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Mohegan - Working Fire 10-30-2011

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Date: 10-30-2011

Time: 21:02

Location: 85 Dimond Road (Town of Cortlandt)

Frequency: 46.26; Fire 17

Units Operating: [Mohegan FD: 2262 (IC), Engine 257, Engine 258, Ladder 10]; [Peekskill: 2342, Rescue 134 (FAST)]; [buchanan: Utility 12 (Cascade)]; [Mohegan VAC: 69B2]; [WCDES: Battalion 17]; [Croton FD: Tower Ladder 44]

Units Relocated: [Montrose FD: 2273, Engine 121]; [somers FD: 2444, Tower Ladder 18]

Weather Conditions: Cold, clear

Description Of Incident: While operating at the working fire 1396 Arch Drive when they received a call for an unknown type fire at the above address. Units arrived on scene to find heavy fire on the #3 floor of a 3-story (40x40) wood frame P/D. Exterior operations initiates on arrival with multiple hand-lines and master streams in operation. Interior attack was initiated once the main body of fire was knocked down.

Reporters: firedude; peterose313; FF398; newsbuff

Writer: PFDRes47cue

**2nd Fire of the evening for Mohegan. I/A for 1st fire can be found here**

21:02 - Mohegan dispatched for an unknown type fire at the above location. 2263, Engine 257, Engine 258, Ladder 10 responding.

21:07 - Montrose FD 1 Engine and Yorktown FD 1 Ladder to Mohegan Station 1. 2262 is clear from the working fire at 1396 Arch Drive and is responding to the the first at 85 Dimond Road

21:08 - Crew for ladder assembling responding momentarily.

21:10 - Montrose 2273, E121 relocating.

21:11 - Battalion 17 toned out for response.

21:13 - 2273, Engine 121 out at Lake Mohegan Station 1.

21:18 - Yorktown FD unable to answer call for ladder, investigating smoke condition called in by passerby in own district.

21:18 - Mohegan re-dispatch, Peekskill FAST, Buchanan Cascade, Mohegan EMS, Battalion 17 for the confirmed working fire.

21:20 - Croton toned out for ladder to respond to Montrose HQ.

21:21 - Car 2342 and Battalion 17 responding.

21:28 - Peekskill FD toned out for their ladder to respond to the scene.

21:29 - 2342 reports Peekskill FD can only fill either FAST request, declining the Tower request.

21:31 - Somers FD Tower Ladder 18 requested to relocate to Lake Mohegan Station 1.

21:33 - Croton FD Tower Ladder 44 to redirect to the scene.

21:38 - Battalion 17 reporting 3-story wood frame, approximately 40x40, heavy fire on the #3 floor, using all hands, master streams in operation. Car 2262 is IC.

21:39 - Buchanan Utility 12 is on scene.

21:40 - Battalion 17 requesting Con Ed electric to the scene as per the IC.

21:48 - Tower Ladder 44 is on scene. Battalion 17 directed them to set up at the rear of Engine 258.

21:50 - Additional call in district - Somers FD Tower Ladder 18 redirected to 2820 Lexington Ave for a commercial alarm.

21:56 - Battalion 17 reporting multiple lines in operation, 2 master streams being used, exterior operations only, heavy fire showing.

22:05 - Con Ed has a 20 minute ETA.

22:26 - Battalion 17 requesting C&O to the scene as per IC. Also reporting still fighting pockets of fire, master streams have been terminated, making an interior push with hand-lines to reach pockets of fire.

22:31 - Mohegan units clear from the fire on Arch responding to the fire on Dimond.

23:02 - Additional call in district - Mohegan FD Engine 252, Engine 253, Montrose FD Engine 121, and Somers FD Tower Ladder 18 dispatched to commercial alarm at Wild Fusion.

23:21 - Con Ed on scene as per Battalion 17.

(Updating, PM if you have anything)

Edited by PFDRes47cue
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