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Vails Gate (Orange) - MVA w/Pin - 01-09-12

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Date: 01-09-12

Time: 1530hrs

Location: IFO 555 Union Ave (Town of New Windsor Municipal Building)

Frequency: Base-5

Units Operating: VGFD Car-2 (IC), E478, R480, E479, NWEMS w/numerous, NWPD w/numerous, Medevac on stand-by

Weather Conditions: Clear/Cool

Description Of Incident: 2-Car MVA w/(1) on its side

Reporters: billy98988

Writer: BFD1054

1530hrs-While en-route to a wires down call, VGFD Car-2 came accross an MVA involving 2 SUVs. 1 SUV was on its side w/(2) persons still inside, while the other SUV was resting on top of the 1st, spproximatley 6 feet off the ground.

E478 was responding to the wires down call, but was re-directed to the MVA. R480 signed on responding moments after dispatch.

E478 arrived and its crew assesed the scene and used hand tools and a windshield cutter to remove the (2) persons from the SUV that was on its side. An 1 3/4" handline was stretched as a precaution for the duration of the operation.

E479 signed on responding, but was re-directed to the wires down call.

R480 arrived on scene and put the rescue-jacks into operation to secure the suspended SUV. Once that vehicle was made safe, members assisted EMS in removing the driver to a backboard.

Once all persons were removed from the vehicles and equipment was picked up, R480 returned to quarters. E478 remained on scene until the Tow operators removed the vehicles.

Edited by BFD1054
billy98988, x129K, dashield and 1 other like this

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