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Everything posted by efdcapt115

  1. Good one Jack! Did I ever tell you the story about the parrot that escaped and flew up to the top of about a 200 foot tall Oak tree? Woman calls up despondent, just had brain surgery, now her bird is at the top of the tree IFO her house. We ride over with the duty car and an engine. I tell the guys to pull an 1 3/4 and shoot the bird. The guys are looking at me like what did he say? Nevertheless they pull the line, charge it and shoot way the hell up into the tree. You needed binoculars to see this parrot, that's how high up it was. What happens? Nothing. They repack, we pick up and leave. Get back to the firehouse, woman calls and says "as soon you left, the bird flew down and went right into his cage" she had set up on the front porch. Go figure. And she was was very grateful. The end.
  2. Thanks I repped you for it, but I can't open the file, so I'll just go by your word. Hope all y'all get some dang rain real soon.
  3. From the link Seth provided. Seth, It reads like Texas is rapidly burning Bro. No disrespect intended, but I see your Governor Perry quite a bit these days in the news, he's running for President. What is he doing, as Chief Executive of Texas to help Emergency Services get a grip on what is going on up there? I don't know anything about how the chain of command works in these complex situations in your state, but it sounds like he needs to be more involved in helping get more resources into these areas to help contain these wildfires. My God, 700 homes burned? How many hundred thousand acres? Governor Perry should suspend all campaign activity and get his butt over to IC and find out what they need. Obviously they need more than they are deploying, no?
  4. Hey guy, Hard to believe it's been a year already since this happened. You sound like it's really effected you big time. I hope you've gotten some stress debriefing in the time since this tragedy. Yes, you have to grieve, but you also have a life to live, people you're responsible for, and you have to go on with your life. Take your grief and turn it into something positive if you can. More training for your members, continued stress debriefings, there's many things you can do so you don't get bogged down and over-run by the continued grief. I know EXACTLY how you feel my friend. The memory of that day, of your Brothers will not and should not go away. But, you personally can take the lead in illustrating to others that you CAN go on, you can live even though they have died. God Bless and May your Brothers not have died in vain. Keep their memory alive through positive things.
  5. Yeah sure, about $1,000.00 in gas to help evacuate the horse farm. I hope the horses are okay, but these fires are wreaking freaking havoc in The Lone Star State.
  6. Well yeah. And the house prices are quadruple than most places in the country, local taxes that even firefighters pay are much higher, NY has some of the highest prices of gasoline in the country, then don't forget about local sales tax, tolls on just about every bridge, tunnel, thruway.....Professional fees for doctors, dentists are higher......I guess I made my point. Edit: removed cause it ain't funny.
  7. Alright, I called that number. Got a recorded message in a female voice that stated "The Bastrop fire Department has met it's staffing needs at this time." Then it went to another recorded voice which stated "the mailbox for this number is full at this time." Guess it was legit. Edit: Called the number again this morning. I guess I was just going to ask why they posted that, as it apparently had gone viral on FB. Now the number just rings, no answering machine like last night.
  8. Just watched a report on ABC Nightly News. A soldier who did 18 months in Afghanistan has just returned home, has a wife and two small children, and HAD a home, a car, and a picnic table in the backyard. It's all gone, destroyed in "The Monster" fire. Honestly, it was heartbreaking, and I felt so badly for this soldier and his family, I wish they had put up an address to send donations to help this family. Texas desperately needs rain. What a shame, the tropical storm that just blasted Louisiana didn't give one drop of rain to Texas. Let's all pray for a good heavy rainstorm for the state. "Invest 95" has formed off the coast of western Africa. Maybe with some luck it'll stay a low category storm and head over Texas way. Prayers.
  9. You're right and I apologize brother. It was aimed at an "element" and they really could come from anywhere. No offence meant, please accept a cyberhandshake? Edit: To further illustrate how right you are, I started thinking about the times I had enjoyed Playland as a kid, then later on when my family flies in from Seattle and we've driven up, I've taken my nephew and niece to Playland myself. My own stupidity on this residency would mean........I would not be admitted either, since I don't live in Westchester! DOY.
  10. Demps, stop looking at Craigslist for aother ATV and get your butt over to NewRoc Harley. You can ride a Harley legally on every road, street, parkway and highway. All you need is a license and a helmet. Get in the wind dude! Edit: Had asked you for a rundown but we got it from somebody else...nevermind....lol
  11. I spoke with one of the Rangers involved in this incident. First, I have to say, he's a perfect gentleman. But, I have seen what the Rangers have been reduced to. They have taken away their WCPD uniforms and given them a joke of a uniform that does not project authority. No sidearm. Baseball caps. The first thing the powers to be can do is restore them to the "Specials" status they used to have. Give them more training if they need it, then get them in to a police uniform, and give them a rig complete with a firearm. Use the same psychological profiling as used for regular PD so you don't get a guy/gal with the "power syndrome." But they've got to restore that projection of authority. The people that are screwing around would think twice if they were confronted by a "cop" instead of these guys wearing this whatever you want to call it "uniform." It's only going to get worse at Playland until they get the protective force in there looking like people that command respect.
