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Everything posted by efdcapt115

  1. Guess we know why he had the guns. Another dealer gone from the streets; yet due to the ridiculous amount of profit to be made in the illegal narcotics trade, five will step up to take one's place. Getting more dangerous by the day out there. To our Brothers and Sisters in Law Enforcement, remain vigilant, stay safe, and may God watch over you all.
  2. According to the manufacturer's manual, there are three easy ways to access the ground ladders on the roof. They are: 1. Use the "Air Recon" NYPD helicopter and have a R-5 member rappel off the bird onto the roof of the Rescue. 2. If bad weather precludes the use of the chopper, position a 100' rear-mount aerial next to the Rescue and ladder the roof of the rig using the aerial. 3. If #1 and #2 are not practicable, build a temporary stairway to the roof using the cribbing in the compartments. Really, it's so simple Joe, I'm wondering why you even asked...... haha....
  3. Great news. The recent poll shows very strong support for gov't workers to retain the rights to collective bargaining. BAD news for Scott Walker! (and remember this came from the very pro-business and now Rupert Murdoch owned Wall Street Journal) http://blogs.wsj.com/washwire/2011/03/02/wsjnbc-poll-strong-support-for-bargaining-rights/?KEYWORDS=collective+bargaining+poll
  4. She fled to Nigeria, the home of Ponzi Phone Scammers Inc.? We'll never see her again......
  5. Date:3/04/2011 Time: 1737 hrs Location: 289 Nepperhan Ave Frequency: 484.7125 Units Operating: YFD/YPD/EMS Weather Conditions: Description Of Incident:LIVE UPDATES AS THEY ARE OCCURING: Two individuals hanging from a high-rise within the city. 12 stories up, Two workers dangling from a scaffolding. YFD member has rappelled down from the roof of what looks to be over 20+ story building to the broken scaffold, attempting to secure the workers. YFD member has lowered one victim down to the ground successfully! Victim 1 secured into Stokes, in hands of EMS. Firefighter 2 (turned out to be same FF who went over the side twice) over the roof on the way to second victim. FF 2 has reached 2nd victim from rappelling from the roof (building reported to be 26 stories tall) FF2 w/victim 2 rappelling down to ground at this point. FF2 w/Victim 2 have reached ground successfully! THE most awesome rope rescue I personally have ever witnessed! God Bless the YFD! Great job! WRAP: 2nd victim being secured in stokes to be handed over to EMS. Reporters: Writer:efdcapt115 Reported to be covered on all local news channels: Below Emergency Stream coverage terminated LIVE COVERAGE: http://www.emergencystream.com/video_streams/NY/NYC4.html LIVE COVERAGE 2: http://www.emergencystream.com/video_streams/NY/NYC4.html
  6. Isn't next year Doc Kiernan's 150th Anniversary with the department?
  7. Who else besides Seagrave Aerialscope even makes a true Tower Ladder? Most "Tower Ladders" we see in service are "Ladder Towers" and there's no way that design could withstand the rigors the FDNY puts their TL's through.
  8. Nice shots grumpy, thanks for sharing them. Isn't "Oasis" one of the two largest cruise ships in the world? And don't they call the Port of Miami their home base? You should have e-mailed me, we could have gotten together for a margarita!
  9. Read more at: http://www.legacy.com/obituaries/lohud/obituary.aspx?n=john-j-stewart&pid=149063601
  10. The site is not updating posts, but they are posting. So don't post twice or more when you get the message. This technical problem has happened before, it has to be addressed again by site Administration.
  11. They will only post up twice if a member gets the error message and tries reposting the original. So just know that after you post and receive the error message, the post is up, just not updated on the Board Index. You will find it by exiting the error message (DON'T TRY POSTING AGAIN, YOU'll GET THE SAME ERROR MESSAGE, BUT YOUR POST IS UP AND REPOSTING WILL LEAD TO THE POST BEING UP TWICE), going to the thread you posted in and checking. You will see it there. ~Let's all hope the server company gets it squared away asap.
  12. Famous quotes L to R: Marc: "Gosh I'm tired, is my twenty in yet?" Tom: "It's almost Paddy's!" Kevin: "No really, it's true!" Mike: "I'm either smiling, laughing or beatin' your @ss around the track..." Joe: "Yes, I am the most polite man in this class, thank you." David: "I'm tellin' you the future is rap music!" Marty: "One of these days, I'll be a hero, I promise you." Mark: "Who wants to argue next?"
  13. Wow, who was that young Hartsdale Deputy? I know that name from somewhere......
  14. Lieutenant John Stewart, FDMV. If ever the saying "Only The Good Die Young" applied to anybody, it applies to Stew. I knew and looked up to this man, and followed his band, the original name was "Wild Oats" back in the late '70's for decades. They played a concert in the auditorium of the Eastchester High School, and were doing "Southern Rock" which they stuck with for decades. Marshall Tucker Band, Lynyrd Skynyrd, ZZ Topp, Marshall Krenshaw, the list goes on, and the gigs went on. The band became a staple at BenDovers Bar in Pelham through the '80's-'90's..... Along the way they changed the name of the band to "Head First" and adapted to changes in popular music along the way. But they were Rockers through it all, and Stewie drove the band from behind the drums for all of those years. Almost as famous as his bands exploits to those who knew him, were his Forth of July parties, which he held annually at his home on Tuckahoe Ave for probably twenty years. But he was a damn good firefighter; the kind of guy that nobody on his job ever had a bad word to say about (how many of us can claim that...) because of his easy-going attitude, ability, and humility. When he scored the Montauk house, it became the east end home for his band. These guys were more than a band, they were a family. The house had enough bedrooms to fit everybody, and come they did. The band started playing regular summertime gigs out in Montauk, and reinvented themselves once again. He'd been fighting a health issue for a few years, and we all knew he was in for a tough fight. But, he still laughed like he always did, through the pain, and never let on to most, how much the cards were against him. Westchester has lost one of the nicer men to ever wear the uniform. Even though some of us knew this day was coming, it is nonetheless heartbreaking. Rest in Peace Stewie. You will never be forgotten....... Photo: John and I after a pin job on the Bronxville/MV border.
