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South Salem - Structure Fire - 1/3/12

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Date: 1/3/2012

Time: 1332hrs

Location: 81 Twin Lakes Road (X North lake circle)

Frequency: 46.26, Fire 13, EMS 13, Fire 16, FG4, Ops 1, 154.920 (NYSP), 151.53500 (LVAC), 154.22000 (SVFD)

Units Operating on Scene: [south Salem FD: 2451 (IC), 2453, 2455, E167, E168, T2, R21, U79], [Goldens Bridge FD: 2142, E140, T1], [Croton Falls FD: 2071, 2073, T8, U28], [Vista FD: 2561, E142, T4], [Ridgefield FD: Car 3, T12, R7], [Pound Ridge FD: 2041 (Safety), 2403 (Water Officer), E113, E112, T3], [bedford Hills FD: 2031, TL57 (FASTeam)] , [Lewisboro VAC: 67B1], [Westchester EMS: 45M3 (EMS Command)], [somers FD: U88 (Rehab)], [WCDES: Bat 13, 1405 (C&O)], NYSP, NYSEG

Units on Standby at South Salem HQ: [Katonah FD: 2212, E116], [Ridgefield FD: T12]

Units on Standby at Vista HQ: [New Canaan FD: E1]

Units on Standby at Goldens Bridge HQ: [somers FD: 2444, E180]

Weather Conditions: Cold, Clear

Description Of Incident: Working fire in Non-hydrant area, 6 L/S/O, 2 Story Front, 4 Story Rear, 100x40, Heavy fire in rear

Reporters: peterose313, BigBuff

Writer: firedude

LoHud Article

Lohud Scene Pictures by Frank Becerra Jr

Lewisboro Ledger Article

The Daily Lewisboro Article

News 12 Article and Video

1332hrs: South Salem dispatched to reported structure fire

1332hrs: TMC dispatching 2 cars to scene

1333hrs: 2451, 2453, 2455 responding

1338hrs: T2, E167, R21 responding

1338hrs: 60 Control reporting PD on scene with fire through roof

1339hrs: 2451 requesting 1st alarm

1340hrs: 2451 2452, 2455 on scene with 2 story wood frame, fire through roof

1341hrs: 1st alarm dispatched (Goldens Bridge 1 engine, 1 tanker, Croton Falls 1 tanker, Bedford Hills FAST, Bat 13)

1342hrs: 2071, 2073, E168 responding

1343hrs: Vista requested for manpower and water source

1343hrs: 2142, 2143 responding

1344hrs: Lewisboro VAC and 45M3 dispatched

1344hrs: E140 responding

1344hrs: Pound Ridge FD to standby at SSFD HQ

1345hrs: 2031 responding

1345hrs: Bat 13 on scene

1346hrs: T8 responding

1346hrs: 2451 updating 3000sq ft., 60x30, 2 story front, 4 story rear, FG 4 in use

1347hrs: U79 responding

1347hrs: E142 responding as a water source

1347hrs: Bat 13 requesting 2 additional tankers to scene

1348hrs: Pound Ridge tanker, Vista tanker dispatched

1348hrs: TL57 responding

1349hrs: Bat 13 requesting C and O to scene

1349hrs: T3 responding shortly

1349hrs: C and O zone 5 dispatched

1351hrs: 45M3 on scene

1352hrs: Bat 13 reports Ops 1 for tanker ops, 2141 to be water officer

1352hrs: 2141 on scene, unable to be water director, driving tanker

1352hrs: 2403 responding

1352hrs: T3, T4 responding

1352hrs: U79 on scene

1353hrs: Bat 13 reports heavy fire on 2nd floor, Ridgefield tanker responding

1354hrs: Bat 14 dispatched

1354hrs: 2142 on scene, to become water officer

1354hrs: 2033 on scene

1355hrs: NYSG requested by IC

1355hrs: Bat 13 reporting 2 L/S/O, heave fire per IC

1356hrs: E113 relocating to SSFD HQ

1357hrs: Bat 13 going outside operations

1357hrs: Bat 13 updated with 6 tankers (T1, T2, T3, T4, T8, Ridgefield T12), E142 to be source engine

