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EMTBravo Network: Change Starts Here

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I've grown quite tired of myself and the moderators having to be the "referees" on this forum. I'm tired of always hearing complaints no matter what I do. I'm tired of seeing the same old topics come up over and over and over again, yet a resolution is never reached. So, we're instituting some policy and mission changes.

There are issues that need to be addressed and talked about, and although there are some that discount this forum as insignificant, I have personally seen the effect that this forum has, mostly positive. We can use this board to bring to light the issues that have long been swept under the rug, and rally for change. Although we might not like what someone else has to say, we've got to stop crying about it and have accepting and open minds. It seems that if a member doesn't like what another member has to say, then that member immediately labels it as bashing. We all have our own opinions and views, and although we might not like another members, we have to accept it. The best way to respond is in a constructive, positive manner instead of a defensive one. It seems topics on this board run in circles- the same problems keep getting discussed- yet a resolution is never reached. We can- and will- use this forum to change that.

To those who read this forum, complain about it, and never post- don't complain. You're part of the problem. Don't whine that "this person doesn't know what they're talking about" if you're not going to jump in to straighten it out. If we're going to talk about an incident, there are many people on here in the know who see incidents being discussed, yet are too selfish or egotistical to discuss the lessons they learned from it. People just want to say and hear "Good Job!", but they never want to explain WHY it was a "good job". Why is that?

From this point forward, all moderation will be limited and consistent. We'll let topics go their course, and heated discussions ensue. However, we will not tolerate any member who's intent it is to cause trouble or "stir the pot". We won't tolerate any member personally attacking another member, specifically attacking a person or department on an unfounded basis, or immature behavior. We won't tolerate profane language, harassment, or the distribution of rumors. We won't tolerate extremely poor spelling and grammar. We want members, despite their differences, to realize that we all come from diverse backgrounds and experiences, and although we may not see eye-to-eye, we can treat one another with respect.

In the next week, we'll be making several changes to the board to be able to take it in the direction of being able to bring problems to the table and into light, discuss them, and discuss a resolution. We'll also be instituting new initiatives to be able to take the discussions and use them to bring change.

I just want to ask members to give us a chance here, we're trying for a fresh start and new mission. But, if you don't have an open mind or can't be respectful of other members, then don't bother being here.

Welcome to the new EMTBravo Network. Change Starts Here


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Hi :D

I have been missing quite a bit of this stuff going on on the weekends...I dont get to a computer untill Im at work. I see all of this discussion about bashing, and paid vs. volly, and "bad language" but I dont see the actuall threads in question because they are closed or deleted...What I see, as an active member, is discussion between co-firefighters, EMS, and police officers. Yes, sometimes it gets heated, and sometimes opinions clash and discussion sometimes leads to rude or disruptive behavior...but the discussions still teach something, dont they? How many times have we sat around the station and got involved in a heated discussion with many times have we agreed to disagree and still voiced each others opinions without bad feelings? Seth, I dont know you personally, wish I did, I wish I knew a lot of you personally, but what I see going on here is a few members who just plain get out of control every once in a while. Should the rest of the membership get punished for their behavior by taking away certain privilages or deleting posts, or continually posting the same warnings to obviously deaf ears?

I LOVE this site, it is active, informative, educational, entertaining, and its WELL RUN. I think the moderators do a great job and the administration runs a great web site, but.....this is a forum. A place for people to speak their minds and discuss topics of interest or concern, and yes some people ( like me) respect the responses and learn from them. If other people cant take constructive criticism than this isnt the place for them...I feel you should just give the individuals complaining the most one warning....than if they persist, delete THEM from the site, not the content that some of us learn from. From where I see, you should be complaining to certain members...not the other way around. If there are people out there who want things done differently, or want "change change change" than let them start their own site. I visit 3-4 different sites and this by far is the best, as far as content and activity. Other sites are not as active, you make a post and it could be MONTHS before theres a reply!!!

I think everyone needs to act more mature here...get off Seths back...grow up and take your criticism as well as you give your mind to new ideas and LEARN from others. No one person here is the "Master" of all and anyone who claims to be an expert is a joke. We should all learn from each other, share our MISTAKES as well as our accomplishments so we can ALL learn from it...THATS the true measure of what we as EMS/FIRE/LAW ENFORCEMENT providers should be exemplifying....instead of the kindergarten BS that Seth has to continually deal with.

We all belong to different organizations, from different parts of the world, and yet we all come together here and talk, and learn, and share our ideas and experiences...lets not ruin that, lets keep it going and keep the BS to a minimum.

Seth, if Im wrong please let me know. I apologise, just love this site.

Stay safe and watch each others backs.


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I haven't been posting that long but here's how I feel about it. I quite frankly don't see any huge out of control issues. I see people who get excited and say the wrong thing. I see people who have opinions that I don't agree with. I see people who have opinions that I find idiotic and sometimes even offensive.

And all of that should be totally fine because I'm sure I'm going to say something sooner or later that comes off idiotic or offensive. I certain that I say things that not everyone agrees with. If anything much of the conversation on these boards seems toned-down because of two reasons: A) a lot of us live within 50 miles of each other (that whole flaming someone because you'll never meet thing doesn't apply) and B) we all share a similar interest in public safety.

I thoroughly enjoy these forums. If not posting, then just reading them. I don't see any problems that need fixing, honestly. But maybe its just me.

Edited by feraldan

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like a member said in the "No Profanity" forum, this site is privately owned. the owners wished should be respected!

by the way, i like the new slogan! i hope it works!!

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