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Pleasantville - Working Fire - 10/17/2011

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Date: 10/17/2011

Time: 1954hrs

Location: 89 Deerfield Lane (Between Munson Rd & Bear Ridge Rd)

Frequency: 46.26, Fire 11, EMS 11, Fire 16, FG 5, 155.880 (Mt. Pleasant EMS)

Units Operating: [Pleasantville FD: 2371, 2372, 2373, E91, E260, E259, TL5, R47, T57], [Thornwood FD: 2471, 2472, E89, TL1], [Pleasantville VAC: 76B3, 76-06], [WCDES: Bat 11],

Units on Standby at Pleasantville FD HQ: [Chappaqua FD: 2062, E146], [Pleasantville FD: E259, T57]

Units on Standby at Hawthorne FD HQ: [Hawthorne FD: E155, L56]

Weather Conditions: Partly Cloudy, Cool

Description Of Incident: Eletrical fire with extension, heavy smoke condition. Fire originated from a light fixture in the ceiling of the living room.

Reporters: firedude, peterose313, PFDRes47cue, grumpyff

Writer: firedude

1942hrs: Original dispatch to Pleasentvile for a reported eletrical fire

1950hrs: 2371 confirming eletrical fire, heavy smoke condtion, attempting to locate source

1955hrs: E91 to lay 5in from hydrant at end of driveway per 2371

1957hrs: negative 10-75 assignment, per 60 Control

1958hrs: TL5 & E260 responding from Drill in Millwood

2000hrs: Chappaqua requested for 1 engine to standby at PFD HQ

2010hrs: Hawthorne toned out to Standby in own HQ for Thornwood

2022hrs: Bat 11 reports 2.5 wood frame, eletrical fire in living room, all units opperating, checking for extension

2031hrs: 2371 requesting PVAC to scene

2045hrs: 2371 has released E259 & T57 from scene, to standby at own HQ

2120hrs: Chappaqua released from standby, E260 back in service, T57 crew released

2128hrs: TL1 back in serice, all remaining units are picking up

2130hrs: 76B3 transporting 1 Firefighter for heat exhaustion

2145hrs: All FD/EMS units clear of scene, all standby units released.


**If you have anything to add, PM me!

Edited by firedude
TR54, sfrd18, PFDRes47cue and 1 other like this

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