1358hrs: 2043 requesting location of TL57, reporting them to back it up, will be going to work

1359hrs: Bat 13 requesting E142 to go directly to scene, making interior attack

1400hrs: 2031 on scene

1400hrs: 60 advises bat 13 they are 1 tanker short of 2nd alarm, Bat 13 reports finding a water source

1401hrs: E140 on scene

1401hrs: NYSEG with 25min ETA

1402hrs: Bat 13 requesting Lewisboro for rehab, Ridgefield rescue with additional manpower responding

1404hrs: E142, T1 on scene

1405hrs: T4 on scene

1405hrs: New Canaan 1 engine to standby at Vista

1405hrs: All available manpower report to command post per Bat 13

1405hrs: E113 out at SSFD HQ

1405hrs: 2403 on scene, to become water officer, scene low on water

1407hrs: 1454 responding to Lewisboro

1408hrs: TL57 on scene

1408hrs: 67B1 on scene

1410hrs: T2 needs more pressure per 2403

1412hrs: Bat 13 requesting E113 to respond to scene and take dry hydrant just before North Lake

1413hrs: Katonah dispatched to relocate 1 engine to SSFD HQ

1414hrs: 1405 responding

1415hrs: 2403 reporting 4 tankers in line, trying to make positive water source at Lake

1415hrs: Bat 13 reporting exterior operations

1418hrs: 2212 responding to own HQ to assemble crew

1418hrs: T2 reporting 1st in line, no pressure, no water,

1421hrs: E113 establishing water source

1421hrs: E116, 2212 relocating

1424hrs: E113 requesting 4.5 to 6in adapter, double female

1425hrs: New Canaan E1 out at Vista

1428hrs: EMS command requesting Somers Rehab van to scene, to contact 45M3 when they arrive

1430hrs: Somers dispatching members to call in for rehab to respond

1432hrs: E113 still looking for adapter for dry hydrant, 2403 will run one down

1432hrs: 2212, E116 out at SSFD HQ

1435hrs: 1405 on scene

1436hrs: Somers redispatching for 1 EMT and 1 Driver to call in

1437hrs: Bat 13 reporting heavy fire in rear

1440hrs: Somers redispatching for 1 EMT to call in

1442hrs: 60min duration on scene per 60 Control

1445hrs: NYSEG on scene

1451hrs: E142 found a water source, to pump into T2

1452hrs: U88 responding

1454hrs: T4 reporting PD cars need to move, in way of tanker ops, bat 13 sending PD to move them

1458hrs: 2403 reporting still having issues with water pressure, Lot of Air, lots of leaks, negative pleasure, lots of cars, PD will two cars

1501hrs: U88 reporting 6-7min ETA

1503hrs: Bat 13 updating - All accounted for, 6 L/S/O

1506hrs: T2 reporting to 2403, 2.5, 1.75 lines not doing it, need to look for another source

1508hrs: U88 on scene

1512hrs: Bat 13 reporting extended operations, 2403 reporting doesn’t have enough pressure, need to lay

1512hrs: 2403 requesting E112 to scene, to lay from E113

1513hrs: E112 dispatched to scene

1516hrs: Croton Falls, 2nd call with 45M1 and North Salem VAC

1516hrs: LVAC 2nd call with 45M2 for an unresponsive male, CPR in progress

1517hrs: Bat 13 reporting 100x40, 3 story wood frame, heavy fire

1524hrs: Bat 13 requesting mutual aid to fill Goldens Bridge HQ, 2141 reporting they have manpower on standby

1527hrs: E112 4min out, to meet up with E113 at dry hydrant per 2403

1531hrs: Bat 13 reporting 2401 is safety officer

1536hrs: E112 dropping 5in, going up Lakes St

1540hrs: R28 returning from EMS call, 2071 requesting them to respond to scene for manpower