  15. Youtube credit:justonmckinney REMEMBER FELLAS....IT'S JUST A COMEDY....
  16. Nice shots Angelo and Chris. Angelo questions for you; Balloon construction? Was any attempt made to remove the cornice and attack the fire in the cockloft? Observation based on the photos; fire throughout the building on arrival, the balloon timber was very old within the structure, the fire spread rapidly from the basement or first floor very quickly within the walls into level two and three, then quickly into the cockloft, and the rapid burning of the old dry studs and weight of the water made this (guessing close to 100 year old) frame structure buckle and collapse. The fire started in the rear of the basement, or one of the stores at street level. The above is just guessing based on the photos. Hope there were no injuries here. Looks like from the photo of the firefighter bailing out onto the escape, he was very lucky to have found that way out!
  17. The rig was PURCHASED through a broker. And just because NFPA says you have to throw away turnout gear after ten years, and hopefully Thornwood abides by it, I know that the poor rural areas in upstate Maine do not. Because they don't enough gear to make that distinction. You think they can't/won't use an 11 year old set of gear for a tanker driver/pump operator in -30 degree weather? They will because of the necessity. Maybe antiquefirelt, the chief from Rockland, ME can explain a bit further, but to my understanding there is no public funding of volunteer fire depts in the State of Maine.
  18. The original: (thanks KBR359)
  19. I remember this bird very well. They almost landed on top of an accident scene on the Bronx River Parkway! We had a guy with a fractured spine who flipped his BMW over, smushed the roof down so there was only about 6 inches where we could see in the car from ALL sides. Amazingly the car came to a stop, right side up, taking out a light pole and the car balanced itself perfectly on top of the 3 foot high base of the light pole. It looked like a smashed car trophy! lol The medic called for Stat-flight, we cut off the roof and long-boarded the guy. The bird shows up and instead of going for the wide open area about 75 yards away where we had the cones set up with hand-lights in them, and an engine with a line stretched, they decided to land about 20 feet from the car. Have you ever seen an oxygen bag actually roll away up the parkway in the prop-wash? I remember looking up at the belly of the chopper and thinking "so this is what Vic Morrow saw in his last moment" when he was killed filming his last scene for "The Twilight Zone." Lastly, the victim was an insurance salesman and had about three thousand sheets of paper/insurance forms in the passenger compartment. The prop-wash got rid of that paperwork as well! Oh brother.....what a night.... Edit: Actually I think the medic used the K.E.D, that part is foggy, I was too busy looking up .....
  20. Just heard from Paul. He's got his website up for the Mustang enthusiasts from the West Coast who will be crossing the country in rally fashion, starting in Las Vegas and ending in Brooklyn at the Wall of Remembrance, in Coney Island on 9/10/11. What a cool tribute to our 9/11 heroes: http://mustangtributerun911.com/ He and I have been staying in touch since his first post here. He's a very nice guy! More information to follow.
  21. That is fantastic news but I have mixed emotions about it. Some of you may remember I had put up the request for donations for a volunteer department in Maine also in dire need of equipment; Whitefield Fire Rescue, lead by retired city of Portland Battalion Chief Tim Pellerin. This was around the time Seth first started the Classifieds. It got posted in there, and reposted in there. Chief Henry Campbell was very gracious to put out a NY State wide e-mail through the New York State Fire Chiefs Association asking on behalf of Whitefield. I just spoke with Chief Pellerin and found out it was not Whitefield that was the beneficiary of this fantastic donation. It's lucky for the department that received it; yet I certainly wish somebody from Thornwood would have seen our request here before they went to the other department. However Chief Pellerin stated he still was hopeful that some of the members here who had responded positively to his request, and made contact with him, would still follow through. Again, it's a great action that Thornwood took, yet I wish the department I was advocating for would have gotten first dibs on the rig. Oh well, can't win 'em all.
  22. If he is found guilt of this conspiracy the headline will read; "Firefighter Convicted; Another Reason To Abolish Collective Bargaining Rights!"
  23. Concrete and nukes, since the conversation drifted in that direction momentarily: Back in 1986 what do you think the Soviet Union encased the Chernobyl nuke reactor in after it melted down? That's right concrete. The concrete tomb they constructed has a 30 year life span; 2016 it's kaput. After the reactor crumbled, the Soviet Union crumbled. So Chernobyl is back in the Ukraine, and now they need 1.4 billion dollars to construct a new steel containment dome with a 100 year life span. Of course Western European countries have to foot the bill, after all they're the ones who are going to be breathing the fallout again if they don't: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/6999140.stm