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Snotty quotes

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It was certainly an honor to have worked for Snotty. A salty ole Chief who always had a quick one liner waiting in the wings. He has been quoted twice in a different topic so I figure we should start one for him. For all you new guys out there I will tell you that 50% of the stories are true, you just need to figure out which 50%. There have been quite a few laughs at the kitchen table from his wit so if you have one post one

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I will start it off with this one:

I was driving the DC one tour early in my career. The date was Feb 14 and being the height of the cold and flu season there happened to be a few more members on sick than usual. A hand written note was delivered to the DC that said " My K#^*n you have quite the romantic squad. ( name withheld to protect the innocent ).

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"Back in the day you could tell the number of alarms a fire was by the length of the "stringers" hangin from the truckies noses when they poke their heads out of a window ...two inch stringer was two alarms, four inch stringer was four alarms and so forth."

x129K, wraftery, Newtofire and 4 others like this

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OK. One more.

You look like one of those Chiefs we used to be afraid of.

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