all! lol
  19. The way things have been going around here lately, I thought for sure we'd be reading about somebody droppin' the blue gloves for red gloves.... Disclaimer: only joking BROthers.
  20. This afternoon Islamorada Fire Rescue/IAFF Local 4374 members performed a live fire demonstration/fire sprinkler effectiveness demo. The event took place at the well attended Nautical Flea Market in Founders Park which is the location of Station 21, their easternmost of three firehouses.
  21. Umm......any questions from the B.O.F.C.?
  22. Youtube credit: jedjed22
  23. Curtains. You guys had matching curtains to go with your ruffles and truffles and pillow fluffers.....O....M.....G.
  24. Wow this topic really got some people mad. We've got everything in this thread from Tony Pagano to Eleanor Roosevelt! Some people have quit the board because of this discussion? C'mon fellas we've got to have thicker skins than that. The original question was about volunteer firefighters being indemnified. There was a thread in here recently about one of the police officers in Mount Pleasant, and a fund raiser that is being held for him because of attorney fees. Even if you are a municipal employee and things get bad, there are going to be associated costs it appears. Now, in my opinion I think absolutely yes, volunteer firefighters should be indemnified, have some protection if they are going to be out there fighting fires in their districts. The question comes down to; who is going to pay for it, and what are they going to pay for? My answer for New York State is the Volunteer Benevolent Associations should be footing the bill to provide protection for their membership in the form of covering attorney fees and possibly purchasing blanket malpractice insurance to cover all volunteer firefighters, who in the performance of any actions associated with the duties of being a firefighter are sued. VBAs get two percent money in NYS. In many cases these organizations end up banking millions of dollars, because of what the law limits the money being spent on. If I remember correctly, it can only be spent on things that benefit the entire membership. I've known volunteer firefighters who were very frustrated at the fact that the only thing their VBA was paying for, was a death benefit. It wasn't a huge amount either; basically enough to cover burial costs. What better reason could we think of to spend VBA 2 percent money, than to provide that security for every member in a department? Knowing that attorney fees and insurance against lawsuits would be provided would probably help volunteer recruitment and retention. If the laws in New York State prohibit this, what better cause could be lobbied for to make the necessary changes in said laws, so that this can become a reality for NYS volunteer firefighters? Your Benevolent is a bit like our Union is it not? It is supposed to provide something for the membership, and that should be protection, as much as it is possible.