New Haven, CT - Rope Rescue

By IzzyEng4 in Incident Alert ,
Date: October 6, 2011 Time: 15:41 Location: East Rock Park, New Haven, CT Frequency: Ch-1 859.5625, CH-2 (Ops) 854.4875. MED 6 453.1250 Units Operating: Squads 1 & 2, Truck 3, Engines 8, 10, 4 (engines not confirmed, normal running to the park) Emergency 1 (NHFD paramedic unit), Car 31 (Chief), Car 39 (Assistant chief of operations), Car 36 (Training officer), Car 32 (Shift deputy), car 33 & 34 (battalions), AMR with three ambulances and supervisor. Weather Conditions: Clear, cool Description Of Incident: Climber on side of East Rock Park stuck on loose rock-face. Called 911 reporting she was stuck. One firefighter with an ankle injury. Rescue in process, trying lowering from top of park also trying to effect rescue from below. Reporter & Writer: IzzyEng4 New Haven FD Live feed: Picture of East Rock Park: 16:33 - Trying to secure climber, reporting climber is getting very fatigued. Climber is in crevasse making rescue more difficult. 16:38 - Car 31 (chief) requesting Emergency 2 to the scene. 16:40 - Rescue FF stating climber is okay now, going to re-group. Climber has secured footing. Working on secondary operation to get injured firefighter off the side of the "mountain". 16:43 - Emergency 2 to report at the intersection of East Rock Road and English Street (area below the rescue). 14:46 - Injured firefighter to go to St. Rays after removal, trauma alert. Victim in pick-off strap, getting ready for removal. 14:47 - Victim and rescue firefighter being lowered. 16:51 - Victim on the ground. (All times of updates are delayed from actual time frame due to online audio feed) News Story on
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