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Lake Mohegan - Working Fire - 10/30/11

1 post in this topic

Date: 10/30/2011


Location: 1396 Arch Dr (Cross: Ivy Rd & Spruce St)

Frequency: 46.26, Fire 17, EMS 17, Fire 10, FG 1

Units Operating: [Lake Mohegan FD: 2261, 2262, 2263 (IC), E252, E253, L35, R32], [Yorktown FD: 2532, R16 (FASTeam)], [Mahopac Falls FD: 19-6-1 (Cascade)], [Mohegan VAC: 69B3], [WCDES: Bat 17, 1456 (C&O Z5)], Yorktown PD, Con Ed

Units on Standby in LMFD HQ: [Montrose FD: 2273, E121], [somers FD: 2444, TL18]

Weather Conditions: Fair, Cold

Description Of Incident: Wokring fire with flames on arrival

Reporters: PFDRes47cue

Writer: firedude

1927hrs: Original Dispatch for a possible structure fire

1933hrs: Fire Confirmed, 10-75 Assignment requested

1934hrs: Yorktown FASTeam, Mahopac Falls Rescue, EMS and Bat 17 Dispatched

1935hrs: 2532, R16 (FASTeam), Bat 17 responding

1944hrs: R16 on scene

1945hrs: C&O zone 4 dispatched

2001hrs: C&O zone 5 dispatched

2007hrs: Bat 17 reports 2 story wood frame, aprox 40x25, 2 HandLines in operations, 2263 is IC, visable fire knocked down, checking for extension

2027hrs: Yorktown FD units back in service

2039hrs: Units picking up, waiting for Con Ed and Cause and Orgin - per Bat 17

2039hrs: Bat 17 in service

2045hrs: County Car 1456 on scene

2102hrs: 2nd Call in District - E257, E258, L10 dispatched to an unknown type fire at 85 Dimond Ave

2107hrs: 2263 requesting 1&1 be put on standby at LMFD HQ (975 E Main St)

2107hrs: 2262 clear of Arch Dr, responding to Dimond Ave

2108hrs: Montrose Engine and Yorktown ladder dispatched to relocate to LMFD HQ

2109hrs: L51 crew assembling

2110hrs: 2273, E121 relocating

2113hrs: 2273, E121 out at LMFD HQ

2119hrs: 85 Dimond Ave - confirmed structure fire - IA

2119hrs: Yorktown cheif declining standby

2120hrs: Croton tower ladder dispatched to relocate

2125hrs: 2083, TL44 relocating

2130hrs: Croton TL44 to 2nd fire scene, Somers TL18 to relocate

2132hrs: Somers dispatching for 1 Driver and 1 Interior FF to call in for a Mutual Aid request

2140hrs: 2444, TL18 relocating

2150hrs: 2273, 2444, E121, TL18 responding to 2820 Lexington Ave for a commercial alarm.

2231hrs: All Mohegan units clear from scene, responding to the fire on Dimond

**Please note that this is the first of two fires in Mohegan. The Second fire's IA can be found here.

**PM me if you have anything!

Edited by firedude
x129K, FF398, sfrd18 and 1 other like this

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