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x635 and RWC130's Visit To The FDNY Shops

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Last week, RWC130 hooked me up with a visit to the FDNY Shops. The building is massive, it makes the tillers parked in there looked small. Hard to really appreciate how big it is in a photo. The construction is also pretty cool, the roof is bowed, but concrete with no columns. The foundation is designed to support the bowed concrete roof. I was given an article on the construction, and it was very modern and progressive building at the time (1940's). It was a "Z-D" system designed by the architects. And the shops are pretty clean, well kept, and well equipped compared to other repair facilities I've seen. It also it very bright, it has skylights and, when it was built, had the largest fluorescent light system in NYC.

Anyways, the shop is massive, and can fix just about anything. It is an amazing place, not just the apparatus, but the shops and mechanics and all the tools and equipment they have. It was also neat to see all the apparatus in different states of repair, and being able to compare the brand new Ferrara and Seagrave ladders to the older ones. FDNY apparatus is increasingly very progressive and has a lot of user friendly ideas and capabilities.

Here are some photos.Sorry about the quality, I'm not really good at shooting indoors, especially with the type of lights they had there and the way everything was positioned. Also, I'm more interested in the specs then the just the apparatus.







The former Ladder 10, stripped of the mural and going into the spare pool







































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great stuff Seth, I want a visit now Rob!!! thanks for sharing and the quality of the photos are very good indeed.

EmsFirePolice and x635 like this

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Looks like it was a great trip! Thanks for sharing!

x635 likes this

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Mark and Eli, thanks for the compliments.

Vinny, Photo Hunts will be coming back, just got to find someone to go with me and drive!

For the FDNY is the MDT in the back cab used for?

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Just a secondary screen that has the same info the officers mdt has. What units are responding and what due they are the address with cross streets and cids if the building has it. And what type of run your going on. Example ems class 3 phone alarm residential or commercial ems trauma (pin job or space case ).

craigs71, x635 and JetPhoto like this

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Awesome photos. It's funny that with tens of millions of dollars in new equipment kicking around they still keep that 90's Suburban in service.

x635 likes this

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Mark and Eli, thanks for the compliments.

Vinny, Photo Hunts will be coming back, just got to find someone to go with me and drive!

For the FDNY is the MDT in the back cab used for?

The screen lets us see where we're going and gives us a chance to read the CIDS. It also updates to show units arriving on scene. Recently had a spare without one......really missed it.

x635 likes this

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Thanks for sharing.

x635 likes this

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Awesome pics!... Does anyone know what the FDNY Dump truck is for? I was told it was to help with rescues involving moving items???

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Thanks everyone for the compliments, much appreciated.

What's the Crown Vic for?

Emergency Crew (Field Fleet Maintenance), running parts, and other utility type purposes (such as shuttling FDNY vehicles from different areas of the city).

What was the blank ladder?

Ladder 10, with mural removed and in the process of getting ready to go into the spare pool.

Awesome pics!... Does anyone know what the FDNY Dump truck is for? I was told it was to help with rescues involving moving items???

If you are referring to the Kenworth in the photo, it is actually a mobile tire service repair truck. Has a lift gate in the back, as well as a variety of tools. Can change or repair tires from the largest vehicles in the fleet right down to the Gators.

JetPhoto, M' Ave and AntMan like this

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Ladder 10, with mural removed and in the process of getting ready to go into the spare pool.

Here's ex Ladder 10 on my visit to the shops yesterday 05/26/13. It has been striped and lettered for BOT.

Sorry for the crappy shot as it was extremely tight with so many rigs inside.


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I could set up a tour of the FDNY Shops for EMTBravo sometime soon.

Most likely a Sunday morning. Anyone interested?

firedude, E106MKFD and gklein4 like this

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To all the FDNY members on this site- you don't know how lucky we are/were, with the FDNY shops and radio repair,etc. The field crew (on-duty FDNY mechanics who respond to qtrs for app repairs) has always been top-notch. They try to repair whatever they can, to prevent you having to get a spare and change over the rig (PAIN in the ASS, esp. for the engine co., with all the hose to change over.The radio repair guys come to qtrs to fix any problems with the mobile data terminal (MDT) or siren or app radio; the tire repair guys respond to wherever you end up with a flat, and throw on a new tire. I dare say that most career depts. on this site aren't that lucky?!

I recall many years ago, when I "vested/retired" from FDNY and got a job as a shift commander in a west coast Florida county FD. The rigs were in fairly poor condition, and anytime there was a problem with one of the pieces, we had to tow it/drive it to the county repair shop, where they repaired all county vehicles- there was no specific "fire apparatus mechanic". Needless to say, the rigs were not always repaired correctly. After 8 months there, I was lucky enough to get back on FDNY. It was quite an experience,looking back. One of the better firefighters on my shift (who grew up on LI) asked me one day-"Cap, why did you leave the "Yankees" to come play with the "Port charlotte RedHens"? I asked myself that question every day until I got back to the Big Apple. Nothing beats playing with the Big Guys!

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Let me know if you guys go back. My uncle pretty much runs the place. ;)

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Thanks for sharing...awesome photos!

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What an impressive facility. Great shots.

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I could set up a tour of the FDNY Shops for EMTBravo sometime soon.

Most likely a Sunday morning. Anyone interested?

Thats worth the ride down from Massachusetts!

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