  12. Thanks for the history Mike, but I've heard many similar sayings from our FBI both before and after 9/11. Did they plagiarize it a bit? Maybe, but the point remains the same. It's just your quote came from one of the IRA bombers, mine comes from one of the good guys (just please don't ask me for a name, I'll have to rummage through a dozen books lol).
  13. They should make admission to the park mandatory that you be a WESTCHESTER resident. Get rid of that "borough" element...
  14. Wish you the best of luck. Fight like hell! Only thing is the date; it's either MONDAY SEPTEMBER 5TH or TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 6TH (You have Tuesday, Sept 5th). You should change the date in the announcement so as many people as possible show up on the right night. Good luck.
  15. Very nice message to your former Captain, incoming Chief. Nicely done Seth. Good luck Joe. First thing you find out, "it's lonely at the top." lol
  16. They're doing it again, this time in Texas at a Six Flags. Better watch out for those hijab wearing ladies. It's my understanding Six Flags has no policy restricting headgear. I noticed CAIR is one of the sponsors. CAIR has a long history of relationships with "shady" groups around the globe. I can't help but think, this is a well organized stunt to pull this off in many parts of the country, as the 10th Remembrance of 9/11 approaches, and all of a sudden all the muslims wanna go out and ride the rides.....hmmmm http://www.chron.com/default/article/Muslim-Family-Day-will-spread-peace-at-Six-Flags-2153726.php
  17. If anybody knows this "phony" or happens to recognize him walking down the street, give him a good trip, hopefully he'll land face first. P.O.S.
  18. Nice post Hurley. I just wanted to point out another saying: "We have to succeed 100 percent of the time in stopping terrorists before they pull off their sick plans. They only have to succeed once."
  19. Absolutely valid point INIT, no I certainly don't think it's EVERY muslim who believes in Radical Jihad. ut of that 1.5-1.7 billion Muslims, how many percentage wise do you think actually DO believe in violent jihad? if we go conservative and say 5% that's how many? 10% would be 160,000,000 people. So 5% would be 80,000,000 people. I find 5% of their overall population to be a reasonable, acceptable number. What do you say? Is 80 million bent on holy war an accetable estimate?
  20. I can answer who was in the Philippines around the same time; his name is Ramzi Yousef. He built and detonated the 1993 bomb at The World Trade Center. Speaking of coincidences, guess who his uncle is; Khalid Shaikh Mohammed. Yes that KSM currently being held in Guantanamo; the "brains" behind the 9/11 attacks. Yousef is doing a life without parole gig in a Federal Prison. Radical Islamists are here to stay in this world. Don't be a dhimi, a multiculturalist, who thinks these Radicals want to assimilate with us "infidels." Their goal is an Islamic Caliphate, the elimination of the ONLY democracy in the middle east; Israel. They want a Caliphate that extends around the world. And according to their holy book, it is just fine to lie and be deceitful toward the "enemy" to achieve their goals. I'm really surprised by some of you. A mere ten years later, and you guys sound like a bunch of naive liberal college kids...."everything can be worked out, just accept these people...they have no grand plans at world domination." I have a great place for you to start if you truly give a cr@p and want to LEARN: "1000 YEARS FOR REVENGE" (International Terrorism and The FBI), BY Peter Lance, ReganBooks. Do some reading, then get back to those of us, who not only remember 9/11 like it was yesterday, but have educated ourselves about the ENEMY ever since.
  21. Let me guess; you graduated from middle school. Didn't you recently pen the book "It Only Took Me 12 Years to Graduate Middle School"?
  22. They should have brought up a few ICE transporters. I betcha they would have had a few "Transports."
  23. About as many as spoke out after the attacks on America on 9/11. Not counting the ones in Gaza who were dancing in the streets.
  24. That is so true about Seattle. I've spent weeks out there; without a hint of sunshine. It gets so bad you end up with an IV full of Starbucks, and toothpicks holding your eyelids open!
  25. There are links to other videos of the Croton Dam and the river after this video plays. Having been up there dozens of times (I used to live nearby in New Castle) I can say with certainty I never saw anything like that before; the water coming over the dam and raging down the river. These guys were a bit too cocky to think they could raft that river without a problem. Something the rescuers had to endure; I offer my respect to the members who participated in this rescue. That river was deadly looking, those civilians should have known better....oh well. Rest in Peace Doc.