1540hrs: R28 reports only 3 on board will return to HQ and standby

1544hrs: 2403 requesting E112 to continue to lay, over 1.5 miles

1544hrs: 60 control updating Bat 13, 2 hours on scene

1556hrs: E113 reporting to 2403, hooked up to dry hydrant, ready to flow

1558hrs: Bat 13 sending everyone to rehab while they reposition equipment

1600hrs: Bat 13 reports all fire operations shutdown, waiting for TL57 to set up with a water source

1608hrs: E142 hooked up, ready to receive water, to feed to TL57

1610hrs: T1, T2 blocked in by E142’s supply line, told not to cross by 2403

1612hrs: E112 confirms they are ready to receive water from E113

1613hrs: E113 sending water

1620hrs: TL57 in operation

1626hrs: 40A9 working as 45M4 responding to a call on the Saw Mill, no medics available

1630hrs: E112 needs more water

1631hrs: T2 needs more pressure

1634hrs: Master Stream in Operation with TL57, E113 is maxed out with pressure

1634hrs: Bat 13 releasing Ridgefield T12, going to standby in SSFD HQ with Katonah

1639hrs: E140 relocating to Twin Lakes and North St

1643hrs: E113 shutting down so E140 can tie in

1643hrs: On scene 3 hours per 60 Control

1646hrs: E113 charging line, E140 all set

1650hrs: E113 giving everything they got, E112 still doesn’t have the pressure

1654hrs: 2142 reports they need another truck at the source to work

1655hrs: Bat 13 reports good water with TL in operations, don’t need another engine

1657hrs: 2141 requests 1 engine be put on standby in GBFD HQ

1658hrs: Somers dispatches for a full crew to call in for E180 to relocate

1700hrs: Somers call in covered, full crew

1710hrs: 2444, E180 relocating

1713hrs: Time on scene 3 hours, 30 minutes per 60 Control

1717hrs: 2444, E180 out at GBFD HQ

1735hrs: Bat 13 requesting a LVAC member to come to Command Post

1743hrs: E113 has hose ring colapse (?), need to stop pumping, has monpower

1745hrs: Shuting everything down to fix line per 2403

1747hrs: Hose shut, fixing problem

1805hrs: 2071 requesting U28 to the scene with hose roller

1805hrs: U28 responding

1815hrs: Bat 13 Requesting dispatch time, 1332hrs, still operating, TL and multiple hand lines still in use

1849hrs: T1 & T4 Back in service, put on standby in own HQ

1919hrs: Bat 13 reports fire is under control, begining to overhaul

1926hrs: 2444, E180 back in service, released from standby at GBFD HQ

1926hrs: Ridgefield T12 back in service

2010hrs: Rigs running low on fuel, E140 has 5/8 of a tank, and E113 has 1/4

2020hrs: 1405 and Cause and Orgin Team Clear of scene

2038hrs: E140 to unhook 5 inch and come up the hill to wire

2044hrs: Bat 13 reports 2 lines operating hitting hot spots, all other units in the process of picking up mile 5 inch

2045hrs: Engine 113 reports they are out of anti-freeze, may not be able to pump for much longer

2057hrs: E112 to go back to HQ, E113 will take the hoses

2058hrs: U88 back in service, returning to Somers

2114hrs: U28 Back in service

2116hrs: E142 back in serivce

2141hrs: 2031 reporting all BHFD units are clear, back in service. TL57 is broken down, waiting for a tow truck.

2141hrs: Croton Fall back in Service

2143hrs: T3 in service

2151hrs: Bat 13, Goldens Bridge FD back in service

2152hrs: Bat 13 reporting Lewisboro DPW Sander needed

2153hrs: Ridgefield R7 still on scene

2200hrs: 67B1, 45M3 back in service

2210hrs: 2142, 2144 back in service

2215hrs: Command Terminated, All untis back in serivce!

2315hrs: 2453, Engine 168, 169 responding back to scene for a rekindle

2321hrs: 2453 on scene with a rekindle

Please Discuss this incident here.

Edited by firedude
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